Showing posts with label MINANG CULTURE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MINANG CULTURE. Show all posts


Sunday, May 25, 2014 Add Comment

Now I invite you to know about my province's culture, it is about traditional dance from Minangkabau ethnic. May you know about this dance, we call “Tari Piring” (The Plate dance).
Tari Piring is one of traditional dance of Minangkabau. From its name we know that means we will see performance of beauty dancers who dance with plates. Usually, the dancers an odd number such as three, five or seven dancers. The dancers will bring plates in their palm while swaying of its to every direction, even turning down with their palm turned down and clicking ring on their finger to the plate, it will give sound like “ting...ting...ting...”. The dance movements are very agile, neat, fast and simultaneous from each dancers, amazingly, whatever energetic moves the dancers make, the plate continue to stick as if glued to their palms. For those who first saw this dance, you will feel so proud and amazed and you will feel worry if plates will fall to the floor.

The plate dance come from Solok city, one of city from West Sumatera province. The first is purposing of this dance is ritual of gratitude Minang society over abundant harvest. This dance took place the first time before Islam entered to Minangkabau, at that time they worship Gods, so this expression as symbolized the gratefulness of the people to the Almighty Goda which was performed as ritual the harvest time. And, more beautiful girls brought food were placed in a dish. After Islam entered to Minangkabau, this expression as offering to the kings or royalty and only as entertainment for the community.

The dance is as one of important asset for West Sumatera government and it often holds some dance festival in local and international such as America, Germany, Singapore, Malaysia, Dutch, Pakistan, etc. And, sometime ago this dance was shown in four cities in Pakistan, one of them is Karachi.

The plate dance is so unique, it movements imitate farmer grow and express gratitude when the harvest. The dance swaying two or three plates and sometime put candle lit on it. And, that's so amazing that candles will not be extinguished until the dance is finished.  The other amazing from this dance is two rings on fingers and clicking it on plates. In the end of dance, as dramatic climax, you will see the dancers will smash the plates onto the floor, delibaretly breaking them into sharp of pieces. The dancer will then continue dancing on the pointed shards, remaining completely uninjured. That's why this dance makes everyone amazed. Don't know exactly what the meaning of this, maybe it expresses how happy and excited  they are about harvest.

Beside that, the dancers must have high concentration and must be clean about heart, not arrogant and not in periodic time for girl dancers. Before thread and dance on shards of glasses, dancers must take wudhu and a diviner must do prayer. The plate dance is combined with quickly music from Talempong, Gandang and Saluang. The dress of dancer are light colour such as red and yellow just for easy to know and attract the attention of audience.

As we know that this dance movements imitate farmer, such as hoeing, pull the seeds, planting, fencing, mowing of rice, threshing (drying) of rice, take rice, aerate of race, pounding rice with a pestle, taking out the trash, unwind, deliver food. And, the last is called Pasambahan, it is as gratitude to Allah SWT and an apology to the audience who watched the dance, then “Singanjua Lalai” movement is symbolizes as Minang girls who are walking beautiful in the morning, other movements look like cooperation (“gotong royong”) and combination with treading shards of glasses.

The steps of plate dance begins from preparing such as do exercise and preparing good and no cracked plates. Then, when the dancer get ready to show their performance to audiences usually starts with amazed musical traditional instruments using “rebana” (like tambourine were the initial musical instruments) and gong or “talempong” and “Saluang” (like flute). The first movements from dancers is “Pasambahan” to offering and respect for audience, then grow rice movements until harvest movements. Then, continue with amazing performances, dance and jump on shards of glasses. While dancing, the dancers swing and give sound “ting..ting...ting...” from ring and plates. Then, they end the dance with “Pasambahan” again  as expression of gratitude to Allah SWT and say thanks to audiences.
The essence of the plate dance gives positive messages such as happiness, unity, mutual assistance, welfare and prosperity. That's so amazing and so beautiful if we watch it directly. We feel amazed specially when dancers dance and jump on shards of glasses. This is more important assets from Minangkabau culture, West Sumatera province. 

