Saturday, February 08, 2014 Add Comment

Sleep...All vertebrates need to sleep include human. When we feel tired after doing some activity, the best rest is sleep. While we are sleeping, our condition is less consciously or unconsciously and less activity in our body. Nerves and muscles are not more activity and also rest. Sleep is recurring natural condition to be done by vertebrates. