Showing posts with label WOMAN AND BEAUTY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WOMAN AND BEAUTY. Show all posts


Thursday, November 13, 2014 Add Comment
God created a woman as being unique and beautiful. Each uniqueness gives an overview and specific features. Woman are often perceived as being physically weak so they should be protected by man. But woman is stronger than man in hearts and spiritually, so she was created to encouraging and motivating a man.
Woman was created from the rib of man that is bent, which if corrected immediately it will be broken. It doesn't mean that a woman is bad, if a man wants to straighten it, he must be patient otherwise it will break the relationship. The ribs are also significant as a supporter, motivator and protector of soft organ in the human body. As soon as woman as a supporter and protector who remind man for goodness.

A woman always shed tears, but it doesn't mean she is weak. Woman tend to put her feelings rather than men and even more emotional. It collaborate with lachrymal glands so that when she feels sad, the lachrymal glands will response it by crying.

Woman was created to be a special,  woman is a special as a kid so that she can protect and honor to her parents. Woman is special as a friend so that she can maintain friendship sincerely with all her heart. Woman is special as a wife so that she can maintain the honor, conditioning and motivating for her husband. Woman is a special mother for her kids so that she is able to educate and care for children with all her heart. Woman is special because of her beauty, but the important beauty is from her heart. Honestly, loyalty, love and intelligence are part of her beauty. Woman is jewelry of world, the best woman is a woman who believes in her Lord.

Woman may be physically weak, but woman is created as being the most powerful and tough face trials. Some woman are very sensitive to the conditions and feelings. If she gets hurt, she will be difficult to feel good again. If she gets hurt may not be able to return to the original state of fear when she faces the same condition. When woman love something, she will not let it go and even going to fight to get it. Whatever obstacle she faces, she will not give up for it.

Every married woman has the opportunity to be a mother. Ony the woman was entrusted baby into her womb because she is able to control and keep it. Mother is special woman, is we hurt her then we get big sin. Don't hurt a woman because it is the same to hurt our mother and sisters. Don't humiliate a woman because it is the same to humiliate of our mom and sisters. A woman should get respect, protection, and cherished. If she did mistake, then forgive her and guide her to the truth.

A woman is the soul of all the beauty conditioning, physical as well as her heart. If we close to her we feel peaceful and comfortable. So that we should keep the hearts of woman, respect her beauty and honor and protect her existence.



Thursday, November 13, 2014 Add Comment
Wanita diciptakan Tuhan sebagai makhluk yang unik dan indah. Setiap keunikannya memberikan gambaran dan ciri tertentu. Wanita sering dianggap sebagai makhluk yang lemah secara fisik sehingga mereka harus selalu dilindungi oleh kaum pria. Namun wanita lebih kuat secara rohani dan hati, sehingga mereka diciptakan untuk kaum pria sebagai pemberi motivasi dan penyejuk hati.

Wanita diciptakan dari tulang rusuk pria yang bengkok, dimana jika diluruskan dengan segera maka ia akan patah. Bukan berarti wanita bersifat bengkok, namun jika demikian maka pria harus bersabar meluruskannya jika tidak maka akan mematahkan hubungannya. Tulang rusuk juga bermakna sebagai penyokong, pendukung dan pelindung organ lunak dalam tubuh manusia. Begitu halnya wanita sebagai pendukung dan penyokong serta pelindung yang mengingatkan pria untuk selalu berbuat kepada kebaikan.

Wanita selalu meneteskan air mata, namun bukan berarti dia lemah. Wanita cenderung mendahulukan perasaan daripada logika. Wanita memiliki perasaan yang lebih sensitif daripada pria, dan bahkan lebih emosional daripada pria. Emosi wanita berkolaborasi dengan kelenjer air mata sehingga saat dia sedih maka kelenjer air mata pun akan meresponsnya dengan menangis.

