Tuesday, May 06, 2014 2 Comments

Maybe you don't realize that you often do multitasking in your daily life. When I do my housework, I do multitasking such as washing while cooking food. When I work at office, I also do multitasking to finish my jobs because of deadline jobs. I thought multitasking was amazing and great activity and people rare doing it. People who are doing multitasking are able to finish many jobs properly and no wasting time. The multitasking only able to be done by people who are already experts with. Do you know that multitasking can give negative impact for us if we are not able to do. Let's we are going to discuss about the multitasking and you can share your experience here about multitasking. 
We should know that "What is the multitasking"? And, when do we usual do it?
Multitasking is doing many jobs in same time. For example, we type paper while we are listening to the music and calling our friend in same time. It means we do three jobs at that time.
Last time, when I worked specially in human resources department, I often do multitasking because of the urgent jobs and I had deadline with short time to finish it. For example, while I was making report about employee incentive and the phone was ringing. And, for me picking up the phone is an obligation to provide services to other, their calling means they need something urgent. And, spontaneous I picked up it and without break my activity in making the report because I don't waste my time. And, not much later, suddenly other an employee came to ask about his health claims benefit, and this was my duty to respond him as well. I asked him to wait in a bit. After completion of phone call, directly I found a report about health claim benefit and give correct report about his claims. Of course it was disturbing my work before that it didn't finish yet. And worse, suddenly other employee came again to ask signature. All that work should I did in same time, and I should finish it correctly, although I enjoy about it, but sometime make me confuse and stress. From that short story at that time, I did multitasking about :
  • Making a report
  • Pick up phone
  • Ask employee to wait in a bit
  • Check health claim benefit report and give correct information, and
  • Sign a form

All of that jobs did in same time. If we are not able to do it, may all our jobs will not finish properly and even all of them to fail. The multitasking needs skill, speed, accuracy and routine to do. For actually, it is an advantage for company, may for some reason are no wasting time and no wasting cost recruit employee. If an employee is able to do multitasking, company doesn't need to recruit more employees and more job can be finished in short time without waiting other team member. And, the other multitasking also is a tool for self development and to improve the quality of work.
The other side, do you know this is negative impact especially for people that is not expert with, or for people are tired and boring with job. The multitasking can make our work to fail. We don't arrange priority and urgency about it. We assume all jobs are important and urgent, then we will do in same time, and may it make confuse and break our idea and we cannot finish it all.
In our daily life, more idea come and out of our mind, so it makes we confuse, wishy washy and change our mind in a short time. Do you realize or have you had idea when you do one job, at that time the ideas are not related with our job, moreover when we do more than one jobs, we will not focus to finish it. The other negative impact is stress. It can cause stress because we cannot finish properly all jobs  in same time, and of course it is a presure for us to think how to finish its.
Three type of multitasking use parts of the brain, there are
  • The first job and the second job use the same parts of the brain. This usualy cannot do properly in same time. For example reading a book while hearing music with lyric.
  • The first job and the second job use the different parts of the brain. This usually can do properly in same tim. For example reading a book while hearing instrument music.
  • Each job are not disturb each other. For example reading a book while chewing gum.

So if we are able to multitasking, let it run because it is positive to self-development and improve our quality of work but if we are not able, please leave it, we should arrange priority and urgensitas our job. Identify which one is high priority and urgent, then we do it first.
In our daily life, more idea come and out of our mind, so it makes us confuse, wishy washy and change our mind in a short time. Do you realize or have you had ideas when you do one job, at that time the ideas are not related with our job, moreover when we do more than one job, we will not focus to finish it. The other negative impact is stress. It can cause stress because we cannot finish properly all jobs in same time, and of course it is a pressure for us to think how to finish its.
Three types of multitasking use parts of the brain, there are
The first job and the second job use the same parts of the brain. This usually cannot do properly in same time. For example, reading a book while hearing music with lyric. The first job and the second job use the different parts of the brain. This usually can do properly in same time. For example, reading a book while hearing instrument music. Each job are not disturb each other. For example, reading a book while chewing gum.
So if we are able to multitasking, let it run because it is positive to self-development and improve our quality of job, but if we are not able, please leave it, we should arrange priority and urgency our job. Identify which one is high priority and urgent, then we do it first.