I write this article about the plate dance because I feel so amazed and proud about my province culture, and when I attended my friend wedding party, we are entertained with this dance. Then, I search more information about history of the plate dance. This group dancer in this video name is Gastarana, they have held performance for more country, the last is in four big city in Pakistan as cooperation between Indonesia and Pakistan.

You can watch this dance on this URL. Please click it directly you will watch amazing the plate dance. klick here to see the video. 

I am proud with my culture.

by MEYF ^_^


Thursday, March 28, 2013 Add Comment
Minangkabau is an ethnicity or tribe from Indonesia, commonly known as ethnic  Minang. Its region include West Sumatera, some mainland of Riau, Bengkulu and the west coast of North Sumatera, southwest of Aceh and Negeri Sembilan Malaysia. 

Minang tribe is unique, because tribal lineage is based on mother or matrilineal descent. In matrilineal system, mastery treasures are held by women, while men only slightly. Men after puberty, they can’t stay at his parent’s home, because that home only for woman with her husband and her childreen. They will sleep in “Surau” like a small Mosque and they will learn about life and Islam at there.  And after men married, he would come to the house of his wife and his in-laws.

In Minangkabau, there are three important elements who build and maintain the cultural integrity and customs, they are Alim Ulama (Scholars), Cerdik Pandai (Intellectual), and Ninik Mamak. Alim Ulama maintain for integrity of religion (Islam), Cerdik Pandai maintain for integrity of knowledge and Ninik Mamak maintain for integrity of customs. This is called as “Tungku Tigo Sajarangan”. Minangkabau have democratic system, all matters are discussed by three elements by concensus. On the other hand customs and cultures of Minang put woman as heir inheritance and kinship. The lineage referred to the mother is known as “Samande” and father is known as Sumando (in-law) and father have to obtain and be respected like a visitor.  Women determine the successful implementation of the decisions made by men. Women handle a crucial role. However, men still hold the authority has the power to communities.

Minang society is known as the nomads society. Especially men, if he doesn’t wander, he would be mocked by his friends. However, today not only men wander, but women wander too for continue her study, career or for trading career. For this reason minang society is stay in everywhere, they have spacious thought, freedom of life to change the fate, to reach knowledge and wealth.

The cultures of Minang is very strong in Islam. In their life is known as “Adat Basandi Syarak dan Syarak Basandi Kitabullah”. Its mean that cultures of Minang is based on rule and rule is based on Al Quran, so Minang cultures is based on teachings of Islam. All of Minang societies embraces Islam, if they leave Islam so directly they will be exit from Minang society and they are not admitted as Minang Societies. This is known as  “Dibuang Sepanjang Adat”.

In economic sector, Minang societies are famous in trading as professional and intellectual. They are know as intellectual people, so that’s why they stay in all of province in Indonesia and moreover in foreign countries. Any profession besides trading, they are known as politicians, writer, scholars, teacher and journalist. Their success are reached when they wander in outside of Minang region.
Many politicians of Indonesia from Minang, such as Drs. Mohammad Hatta as first vice president of Indonesia, Tan Malaka as vice International Communist for South East of Asia, Muhammad Yamin as pioneer of “Sumpah Pemuda”, Chaerul Saleh, Emil Salim, Azwar Anas, Fahmi Idris and many more. Minangkabau is one of ethnic in Indonesia that always grasp in governmental cabinet besides Java ethnic.

In Intellectual sector, Minang societies have habit to think and analyze all knowledge. They also is known as superior entrepreneur in economic not only in Indonesia and moreover in foreign countries.


Monday, March 25, 2013 Add Comment

Minangkabau adalah suatu etnis atau suku di Indonesia, biasa dikenal dengan suku Minang yang daerahnya meliputi Sumatera Barat, sebagian daratan riau, bagian utara Bengkulu, bagian barat Jambi, pantai barat Sumatera Utara dan barat daya Aceh serta Negeri Sembilan Malaysia.