Wanita diciptakan menjadi seorang yang istimewa, istimewa sebagai seorang anak sehingga dia dapat menjaga dan menghormati kedua orangtuanya. Wanita istimewa sebagai seorang sahabat sehingga ia pun dapat menjaga persahabatan dengan segenap hatinya. Wanita istimewa sebagai seorang istri sehingga ia pun dapat menjaga kehormatan, penyejuk dan pemotivasi bagi suaminya. Wanita istimewa sebagai seorang ibu sehingga dia mampu mendidik dan menyayangi anak dengan sepenuh hatinya. Wanita istimewa akan kecantikannya, namun kecantikan yang lebih utama adalah kecantikan dari hatinya. Kejujuran, kesetiaan, cinta dan kecerdasannya adalah bagian dari kecantikan seorang wanita. Wanita adalah perhiasan dunia, sebaik-baiknya wanita adalah wanita yang beriman kepada Tuhannya.

Wanita mungkin lemah secara fisik namun wanita diciptakan sebagai makhluk yang paling tegar terhadap cobaan yang dihadapinya, sehingga wanita beriman pasti akan tetap kuat menghadapi segala cobaan. Wanita itu sangat peka terhadap keadaan dan perasaannya. Jika sudah terluka akan sulit untuk menyembuhkannya. Jika terluka mungkin tidak akan sanggup kembali kepada keadaan semula karena takut jika menghadapi hal yang sama.

Namun jika wanita sudah menyukai dan menyayangi sesuatu, dia tidak akan pernah melepaskannya bahkan akan berjuang untuk mendapatkannya. Apapun halangan akan dia hadapi demi mendapatkan cintanya.

Setiap wanita yang menikah akan diberi kesempatan menjadi seorang ibu. Hanya pada wanitalah dititipkan manusia ke dalam rahimnya, karena wanita mampu mengontrol diri dan menjaganya.  Ibu adalah seorang wanita, jika kita melukainya, maka dosa besarlah yang harus kita terima. Janganlah pernah menyakiti hati seorang wanita, karena demikian sama halnya dengan menyakiti hati ibu dan saudara perempuan kita.  Jangan pernah merendahkan seorang wanita, karena demikian sama halnya dengan melihat penghinaan atas ibu dan saudara perempuan kita. Wanita untuk dihargai, dilindungi dan disayangi. Jika salah maka maafkanlah dan bimbing dia kepada kebenaran.

Wanita itu penyejuk jiwa dari segala kecantikannya, baik fisik maupun hatinya. Dekatnya kita tentram dan merasa nyaman. Untuk itu selalu jaga hati wanita, hormatilah keindahannya dan lindungilah keberadaannya.