Tuesday, May 06, 2014 Add Comment

Multitasking, mungkin secara tidak sadar kita sering melakukan multitasking dalam berbagai hal. Saat saya bekerja di kantor pun sangat sering melakukan multitasking karena deadline akan pekerjaan yang harus dipenuhi. Dahulu saya anggap multitasking itu adalah sesuatu yang hebat dan jarang orang yang bisa melakukannya. Karena kita beranggapan dengan multitasking kita mampu menyelesaikan banyak pekerjaan dengan waktu yang singkat dan hal ini berlaku bagi orang yang mahir akan multitasking. Namun tahukah anda bahwa multitasking memberikan efek negatif bagi diri kita sendiri jika kita tidak mampu melakukannya.
Apakah multitasking itu?
Multitasking adalah melakukan lebih dari satu pekerjaan dalam waktu bersamaan. Misalnya kita mengetik naskah sambil mendengarkan musik dan juga sambil menelpon teman dalam waktu yang bersamaan. Berarti Kita melakukan tiga pekerjaan sekaligus.
Saat saya terjun ke dunia kerja beberapa tahun lalu di suatu perusahaan, saya sangat sering melakukan multitasking karena desakan pekerjaan yang banyak dan dibutuhkan waktu yang secepat mungkin untuk menyelesaikannya. Saat membuat laporan mengenai insentive karyawan, telepon pun berbunyi.  Mengangkat telpon adalah kewajiban dalam melayani orang lain, orang menelpon karena ada sesuatu hal mendesak yang dibutuhkan dari kita, saya angkat telpon dan menghentikan sejenak mengetik laporan, namun tanpa berhenti memperhatikan laporan tersebut. Tak lama kemudian datang karyawan dari departemen lain menanyakan klaim kesehatannya, hal ini juga kewajiban saya untuk melayani karyawan tersebut dengan baik, sambil menerima telpon , saya sampaikan maaf kepada karyawan dengan memberikan kode untuk mohon tunggu sebentar. Setelah selesai menerima telepon, kewajiban berikutnya adalah melayani karyawan dengan memberikan laporan yang benar mengenai klaim kesehatannya sambil membuka report klaim kesehatan. Dan hal ini tentu mengganggu data laporan karyawan yang sebelumnya dikerjakan. Tiba-tiba datang karyawan lainnya yang minta tanda tangan dalam waktu yang bersamaan. Dalam hal ini terlihat bergitu banyaknya pekerjaan yang dikerjakan dalam waktu yang bersamaan, yaitu :
  • Membuat laporan.
  • Menerima telepon.
  • Memberi kode untuk "Mohon Tunggu Sebentar" kepada karyawan.
  • Membuka laporan klaim kesehatan dan memberikan informasi yang benar.
  • Menandatangani form yang dibutuhkan karyawan.
Kalau kita tidak sanggup untuk melakukan hal tersebut, mungkin pekerjaan yang kita kerjakan akan gagal semua. Tentu hal ini dibutuhkan keahlian, kecepatan, ketepatan dan kebiasaan dalam melakukan multitasking.  Bagi perusahaan sangat beruntung memiliki karyawan yang mampu multitasking, karena tidak perlu merekruit banyak karyawan dan pekerjaan pun bisa dengan cepat terselesaikannya tanpa ada cekcok dengan karyawan lainnya. Multitasking bagi karyawan juga dapat sebagai sarana pengembangan diri dan untuk meningkatkan kualitas kerja.
Namun tahukah Anda hal ini juga berdampak negatif orang yang tidak mampu multitasking, ataupun bagi yang sudah lelah dan jenuh.
Multitasking dapat juga memberikan efek gagalnya semua pekerjaan yang kita kerjakan dalam waktu bersamaan, karena kita tidak menuliskan prioritas secara jelas dalam melakukan pekerjaan. Kita menganggap semua pekerjaan itu adalah penting, sehingga kita melakukannya dalam bersamaan, dan juga mungkin akan membingungkan dan mengacaukan ide-ide yang muncul berakibat pekerjaan yang akan kita akan kerjakan nihil.
Dalam keseharian banyak ide dan pikiran kita yang keluar masuk otak, jadi wajar kita menjadi plin-plan dan sering berubah pikiran. Saat kita melakukan satu pekerjaan pun mampu menimbulkan berbagai macam ide yang bahkan tidak berkaitan dengan pekerjaan yang kita lakukan, apalagi banyak pekerjaan yang kita lakukan. Efek negatif lainnya adalah dapat menimbulkan stress karena tidak mampu dengan keinginan menyelesaikan pekerjaan sebanyak mungkin dalam waktu bersamaan dan sesingkat mungkin, hal ini tentu menjadi tekanan bagaimana cara menyelesaikan pekerjaan tersebut sehingga mudah timbulnya stress dalam pekerjaan.
Ada beberapa pembagian dari multitasking, yaitu :
  • Multitasking dimana bagian otak yang menggunakan pekerjaan pertama sama dengan bagian otak untuk melakukan pekerjaan kedua. Seperti membaca buku sambil mendengarkan musik berlirik yang dapat mengganggu fokus kerja kita.
  • Multitasking dimana bagian otak yang menggunakan pekerjaan pertama berbeda dengan bagian otak untuk melakukan pekerjaan kedua. Seperti membaca buku sambil mendengarkan musik instrumental.
  • Multitasking dimana salah satunya tidak mengganggu pekerjaan yang lainnya. Seperti membaca buku sambil makan permen.
Jadi jika kita sanggup multitasking, silahkan lanjutkan karena multitasking juga suatu hal positif dalam pengembangan diri dan  peningkatan kinerja. Namun, jika kita tidak sanggup multitasking sebaiknya kita tinggalkan, kita gunakan prinsip prioritas dan urgenitas, identifikasi pekerjaan mana yang paling tinggi prioritasnya dan paling tinggi urgenitasnya, maka pekerjaan itulah yang menjadi utama untuk dikerjakan. 



