media sosial, melalui media sosial inilah saya pertama kali mengenal suami hingga akhirnya kami menikah. Memperoleh teman-teman baru baik dari dalam negeri atau pun di luar negeri seperti Libya, Pakistan, England, USA, Malaysia, Singapura dan wilayah lainnya melalui media sosial. Saya berbagi cerita dan pengalaman juga melalui media sosial. Banyak hal positif yang dapat kita ambil dari media sosial. Mulai dari berkenalan hingga menemukan orang yang kita cintai melalui media sosial.
KOPI - 1
Have you watched cartoons? Do you like cartoons? Or are you a cartoon lover? At least, you had watched a cartoon when you was kid. Many childreen like cartoon, because it has animation color and funny sound that make it interesting.
I am a cartoon lover. May be my friend think that I am like a kid. Because cartoon is identic with kids. For me watching cartoon have a pleasure. It can reduce my stress because of funny story with funny sound. And cartoon can give me a positive imagination. Beside that, there are cartoon which is not fit for childreen. Because it's story teach a negative thing for them. So please keep it for them.
Spongebobs Squarepants, Doraemon, Detective Conan, Tom & Jerry, Barbie, Upin & Ipin, Toy Story, UP and many more. I am sure that you had watched it. Actually whatever the movie or film, they have a positive things that we can get lesson from them. Although some story have the negative side, but we can touch the positive side from them (think out of box).
I like Spongebob and every morning I always watched it on TV. He is a funny, plain and simple boy, and sometime look like a stupid boy. Because of his attitude, he always became scapegoat and be exploited by his friend. While, so many positive attitude that we can learn from him. He is a loyal friend to Patrick. Patrick is his best friend. Spongebob care depply with Patrick, even they made a promise to be Best Friend Forever (BFF).
Moreover he is a workhorce, loyal and dicipline in working. He always go work on time. He was cook at restaurant of Krusti Krab. If he was late, he felt guilty. He always enjoy and have a pleasure with his job. Never mind how much salary that he was received. Even the holyday, Spongebob always went to work. Because working was his life. So it is different than us. Sometimes when we work in office, we come late to work, and sometime we still use time of work for another activity such as browsing, chatting and gossipss...
He also loyal and respect to his boss. Although his boss being hard to him, he never against and always respect to his boss. The other positive attitude of Spongebob, he always be happy and try to be happy with other. Although he gots troubles. Spongebobs have never give up attitude that we can try to do. He always fail when he got test driving car. But he never gives up to get a driver's license.
So his attitude such as loyal, workhorce, dicipline, friendship, happy, respect and never give up. We can learn and do in our lives.
Apakah Anda pernah menonton film kartun? Apakah Anda suka menonton kartun? Apakah Anda pecinta kartun? Paling tidak Anda pernah menonton film kartun. Film kartun sangat banyak disukai oleh anak-anak karena animasi dengan warna dan suara pemainnya yang lucu dan menarik.
Saya pecinta kartun. Mungkin ada yang bilang saya masih anak-anak karena kartun identik dengan anak-anak. Bagi saya menonton kartun punya kenikmatan tersendiri. Bagi saya kartun menghibur dan mengobati stress. Ceritanya yang kocak dengan suara dan animasi yang lucu dan menambah daya imajinasi yang positif. Namun ada juga film kartun yang tidak pantas ditonton oleh anak-anak karena cerita yang mengajarkan pada hal negatif. So..jangan ditonton ya...
Banyak film kartun yang positif ditonton, sebut saja Spongebob Squarepants, Doraemon, Detective Conan, Tom & Jerry, Barbie, Upin & Ipin, Toy Story, UP dan masih banyak lagi. Saya yakin Anda pasti pernah menonton salah satunya. Sebenarnya apapun yang kita tonton, banyak hal positif yang dapat kita pelajari. Namun dalam cerita yang paling menonjol adalah hal negatif tapi kita bisa pandang dari sisi lainnya yaitu sisi positifnya (think out of the box).