by MEYF ^_^


Tuesday, June 24, 2014 Add Comment

Since this week I found more about woman.  In my environment, home until my work at campus. Now I write an article about woman. This is not mean for discrimination, but it just admits a woman is a beautiful and  great creature of God.
Many people know that a woman is beautiful creatures of God to be spouse of a man. She is beautiful in physically and her character. A woman was created from the rib of man, it means a woman should be treated by good and polite attitude. A woman is a great and strong creatures, but it doesn't mean to be hurt. A woman has more ability and she is multitasking person, she is able to do more activities in the same time. A woman is able to manage her schedule and how to do work properly. Even in any cases of calculations, generally a woman is powerful than a man. 
We know that a man is powerful in his job or office, but if he goes back home, he needs a woman for trivial things. A man is able to solve his problems and focus in his activity at office, but if he loses his bag when he wants to go to work, directly he asks it to his wife. When a man gets troubles, then he needs a woman to rise and get encourage him. If a man gets success, then a woman reminds him to not overact and over proud about it. 
A woman is created as a multitasking creature, even she is more capable than a man.  She can do more activity, care for a hubby and her children, manage home conditional, cooking and washing in the same time, manage family financial and even a woman is able to work outside in office without leave her duty as a wife.
In a big company, a secretary always be chosen is a woman because they realize that a woman is able to manage and do more activity and the boss needs. When a boss asks for urgently report, directly she well-done, and in the same time she must manage the schedule for her boss with client, even the phone is ringing while she does it, and she must answer it first. For a woman secretary, she is able to do busy activity, although she will get stress and pressure because of full schedule, but she can handle on it properly.
A woman is tough, she can stand in a bad condition and maybe some man will desperate when he gets in trouble in his job, and a woman always beside him and give support him to rise up. When the family's financial crash, a woman will rise to improve it, although it is not much, but it shows that a woman is capable and strong enough to rise from adversity.
A woman is different with a man when they get pressure and stress at office or other things. She is able to make social relationship with other for sharing and discuss to find a solution. But a man will not do it, he will shut himself or forget even escape from that situation. Rarely a man makes social relationship for that reason because of prestige of a man.
The greatness of a woman who had never held a man is the woman is able to provide space for a new person in her body that would be born into the world. Even a pregnant woman is able to do activity in office and homework like usual. How great a woman is. So that women deserve to be appreciated and respected. Remember that when someone came to Prophet SAW and asked who first to be honored. Then, our prophet SAW said that “Mother...Mother...Mother...and your Father”. So high degree of women to be respected. But for woman, it doesn't mean to forget that a man still has a high position as a leader in family. He will guide woman to goodness. And, woman should respectful and obedient him while he was on the Allah SWT way.
We should be grateful was born as a woman, but we are not ordinary woman, we are an amazing woman who has ability to do amazing for goodness in our environment, family and other social life. Take the most potential and talent that we have as long as we have the chance to live in this earth. If today we are a student, never waste a precious opportunity to get knowledge and  insight as well our provision in this earth and hereafter. If today we are an employee, don't waste our opportunities to develop our talents and potential in career. If today we are a child, we should never waste our opportunities to devote to our parents. If today we are a wife and a mother, we should never waste our opportunity to serve and support our family to build became sakinah, mawadah and warahmah. It's a lot of opportunity we are given by Allah SWT to be a great woman with full talent and multitasking.
The most important thing for women to have is "Education". Although people assume women will eventually just be at home as a wife and mother. But it would be incredibly if woman has high education, then she can create amazing family and amazing children. Our children is continuer of us in the future.
Hi ladies, never give up if there is gravel on the way, do not just stop here and feel comfortable with the situation if we are able to do more. And, still istikamah, striving for goodness and positive thinking. Live is too short in this world, so use optimum our potential for goodness. Ameen..



Monday, June 23, 2014 Add Comment

Hari ini banyak hal yang saya temukan mengenai wanita. Mulai dari lingkungan rumah sampai kampus tempat saya bekerja. Bukan bermaksud untuk diskriminasi, namun hanya mengakui bahwa wanita itu adalah makhluk terindah dan makhluk yang hebat diciptakan Tuhan.

Semua orang tahu bahwa wanita adalah makhluk terindah yang diciptakan Tuhan untuk menjadi pasangan hidup bagi pria. Dia indah baik secara fisik maupun karakternya. Wanita diciptakan dari tulang rusuk pria bagian atas, untuk itu wanita harus diperlakukan dengan baik. Wanita adalah makhluk Tuhan yang paling hebat dan kuat, namun bukan berarti untuk disakiti. Wanita memiliki kemampuan yang lebih sehingga sebagian dari wanita mampu melakukan pekerjaan yang dilakukan oleh pria. Wanita itu multitasking, dia mampu melakukan berbagai kegiatan dalam waktu yang bersamaan. Wanita mampu mengatur jadwal dan cara bekerjanya dengan baik. Bahkan dalam hal hitung-hitungan, pada umumnya wanita lebih hebat dibandingkan pria.

Kita tahu pria mampu menjadi super dalam hal pekerjaannya di kantor, namun jika dia pulang ke rumah, hal sepele masih mebutuhkan wanita. Pria mampu memecahkan masalah dan mampu fokus dalam melakukan aktivitasnya, namun jika suatu ketika dia kehilangan tas saat berangkat ke kantor, maka dia langsung menyerahkan pada istrinya. Saat pria mendapat musibah, maka wanitalah sebagai pembangkit semangatnya. Jika pria mendapat kemenangan, maka wanitalah yang mengingatkannya untuk tidak terlampau membanggakan diri akan kemenangan itu.

Wanita memang diciptakan sebagai makhluk yang multitasking, bahkan lebih dari pria dalam hal multitasking. Hal kecil aja, dikeluarga sang istri yang mampu melakukan berbagai aktivitas seperti menjaga suami dan anaknya, mengatur kondisi rumah, memasak dan mencuci dalam waktu yang bersamaan dan mengatur keuangan keluarga, bahkan wanita pun mampu bekerja di luar rumah tanpa meninggalkan kewajibannya sebagai istri.