Saturday, May 03, 2014 Add Comment

This article is continuing last article about “ The Book”. Every May, 2nd, we celebrate The National Days for Education in Indonesia. As we know that education is so important to be an intelligent's person because it gives capability to do everything and to pursuit our goal. With good education in the country can raise degree and dignity of the nation in front of the world. In education, book is so important and it cannot be separated in human life whose love book, and they suggest that book is look like second spouse after wife or husband.

General Library
One of place that available free several of reading books for public is library. The library is a place and an organized collection of sources of information and knowledge, made accessible to a defined community for reference or borrowing. Its collection can include books, magazines, newspapers, and even ebook or movie. For me, the library is a place that provides the freedom and convenience for visitors to read the collection of books and visitors must obey the rules there.

As we know that we prefer watching television rather than reading a book. More people come to the cinema rather than library because less interest in reading a book. Maybe you agree with me that library is very boring and haunted place for those people who don't like books. It condition is quite, monotonous and identical with seriousness. There are surrounded by books and its located usually is in a corner side, and away from crowds. Yea, that is the fact, generally library that we have encountered in here to get quite and full concentration for reading collection books.

Library Cafe Room
Generally, library in Indonesia are easy to find at school and also more publics library that is provided by our government. And, surely you will imagine how boring inside there. The building has high and big room and full with books collection even dusty everywhere because rare people touch its. But never ignore and underestimate it because it is full knowledge and full good information. If there are no library, we will difficult to find book that is not in market area. If there doesn't have library maybe we will not understand how important the books and reading culture.