Suku Minang adalah suku yang unik karena garis keturunannya didasarkan pada garis keturunan Ibu atau dikenal dengan matrilineal. Dengan system matrilineal ini, penguasaan harta pusaka dipegang oleh kaum perempuan sedangkan hak untuk laki-laki hal ini cukup kecil. Laki-laki setelah masa akhir balik mereka tidak dapat lagi tidur di rumah orangtuanya, karena rumah hanya diperuntukkan kepada kaum perempuan beserta suami dan anak-anaknya. Mereka akan tidur di Surau (seperti mesjid kecil). Setelah menikah pun laki-laki akan ikut ke rumah istrinya, dia tidak akan tinggal bersama orangtuanya.

Dalam masyarakat Minangkabau, ada tiga orang terpenting yang membangun dan menjaga keutuhan budaya serta adat adalah Alim Ulama, Cerdik Pandai dan Ninik Mamak yang dikenal dengan istilah Tigo Tungku Sajarangan. Sistem pemerintahannya yang demokratis, sehingga semua urusan dimusyawarahkan oleh ketiga unsur tersebut secara mufakat.

Dilain hal, adat dan budaya Minang menempatkan perempuan sebagai pewaris harta pusaka dan kekerabatan. Garis keturunan yang dirujuk kepada ibu yang dikenal dengan sebutan Samande dan ayah adalah Sumando (ipar) dan diperlakukan sebagai tamu dalam keluarga. Dalam hal perempuan menentukan keberhasilan pelaksanaan keputusan yang dibuat oleh kaum laki-laki, perempuan memainkan peranan yang sangat penting. Namun demikian kaum laki-laki masih tetap memegang otoritas memiliki kekuasaan pada komunitasnya.

Masyarakat Minang dikenal sebagai masyarakat perantau. Terutama pria Minang, jika mereka tidak merantau maka mereka akan diperolok-olokkan oleh teman-temannya. Namun saat ini tidak hanya pria yang merantau, wanita pun juga ikut pergi merantau untuk berbagai alasan seperti melanjutkan pendidikan, berkarir atau pun berdagang. Karena alasan inilah masyarakat minang ada dimana-mana, mereka memiliki pemikiran yang luas, jiwa merdeka untuk mengubah nasib mengejar ilmu agama dan dunia serta kekayaan.

Budaya Minangkabau sangat kuat dengan ajaran Islam, dalam prinsip kehidupannya dikenal dengan “Adat Basandi Syarak dan Syarak Basandi Kitabullah”. Maksudnya adalah adat masyarakat Minang didasarkan atas hukum dan hukum didasarkan pada Alquran  yang berarti adat Minang berlandaskan ajaran Islam. Masyarakat Minang adalah pemeluk agama Islam, jika ada yang keluar dari agama Islam maka secara langsung mereka keluar dari masyarakat Minang dalam istilahnya disebut “Dibuang sepanjang adat”.

Dalam hal ekonomi, masyarakat Minang sangat menonjol dalam bidang perniagaan, sebagai professional dan intelektual. Orang Minangkabau terkenal sebagai kelompok terpelajar, oleh karena itu mereka menyebar di seluruh Indonesia bahkan manca negara. Berbagai profesi selain berdagang, antara lain, sebagai politisi, penulis, ulama, pengajar, dan jurnalis. Kesuksesan mereka diraih saat berada di perantauan. Banyak politisi Indonesia dari Minang, sebut saja Drs. Mohammad Hatta sebagai wakil presiden pertama Indonesia, Tan Malaka terpilih sebagai wakil Komunis Internasional untuk wilayah Asia Tenggara, Muhammad Yamin sebagai pelopor Sumpah Pemuda, Chaerul Saleh, Emil Salim, Azwar Anas, Fahmi Idris, dan masih banyak lainnya. Minangkabau merupakan salah satu dari etnis di Indonesia yang selalu menjabat di kabinet pemerintahan Indonesia selain etnis Jawa.

Dalam bidang intelektual, kebiasaan masyarakat Minang adalah berpikir dan menelaah berbagai ilmu. Mereka juga dikenal sebagai pengusaha ulung dalam bidang ekonomi. Bukan hanya di Indonesia namun sampai ke manca Negara.