Di perusahaan besar yang menjadi sekretaris selalu wanita, karena perusahaan menyadari bahwa wanita mampu mengatur dan mengerjakan berbagai macam pekerjaan yang dibutuhkan oleh atasannya. Saat atasan meminta report yang bersifat urgent, bersamaan dengan itu sekretaris diharuskan untuk mengatur jadwal atasanya dengan klien, bahkan saat membuat report pun telpon tak henti-hentinya berdering dan harus dijawab saat itu juga. Bagi sekretaris wanita mampu melakukan hal yang super sibuk, walaupun nantinya akan mengalami yang namanya tekanan. Namun wanita masih mampu untuk bertahan.

Wanita itu tangguh, dia mampu bertahan dalam kondisi yang seburuk mungkin terjadi padanya. Mungkin sebagian pria akan putus asa jika terjadi musibah dalam pekerjaannya, namun wanitalah yang akan memberi dukungan. Saat ekonomi keluarga mengalami keterpurukan, wanitalah yang bangkit untuk memperbaiki perekonomian keluarganya, walaupun mungkin tidak seberapa, namun hal ini menunjukkan bahwa wanita mampu dan kuat untuk bangkit dari keterpurukan.

Wanita berbeda dengan pria saat wanita mengalami tekanan dalam hal pekerjaan ataupun hal lainnya. Wanita dalam kondisi tersebut mampu membentuk hubungan sosial yang luas dengan lainnya, paling tidak untuk sharing dan berdiskusi guna menemukan solusi dari setiap masalahnya. Sedangkan pria akan mengurung diri atau melupakan bahkan lari dari keadaan tersebut. Jarang pria yang mampu bersosial dengan lainnya saat mengalami keterpurukan karena hal ini menyangkut gengsi bagi pria tersebut.

Satu kehebatan wanita yang tidak pernah dimiliki pria adalah, wanita mampu menyediakan ruang dalam tubuhnya untuk seseorang yang akan dia lahirkan ke dunia. Bahkan wanita dalam keadaan mengandung masih mampu melakukan aktivitas di kantor dan di rumah sebagaimana mestinya. Betapa hebatnya seorang wanita. Untuk itu wanita pantas dihargai dan dihormati. Ingatkah kita, bahwa saat seorang datang kepada Rasulullah SAW dan menanyakan siapakah yang pertama kali untuk dihormati. Rasulullah SAW menjawab ibumu..ibumu..ibumu dan kemudian ayahmu. Begitu tingginya derajat wanita untuk dihormati. Namun bagi kita wanita, bukan berarti kita lupa bahwa laki-laki tetap memiliki kedudukan yang tinggi dalam keluarga sebagai pemimpin dan penunjuk jalan kita kepada kebaikan. Dan kita harus hormat dan patuh padanya selagi masih dijalan yang diridhai Allah SWT.

Bersyukur kita dilahirkan sebagai wanita, namun kita bukan wanita biasa yang hanya berlaku biasa, namun kita adalah wanita yang luar biasa yang mampu melakukan hal-hal luar biasa demi kebaikan baik di lingkungan keluarga  maupun pekerjaan dan sosial lainnya. Manfaatkan semaksimal mungkin potensi dan talenta yang kita punyai selagi kita masih diberi kesempatan hidup di dunia. Jika saat ini kita bersekolah, jangan pernah sia-siakan kesempatan mulia untuk menambah ilmu dan wawasan kita sebagai bekal hidup kelak baik dunia dan akhirat. Jika kita saat ini bekerja, jangan sia-siakan kesempatan kita untuk mengembangkan potensi dan talenta kita dalam berkarir, ketika kita saat ini menjadi seorang anak jangan pernah sia-siakan kesempatan kita untuk berbakti kepada kedua orangtua kita. Ketika saat ini kita menjadi seorang istri dan ibu jangan pernah sia-siakan kesempatan kita untuk melayani dan mendukung keluarga agar tercipta keluarga yang sakinah, mawadah dan warrahmah. Sungguh banyak kesempatan kita yang diberikan Allah SWT untuk menjadi wanita mulia yang penuh talenta.