Times have changed and every human being to develop more creative ideas to make things easy, attractiveness and fun. They will give little creative and brilliant ideas. Also, they are able to give special attraction from something that people always away from. They try to create new innovation things with creative and smart ideas, so it gives valuable and useful result for us. One of the creative ideas about this topic is library with cafe concept. It combines between library concepts and cafe in same place. It provides books and cafe and It can be used as a place to hang out, discussion and if we alone can fill our time with reading books, and we can borrow it after we pay some money to be a member.

Library Cafe
The condition of library cafe is full artistic design room and so attractive, even it can change our mood be calm and enjoy like a cafe room. This condition makes us more comfortable and stay for a long time hang out here with friends while discussing good topic and reading books. We are free to use facility there such as wifi and we can browsing internet based the rules. With this concept hope can change perspective about library as seriousness and boring place become interesting place. It can be alternative to create interest in reading. Besides that, cafe concept can be used as profit oriented business that sells food and beverages and also books.

Last time my favorite library cafe was Zoe Library Cafe at Margonda Street in Depok. Its place was strategy between my last campus, University of Indonesia and  other campus, University of Gunadharma. Its place is also near from Margonda Apartment and also students center, so this cafe gives more benefit for public and their business. In other side, I always visited library cafe near from Zoe, its collection was the owner of private book collection such as children's book, adult books, vcd/dvd, domestic books and also foreign books. The owner is a book's lover and has many book collections since kid.

Zoe Library Cafe
Zoe Library Cafe
Perhaps we can open library cafe at our place with artistic design room that can attract visitors to visit library cafe. Besides we provide complete books collection we have to give excellent service to them. We also provide free wifi connection and allow visitor to borrow book after they become a member and pay specific money. Specially if we live near from campus, this business will get high benefit and give goodness for public. And, we can add more creative and smart idea for this library cafe.

Let's we always try to make creative idea that can give goodness and benefit for us and other.


Friday, May 02, 2014 Add Comment

Melanjutkan cerita buku di article sebelumnya. Topik berikut ini mungkin sudah tidak asing lagi, namun saya tiba-tiba ingin menshare kembali mengenai sebuah bisnis yang behubungan dengan bidang pendidikan. 

Hari ini adalah hari pendidikan nasional di Indonesia yang diperingati setiap tanggal 2 Mei. Sebagaimana yang kita ketahui pendidikan sangat penting bagi setiap manusia yang berakal karena dengan pendidikan kita mampu untuk melakukan hal-hal dan meraih apa yang kita impikan. Dengan pendidikan yang baik dalam suatu negara dapat mengangkat derajat dan martabat bangsa di mata dunia. Dalam dunia pendidikan, buku adalah hal yang sangat penting. Buku tidak dapat dipisahkan dalam diri manusia pecinta buku, buku bagaikan istri kedua atau suami kedua bagi pecinta buku.

Salah satu tempat yang dapat menyediakan berbagai macam buku untuk umum dan dapat memberikan fasilitas secara gratis adalah perpustakaan. Perpustakaan adalah sebuah koleksi besar yang dibiayai dan dioperasikan oleh sebuah kota atau institusi, dan dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat yang rata-rata tidak mampu membeli sekian banyak buku atas biaya sendiri (dari Menurut saya perpustakaan adalah sebuah tempat yang memberikan kebebasan dan kenyamanan untuk pengunjung membaca buku-buku yang dikoleksi di tempat tersebut serta pengunjung harus mematuhi aturan yang berlaku di tempat itu.
Perpustakaan biasa yang dikelilingi buku-buku
Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa kita lebih menyukai menonton TV daripada membaca buku. Orang-orang akan lebih banyak berkunjung ke bioskop daripada ke perpustakaan karena rendahnya minat baca kita. Mungkin anda sependapat dengan saya bahwa perpustakaan sangat membosankan, perpustakaan tempat yang angker bagi yang tidak menyukai buku. Suasananya yang hening dan monoton serta identik dengan keseriusan. Lokasi yang dikelilingi oleh buku-buku dan lokasi pun biasanya berada dipojok atau jauh dari keramaian. Ya memang begitulah pada umumnya perpustakaan yang kita temui di Indonesia, hal ini juga dipengaruhi oleh kebutuhan pengunjung akan suasana yang tenang dan konsentrasi untuk membaca koleksi buku di sana.