Sebut saja Spongbob Squarepants yang lugu, polos dan kadang terlihat bodoh. Karena sikapnya ini, dia menjadi kambing hitam atau dimanfaatkan oleh teman-temannya. Walaupun begitu, banyak sikap positif Spongebob yang pantas kita tiru. Sikap dia yang setia kawan dengan sahabatnya Patrick. Spongebob sangat peduli dengan sahabatnya Patrick, bahkan mereka berjanji untuk menjadi Best Friend Forever.
Selain itu Spongebob adalah pekerja keras yang setia dan disiplin. Dia bekerja sebagai koki di restoran miliknya Krusti Krab. Setiap berangkat kerja dia selalu berusaha datang tepat waktu. Dan jika telat beberapa detik saja membuat dia merasa bersalah. Dia pekerja keras yang sangat menikmati dan menyenangi pekerjaannya. Tidak peduli berapapun gaji yang dia terima. Bahkan hari libur pun dia masih tetap ingin bekerja. Baginya pekerjaan adalah bagian dari hidupnya. Jika dia tidak bekerja, berarti potensi yang dimilikinya tidak berguna bagi orang lain. Beda ya dengan kita, yang sudah ada pekerjaan tapi masih memanfaatkan waktu kerja untuk hal yang tidak berguna seperti chatting, buka website dan bergosip di jam kerja.
Dia selalu setia dan hormat terhadap majikannya. Walaupun majikannya bersikap keras dan kasar terhadapnya, namun dia tidak melawan dan bahkan tetap menghormati majikannya serta selalu menuruti majikannya.
Sikap positif lainnya adalah sikap dia yang selalu ceria dan berusaha agar selalu ceria terhadap semua temannya walaupun hal buruk menimpanya. Sikap pantang menyerahnya pun pantas kita tiru. Spongebob walaupun berkali-kali gagal dalam tes mengemudi, namun dia tetap berusaha agar bisa lulus dan memperoleh SIM mengemudi.
Jadi sikap setia kawan, pekerja keras, disiplin, bersahabat, ceria, hormat dan pantang menyerahnya patut kita tiru...
Have you heard song by Lenka that title is Trouble is a Friend. I like this song so much, because of relax rhytm with soft her voice and simple lyric. This song is amazing for me. It tell us that troubles is a friend although they are a foe for us. But we can change our mind set so trouble is not a foe that will hurt us but they teach us for godness.
All of creatures can't be separate from troubles. They have troubles in their life and their environment. Sometimes when we got troubles, we can't control and always be distracted by them.
Trouble is in our heart, trouble is in the dark and they always be exist in our life if we can't solve them and we run away from them. They always seem to grow and always grow. Don't let they win.
We should be able to make a trouble is a friend. Friend that will change our mind and our attitude for the godness. Without troubles, our life no feel beautiful and no feel challenges. Trouble teach us become grow up in action and be responsible. Trouble teach us to strong in our life.
Me and my friend always understand and teach each other for better life. If we consider troubles is a friend that always help and show the way to be better for us, so we never avoid them into our life and we should understand and not burden in our life.
For me I had had many troubles in my life. But we always pray for God that we don't get troubles. If we got them, think of them as a teacher that can teach us to maximize our good potential to be better.
"Trouble Is A Friend"
Trouble will find you No matter where you go Oh, oh
No matter if you're fast No matter if you're slow Oh, oh
The eye of the storm wanna cry in the morn Oh, oh
You're fine for a while But you start To lose control
He's there in the dark
He's there in my heart
He waits in the wings he's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend Yeah
Trouble Is a friend of mine Ahh
Trouble is a friend But trouble is a foe Oh, oh
And no matter What I feed him He always seems to grow Oh, oh
He sees what I see And he knows What I know Oh, oh
So don't forget As you ease On down my road
He's there in the dark He's there in my heart
He waits in the wings He's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend Yeah Trouble Is a friend of mine
So don't be alarmed If he takes you
By the arm I won't let him win
But I'm a sucker for his charm
For his charm
Trouble is a friend Yeah Trouble Is a friend of mine Ahh
How I hate the way He makes me feel
And how I try To make him leave I try Oh, oh, I try
But he's there in the dark
He's there in my heart
He waits in the wings
He's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend Yeah
Trouble Is a friend of mine
So don't be alarmed If he takes you
By the arm I won't let him win
but I'm a sucker for his charm
For his charm
Trouble is a friend Yeah
Trouble Is a friend of mine Ahh
Ooh Ahh Ooh
Trouble is a Friend
Pernah dengar lagu Lenka yang judulnya Trouble is a friend gak? Saya suka banget ma lagu ini. Alunan lagu yang nyantai dengan suara Lenka yang lembut ditambah lirik yang sederhana. Pokoknya lagu ini keren banget dehh...