Satu hal yang paling penting bagi wanita untuk dimiliki adalah “Pendidikan”. Walaupun orang beranggapan wanita pada akhirnya akan hanya berada di rumah sebagai seorang istri dan ibu. Namun alangkah hebatnya wanita yang berpendidikan mampu membentuk keluarga dan anak-anak yang luar biasa.
Wanita, jangan pernah menyerah jika ada kerikil yang menghalangi, jangan hanya berhenti disini dan merasa nyaman dengan keadaan jika masih mampu untuk berbuat lebih. Dan tetap istikamah, berjuang dan berpikir positif untuk kebaikan.



Friday, May 30, 2014 2 Comments

When I watched The Indonesian Muslim Women's Festival.  That's program was great, they showed their opinion about environment and life as good muslim women. They are not only good looking, also they have good knowledge in Islam and science. More question came for them, and almost they gave great answers. And, now I write this article about moslem women, this not show racist or discriminant. Just it is as good information and see positive from this.

As being muslim women, we must use hijab to cover our body, it is so important to not show our private body to other that are not our mohreem and it only shows to our mohreem especially for our parents and our good moslem husband. Nowadays some of moslem women don't wear hijab due to outside influence, but their attitude should act like moslem women. Women in Islam are not like retarded or be looked underestimate by other.  We are guided by our good husband and we should life base on Al Quran.

Some people will think that why moslem women using hijab? More reason to answer this question. The most important reason, it has been written in Al Qur'an, Surah Al Ahzab ayah 59 : “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And, ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.” 

It is clear that moslem women should use hijab to be known and not be abused by other. It can protect themselves from abusing and crimes. The fact that the high crime comes from women, you can see and feel when women don’t wear hijab, they show their body even their private body, maybe you want to flirt them and want to do something bad to them. So when using hijab with good, this will be far from crime and abuse. Women should protect themselves although the fact that our God always protect us.

When you see moslem people with hijab, you will see beautiful and elegance come from them. And suddenly, you will respect and polite when you meet them, how to look them, talking with them and think about them. In Islam, the beauty and cleanness are so important. Surely, it cannot be denied, some woman want to have good looking, beautiful, grace, and elegance. More women go to salon and beauty center to make their performance physically looking beautiful. Rethink again that, is there only physical so important to looking good? Are looking beautiful to imitate an artist on TV?  Rethink again, does there anythings must be looking beautiful?

And the question ia "What is the beauty?"

The beauty in eyes is everything that makes someone like and love it. The beauty is not only in human, but also everything in this earth, animal, plants and everything that makes we like and love it. And, how about Islam see the beauty? Islam ask to always be beauty and cleanness in our life, beauty in our characteristic, attitude, and act, then physic will follow it.

Most women think that getting beauty must have good body and looking sexy, then man will follow them. They just focus how to attract men and other world cases. They will go to the gym, salon and beauty center and also change their beauty body with surgery that is seen not thankful to God that creates our body. They will attract men with their physical performance. And, I don't think how do they feel if more man will come to them without know what men's purpose to close them. The phisical is not permanent, it can change by the time, if people see and love women because of their physical, it means that men will not permanent have their feeling about them.

The most important in beauty of women is their attitude, act and characteristic. What people say about sexy is not in physically, it comes to their mind, but it is not good to say word sexy. Women have good thinking is smart and be amazing women, this is more than sexy. And, base on hadits that Allah SWT only see human based on their heart and their worship not from their physical.

In Islam they must do prayer five times in a day, this gives more advantage for moslem women. It makes moslem women will look beauty. When they take wudhu (wash their face, hand and leg before the prayer), this can keep their face be fresh and moist. It cleans dirt on face and skin. And, how amazing clean when they do prayer five times in a day. The beauty comes from water of wudhu. It can make them feel calm as well.