Pada umumnya perpustakaan di Indonesia paling banyak ditemukan di sekolah dan perpustakaan umum dari pemerintah. Pasti Anda sudah kebayang bagaimana suasana membosankan didalamnya. Ruangan yang tinggi dan besar, dipenuhi buku-buku yang mungkin sudah berdebu karena jarangnya kita mengunjungi tempat ini. Tapi jangan pernah remehkan tempat yang kaya akan ilmu dan informasi ini. Jika tidak ada perpustakaan maka kita akan sulit menemukan buku-buku yang mungkin sudah tidak ada di pasaran. Tidak ada perpustakaan mungkin kita tidak akan mengerti betapa pentingnya buku dan budaya membaca.

Zaman sudah berubah dan setiap manusia semakin kreatif untuk mengembangkan ide-ide agar segala sesuatu menjadi mudah dan menyenangkan. Memberikan sedikit ide yang kreatif dan cerdas mampu memberikan ketertarikan tersendiri terhadap suatu hal yang mungkin orang menjauhinya. Mereka berusaha menciptakan suatu inovasi baru dengan ide-ide kreatif dan cerdas agar sesuatu yang menurut orang tidak menarik menjadi sesuatu hal yang menarik dan bahkan memberikan manfaat yang sangat luar biasa baiknya. Salah satunya ide inovatif yang pernah dikembangkan pada tahun 2000 an adalah perpustakaan yang menggunakan konsep kafe, yaitu dengan cara memadukan konsep tempat makan/minum layaknya kafe dengan konsep perpustakaan yang menyediakan berbagai macam buku bacaan. Perpustakaan dengan konsep kafe ini dapat dijadikan sebagai tempat nongkrong dan jika sendirian kita juga dapat mengisi waktu kita dengan buku-buku yang dapat di baca di tempat ataupun dibawa pulang setelah menjadi member di kafe tersebut.
Suasana kafe perpustakaan dengan design ruangan yang artistik dan sangat menarik dan bahkan mampu mengubah suasana mood menjadi lebih tenang dan nyaman layaknya sebuah kafe. Suasana yang seperti ini membuat kita merasa betah berlama-lama nongkrong sambil berdiskusi dan membaca koleksi buku-buku yang disediakan. Kita juga diberikan kebebasan menggunakan fasilitas wifi sehingga kita bisa browsing dengan bebas dan sesuai aturan.

Dengan konsep ini diharapkan dapat mengubah pandangan orang terhadap perpustakaan sebagai tempat yang serius dan membosankan. Perpustakaan dengan konsep kafe dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif untuk meningkatkan minat baca masyarakat. Selain itu, konsep kafe dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bisnis yang profit oriented karena suasana kafe yang menjual produk makanan dan minuman serta buku-buku bagi yang ingin mengoleksi buku-buku di sana.