Liriknya sangat sederhana bahwa masalah adalah teman walaupun masalah adalah musuh. Namun kita dapat mengubah cara pandang kita agar masalah bukan musuh yang menyeramkan, kita anggap masalah sebagai teman yang mengajarkan untuk kebaikan.
Semua makhluk Tuhan tidak ada yang lepas dari masalah. Mereka semua punya masalah baik kecil bahkan masalah besar sekalipun. Mereka memiliki masalah baik terhadap diri sendiri atau pun terhadap lingkungannya. Kadang saat kita mendapatkan masalah, kita tidak sanggup menahan dan mengendalikan diri hingga menangis sehingga kita berlarut dalam masalah.
Kita mendapat madalah seperti berada dalam kegelapan. Masalah itu ada dalam hati dan akan tetap ada jika kita tidak menyelesaikannya dan akan tetap ada jika kita lari dari masalah. Masalah akan selalu tumbuh dan berkembang. Jadi jangan biarkan masalah menang.
Kita harus mampu menjadikan masalah sebagai teman yang akan mengubah cara pandang kita dan sikap kita agar menjadi lebih baik. Tanpa adanya masalah hidup tidak terasa indah karena tidak ada tantangan. Masalah mengajarjan kita agar menjadi lebih dewasa dalam bertindak dan menanggapi setiap tantangan dan mengajarkan kita agar lebih kuat dalam mengarungi kehidupan.
Dalam kehidupan antara kita dan teman adalah dua kehidupan yang saling mengerti. Selalu saling membantu dan mengarahkan agar menjadi lebih baik. Jika kita dapat menganggap masalah sebagai teman berarti kita dapat menyelesaikan dan bukan menghindarinya. Semakin kita dekati dan semakin kita dekat maka masalah bukan menjadi beban. Namun menjadi bagian dari hidup agar menjadi lebih baik.
Namun bagaimanapun juga kita tetap harus berdoa pada Tuhan untuk tidak bermasalah. Dan jika kita mendapat masalah kita dapat menjadikannya sebagai guru yang mengajarkan kita untuk memaksimalkan potensi yang kita miliki.
"Trouble Is A Friend"
Trouble will find you No matter where you go Oh, oh
No matter if you're fast No matter if you're slow Oh, oh
The eye of the storm wanna cry in the morn Oh, oh
You're fine for a while But you start To lose control
He's there in the dark
He's there in my heart
He waits in the wings
he's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend Yeah
Trouble Is a friend of mine Ahh
Trouble is a friend But trouble is a foe Oh, oh
And no matter What I feed him He always seems to grow Oh, oh
He sees what I see And he knows What I know Oh, oh
So don't forget As you ease On down my road
He's there in the dark
He's there in my heart
He waits in the wings
He's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend Yeah
Trouble Is a friend of mine
So don't be alarmed If he takes you
By the arm I won't let him win
But I'm a sucker for his charm
For his charm Trouble is a friend Yeah Trouble Is a friend of mine Ahh
How I hate the way He makes me feel And how I try To make him leave I try Oh, oh, I try
But he's there in the dark
He's there in my heart
He waits in the wings
He's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend Yeah
Trouble Is a friend of mine
So don't be alarmed If he takes you
By the arm I won't let him win
But I'm a sucker for his charm
For his charm Trouble is a friend Yeah Trouble Is a friend of mine Ahh
Ooh Ahh Ooh
Breakthrough Thinking
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Think Out Of The Box |