The beauty comes from eyes, some of moslem women use special and halal mascara that can keep health of eyes. The beauty is natural, without using hard and expensive make up, we can give smile, have good heart, humble, no lies, polite and simplicity life can make our face look like pink and it comes from our calm heart. Prayer five times in a day is looking like doing gym five times in a day, and it has been proof by researchers. The beauty comes from hijab, they are looking gorgeous and amazing with hijab, they cover their body and maybe sometime make curious, and this is key of beauty. And, also hijab can save hair from the sunlight and other bad environment, so hair will always healthy and beautiful.

The moslem people do that with good, they will look gorgeous in heart, also in their physical. Everybody will polite and respect them. And, I am as moslem people still try to learn how to be good moslem woman. Sometime, I forget and don't realize about it and still need more knowledge to know about it by correction myself. And the most important for me is always keep my hijab.

Thanks. Enjoy other article from my blog.



Tuesday, March 19, 2013 Add Comment
Still remember when I was a kid, my grandmother told me that a woman be like a water-lily. Since the water-lily is very beautiful and glorious.

Do you know the water-lily? It is a water plant that floats on the pond. Lotus (Nymphaea) is a genus of aquatic plants from Nymphaeaceae. Its Flower are on the surface of the water, have brightly colored petals such as red, yellow, purple and white and have full circle flower. Water-lily is unique, and able to survive in a place that is not feasible and able to remain strong in all odds.

Although there are plenty of fish in the pond and the water surging in the wind, but water-lily still sturdy upright on the water surface. So did women, although many obstacles and temptations, but women must still endure, strong and sturdy in her life .

Although sometimes pool water was dirty and muddy, but water-lily still produce pretty and beauty flower. Flowers are colorful without being influenced by the dirty water pond where the water-lily lives. As well as woman, although she lives in an environment that does not support her and lives in the environment are always blocking her life, but she was still able to maintain the honor, dignity and be able to keep her honor to be holy, pure and beautiful.

The water-lily is also able to deliver oxygen to the environment that the fish in the pond even bother its stems. This shows that women are able to give kindness and affection to the nearest person, such as husband and her children and her extended family. In fact she was able to give kindness to others. Women should be able to share for the good things and she could mean for others.

Everyone needs a sacrifice to take a water-lily flower because it lives in the middle pond and difficult to reach. But it is very attractive and beautiful. So also a woman, she  keep herself and her honor, so that only certain people who can be approached. And, some people who have good intentions that can only be approached and got her.

Sometimes people do not realize the beauty of water-lily in the pond because they only see the fish in the pond. But there is only one who will be able to see the beauty of them. This shows that only a few people realize that this woman is highly meaningful and highly valuable, hard to dispose her and hard to forget her.

Women like the water-lily mean women are sturdy, strong and always maintain her dignity and her honor and be able to share the goodness with the people and the environment. Women are beautiful and graceful with all the beauty and has a respectable attitude in her.

But it's hard to be a woman like a water-lily, sometimes I was also tempted and unable to cope with the environment and momentary pleasures in the world. I am still trying and keeping to be a woman who always maintain the honor and pride and always share kindness to other. So, we will be better in our life.

Wanita Ibarat Bunga Teratai

Tuesday, March 19, 2013 Add Comment

 Saya masih ingat waktu kecil nenek bilang bahwa jadilah wanita seperti bunga teratai. Karena bunga teratai sangat cantik dan mulia.
Tahukah anda dengan bunga teratai? Teratai adalah tanaman air yang bunganya mengapung di atas kolam. Teratai (Nymphaea) adalah genus untuk tanaman air dari suku Nymphaeaceae (Water-Lily). Bunga terdapat di atas permukaan air, kelopak bersemu merah berwarna, putih hingga kuning dan berbentuk lingkaran penuh. Bunga teratai adalah bunga yang unik, dan mampu bertahan hidup di tempat yang tidak layak dan mampu tetap kuat didalam segala rintangan.

Walaupun di kolam terdapat banyak ikan dan air yang bergelombang ditiup angin, namun bunga teratai tetap tegak kokoh di permukaan air. Begitu juga wanita, walaupun banyak halangan dan godaan serta rintangan, namun wanita harus tetap bertahan, kuat dan kokoh dalam kehidupannya

Walaupun air kolam kadang kotor dan berlumpur namun tetap menghasilkan bunga yang bersih dan sangat cantik. Bunga yang berwarna-warni tanpa terpengaruh oleh kotornya air kolam tempat hidup teratai tersebut. Begitu juga wanita walaupun hidup di dalam lingkungan yang tidak mendukungnya dan lingkungan yang selalu menghalangi kehidupnanya, namun dia tetap mampu menjaga kehormatan, harga diri dan mampu tetap bersih, suci dan cantik.