Tempat favorit saya dulu adalah kafe perpustakaan Zoe yang berlokasi di jalan margonda raya Depok dan lokasi yang sangat strategis di antara kampus UI dan kampus Gunadharma. Lokasi yang dekat dengan apartemen Margonda dan kos-kosan mahasiswa, sehingga kafe ini memberikan manfaat yang sangat banyak, yaitu sebagai tempat hiburan dan nongkrong yang positif dengan membaca buku-buku, sebagai tempat alternatif untuk menambah minat baca masyarakat dan juga bagi kafe perpustakaan itu sendiri adalah sebuah bisnis yang sangat menguntungkan dan memberikan kebaikan bagi masyarakat.
Zoe Book Cafe
Sebelumnya saya juga suka datang ke lokasi kafe buku dimana koleksi buku-buku tersebut adalah buku pribadi dari si pemilik kafe, mulai dari buku anak-anak hingga dewasa baik buku dalam negeri maupun buku luar negeri. Si pemilik kafe adalah seorang pecinta buku dan koleksi buku-buku adalah semenjak dia kecil dan dengan sukarela dikoleksi untuk dibaca oleh orang banyak. Namun bisnis tetap berjalan yaitu dengan menjual makanan dan minuman serta fasilitas wifi bagi member kafe ini.
Zoe Cafe Book
Mungkin kita bisa membuka kafe perpustakaan di daerah tempat tinggal kita dengan mendesign lokasi yang strategis dan design ruangan yang penuh artistik sehingga menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi pengunjung untuk tetap selalu berkunjung ke kafe tersebut. Selain itu menyediakan koleksi buku-buku yang lengkap, serta pelayanan yang menyenangkan dan ramah kepada pengunjung. Kita juga dapat menyediakan fasilitas wifi gratis dan membaca buku gratis serta memperbolehkan pengunjung untuk membawa pulang buku setelah menjadi member dengan membayar sejumlah uang yang telah ditentukan. Apalagi jika lokasi tempat tinggal kita dekat dan strategis dengan lingkungan kampus tentu kafe perpustakaan adalah sebuah bisnis yang sangat menguntungkan dan memberikan kebaikan.

Ayo kita tumbuhkan ide kreatif lainnya yang dapat memberikan kebaikan dan keuntungan bagi kita dan juga orang lain.

Always be confidence, proud and proof that we can do something good by own ability to develop our environment...


Thursday, May 01, 2014 Add Comment

Last time on April 23th, it was The World Book. Everywhere in this world, nobody doesn't know a book. Since we were kid, we have been introduced a book. In this topic, a book is a reading book that it has meanings, contains information and knowledge that able to change perspective and way of thinking after reading it. Reading book is not only read, but also must be understood it contains. There are more than one kind of books that we can read and learn. The books are available for all ages, children until mature and even old people. There are drawing books, lesson books, religion, general, fiction and even self-development books, etc.

The book was born from the great idea of great people that they think important to share it other. They began to write and made book that contain important information, knowledge, valuable experiences, and more idea that useful for other. A book is a window to the knowledge, all people said like that. A book can change perspective and way of thinking for new thing. A book can add our knowledge and perception from nothing to know become know everything.

The last time, I hate to read the books. I though it only like sleeping pills because it always made me sleepy and boring while reading it. Now for me books is valuable things, if I have choice between book and fashion, definitely I will choose book. I can make creative for fashion, I can share my idea about fashion and may it will give chance to get it directly, by having and reading books. For example, suppose that I have knowledge about marketing online shop and I can share it to other, and I will make trick how to get that fashion.

The book is a window to the world, it can enrich knowledge and led to the success. In social life, by having and reading books, we can add friendship and discuss it with friends, we have good topic to talk even it will give result to new idea.

“Never ignore the existence of the book”.

 The book is loyal friend and loyal teacher and always give idea, knowledge even important and good advice for us to do. Wherever we go, book always be with us. I love collect books such as lesson book, magazines, religion books, knowledge books, and my favorite book are self-development books and management books, and also I collect business books, skills and handicrafts books, food recipe books, comics, novel and all books that I think very useful for me. It began from curious, like, love and habit to collect and read books.

Reading a book is the important to master knowledge, to know the world, and to know how to pursuit the wealth of life in world and akhirat. Let's make reading book as our habit and it is possible that we are able to write a book and give great book to other.

We share positive each other by knowledge, idea and goodness and keep maintain friendship by knowledge not by money. Then, we can reach the success by reading books.

If we read a good book..:
Book makes we think
Book opens our mind
Book is the most loyal friend
Book is the most patience teacher
Book makes our mind rich with knowledge
Book makes we are free
Book makes we are able to share with other
Book makes people be famous
Book makes people do goodness
Book makes people be brilliant and intelligent
Book is not only have but it must be used for goodness..
A book gives million knowledge
A book gives more than one dream

by Melly


Thursday, May 01, 2014 Add Comment

Tanggal 23 April kemarin adalah hari buku sedunia. Siapa yang ga kenal buku, mulai dari kecil kita sudah dikenalkan dengan yang namanya buku. Dalam hal ini adalah buku bacaan berisi tulisan-tulisan yang memiliki makna dan berisi informasi serta ilmu yang dapat mengubah cara pandang dan cara berpikir setelah membacanya. Membaca buku tidak hanya sekedar membaca, namun juga perlu dipahami maknanya. Banyak jenis buku yang dapat kita baca dan kita pelajari. Buku pun tersedia untuk semua usia mulai dari balita hingga dewasa. Adapun jenis buku yaitu buku gambar, buku pelajaran, buku agama, buku umum, buku fiksi, buku pengembangan diri dan berbagai jenis buku lainnya. 

Buku terlahir karena adanya ide dari orang hebat yang menurut mereka ide tersebut perlu untuk dibagikan dengan lainnya. Mereka memulai membuat tulisan-tulisan yang berisi informasi penting, ilmu, pengalaman berharga atau pun berbagai ide yang dapat bermanfaat bagi orang lain. Buku adalah jendela ilmu, begitulah yang sering kita ketahui. Buku dapat mengubah cara pandang dan berpikir kita terhadap suatu hal yang baru. Buku dapat menambah wawasan kita dari yang tahu menjadi tidak tahu. 

Dulu saya membenci yang namanya buku, menurut saya buku hanyalah obat tidur karena selalu mengantuk dan membosankan setiap membaca buku. Namun sekarang buku adalah sesuatu yang sangat berharga, jika saya memilih antara membeli buku atau membeli fashion, saya akan lebih memilih membeli buku. Bahkan dengan buku pun mampu mengembangkan ide-ide yang berguna untuk fashion tentu buku yang dibeli adalah yang berkaitan dengannya.

Buku adalah jendela dunia, dapat memperkaya ilmu dan mengantarkan kita pada kesuksesan. Dalam kehidupan sosial dengan buku pun kita bisa menambah pertemanan setelah membacanya kita mampu mendiskusikan ide-ide tersebut dengan teman sehingga menghasilkan sebuah topik obrolan yang positif bahkan mungkin akan menghasilkan sebuah ide baru dan tulisan dari diskusi tersebut. Jangan pernah abaikan keberadaan buku.

Buku adalah sahabat dan guru paling setia yang memberikan ide, ilmu bahkan nasehat penting yang baik untuk kita lakukan. Kemanapun kita buku akan selalu mendampingi. Saya sangat hobi mengoleksi buku-buku mulai dari buku sekolah , majalah, buku agama, buku ilmu pengetahuan, buku favorit yaitu buku pengembangan diri dan manajemen, buku bisnis, buku keterampilan dan kerajinan tangan hingga buku resep makanan, serta komik, novel dan semua jenis buku yang menurut saya sangat bermanfaat dan memberikan informasi bermanfaat bagi saya. Berawal dari ingin tahu, suka, cinta dan terbiasa mengoleksi dan membaca buku.

Membaca buku adalah hal terpenting untuk menguasai ilmu pengetahuan, mengetahui dunia dan bagaimana mencapai kebahagiaan di akhirat.
Ayo budayakan membaca buku dan tidak tertutup kemungkinan kita pun mampu menghasilkan tulisan-tulisan dan buku yang bermanfaat untuk orang lain...
Saling berbagi dalam kebaikan untuk memperkaya ilmu, memperbanyak dan menjaga persahabatan, serta meraih kesuksesan...

If we read a good book..:
Book makes we think
Book opens our mind
Book is the most loyal friend
Book is the most patience teacher
Book makes our mind rich with knowledge
Book makes we are free
Book makes we are able to share with other
Book makes people be famous
Book makes people do goodness
Book makes people be brilliant and intelligent
Book is not only have but it must be used for goodness..
A book gives million knowledge
A book gives more than one dream

by Meyfitri


Saturday, April 19, 2014 Add Comment

Last time, I have written about “Purposing for Study at School”. And, this article continue it.  Let's enjoy and I am sure you have more opinion about this. Please share with us in comments.