Bunga teratai juga mampu memberikan oksigen kepada lingkungannya yaitu kepada ikan-ikan yang ada di kolam sekalipun ikan tersebut mengganggu batang bunga teratai tersebut. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa wanita mampu memberikan kebaikan dan kasih sayangnya kepada orang terdekatnya seperti suami dan anak-anaknya serta keluarga besarnya. Bahkan dia mampu memberikan kebaikan kepada orang lain. Mampu memberikan kehidupan bagi suami dan anak-anaknya. Untuk itu wanita harus mampu berbagi untuk kebaikan sehingga wanita bisa berarti bagi lainnya.

Kadang orang tidak menyadari keindahan teratai dalam kolam, karena mereka hanya focus melihat ikan yang ada dalam kolam. Namun hanya ada seseorang yang nantinya mampu melihat keindahan bunga teratai tersebut di tengah kolam. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa hanya sedikit orang yang menyadari bahwa wanita ini sangat berarti dan sangat berharga sehingga sulit untuk dilepaskan.

Wanita seperti bunga teratai berarti wanita yang kokoh, kuat dan selalu menjaga harga diri dan kehormatannya serta mampu berbagi kebaikan dengan orang terdekat dan lingkungannya. Wanita yang cantik dan anggun dengan segala keindahan yang ada dalam dirinya dan memiliki sikap terhormat dalam dirinya.

Namun memang sulit untuk menjadi wanita seperti bunga teratai, kadang saya juga tergoda dan tidak mampu untuk menghadapi lingkungan dan cobaan serta kesenangan sesaat yang ada di dunia. Namun tetap berusaha untuk menjadi wanita yang selalu menjaga kehormatan dan harga dirinya.

The Beautiful Woman

Monday, February 18, 2013 Add Comment

Do you know that, every woman is a great. She is a strong and she was able to do anything even though men's work. Woman are beautiful creatures of God. Not only physically seen. It would be nice if beautiful heart. She has a tenderness. The beauty of woman is relative, it's varies for each person who look her. Sometime people see woman in terms of physical and sometime they see woman in terms of the heart or both of them.

Woman are able to think with heart and mind (logic). The woman was able to control her emotions. Woman have a wide heart, maybe that's why God entrusted the baby to the womb of a woman and not to man.

Sometimes, she was weak. She will be weak beside the person that she loved. She will be weak beside the person that she admires. Not because of her spoiled, but because she feels more comfortable and fell protected by them. 

I think, woman is beautiful not because she is sexy, her skin is white, she is tall, she is slim/slender, and other forms of physical beauty. Not because she is fashionable, not because she is able to attract and stimulate the men. Woman is beautiful because of her good moral, modesty, hospitality and friendly, because she was obedient to her husband and her parents. Woman is beautiful because of her heart.

She is not pretty, but she has a beautiful heart, she will look more beautiful than a beautiful woman having a dirty heart. Woman should be able to maintain her honor. They should be able to keep herself for her husband. A good woman is a woman who does not open her private parts of her body to be sew by the other. She just shows it to her husband. So, she will be safe and she will be far away from danger.

Anything else, woman can be toxic in the world. Because of her attitude, weak woman can cheat for her personal pleasure.

Oh God, it’s not me and not you too.

However, actually, behind the success and greatness of a man, there is a great and brilliance woman beside them, as a loyal spouse and as a loving mother.

Which lady / woman are you ... a beautiful woman with dirty heart or a woman with unusual beauty with beautiful heart. Or beautiful woman with beautiful heart or not of them or woman who obedient to her husband and the woman has good heart towards other.

“The World is jewelry and the best jewelry is the good woman”.

I think, sexy woman is not open her private parts of her body to the other ,but sexy woman is having smart, brilliance, beautiful heart, kind heart and good personality.

and how about you???