A student is a person who gets formal  study at school. In Indonesia, compulsory education is 12 years from elementary school until Senior High School. We must study about six years old until 18 years old. Then, we can choose we want to continue or not to next level such as diploma, bachelor degree, master degree or doctoral degree. As we know, nowadays specially in job field in our country, bachelor degree level is look like senior high school level, it's not look like higher level in education. So it means we must have minimum education at bachelor degree. I quote from psychologists that “About 17-25 years old is golden age because in this age determine people character to the next. If they fill with positive life and act, be creative, be discipline, be honest, then they will be a great person in individual and social”.

I have studied for five years old at kindergarten until I graduated at master degree. If I am back to the last time, I had more experience, I had more spirit also, I ever felt boring being a student. I think all people feel like me as well. When I was a child about 5-13 years old, I need more time to play with my friends, no need to study, even I gave more reason to mom to not study at home or school. When my mom ask me to repeat my lesson at home, I told to mom that i got headache, I feel sleepy, I got fever, and more reason to ignore it, but I was so lucky I had my parents that never forced me to study. They just gave advice and guide me to realize ii, ask me to not wasting time and explained to me how important study are. And, finally I realize it, I can change my bad habit because of family, environment and add of age and also encourage of me, I can change my mind to ignore and refuse everything that disturbs my study.

The system and administration of formal education in my country determine grade or rank in a class or school as benchmark for intelligent or not. If students get high grade, they are as intelligent's students, and if not they are not intelligent. This system forces to study more subject at that time, we should learn all subject social or technology subject. This run about 12 years of education, then we can choose as we want and we need in the next level of education. This causes students overwhelmed and even teacher as well. As a result difficult to achieve learning targets and eventually arises jealousy, envy, dissatisfaction, prestige and unhealthy competition between students and between teachers. Besides that, it has positive side that this system support students to be pioneer in a class, force them to achieve high grade. There occur competition to get achieved high grade. For good students will use optimum their time. This train themselves to be discipline and able to using their chance to goodness. But for other students will not use their own ability, they do cheating and lie when they get homework and test. They copy paste their friend and never use their own mind because they think they should get high grade. This make them un confidence and may they will do fraud to the next in their life.

For me grade and rank is not  main purpose in school, but have science and knowledge are important. This is caused by system and administration of education, students will assume grade is everything, they try to get high grade in a class, sometime because their ambition they don't think to remember their lesson for a long time, after they get high grade, they feel satisfied and its enough for them. They don't care if it makes them forget their lesson. They don't care how to apply it and they don't care what benefits for that lesson to the future. The important thing for students are not grade or rank at class. Grade can be bought, it can be stolen and it can be lied. But science and knowledge are not. It growths and lives in ourselves and our mind. It depends on us that we are able to apply, share or use it later or not. The important things for students are able to make themselves have high education, have good knowledge, good attitude, polite and respect in the spoken word. A student able to change mind being systematic, creative, intelligent and use chance for goodness. 
Nowadays, more intelligent people, but they don't have good attitude, arrogant, envy and unrespect with other. They cannot apply their knowledge to give benefit for other. They rare feel thank about what they get. If they realize they have education and they have different mind set and they know which one is better and not.  We are as student should have responsibility and confidence to bring ourselves to goodness. We are as student have purposing to get knowledge and not only grade, if we have knowledge or education at school so high grade and goodness as well will follow us.

As we know that education is not only at school, we can get at home and our environment. Lets we change our mind that study at formal education is not to get high grade but to get high knowledge and science then high grade will follow it.

 "The high grade is the gift for an educated student."

“He paved the way in search of knowledge Allah will make easy for him the way to heaven.” (HR. Muslim)

Hope we will be educated people and able to share goodness to our environment.

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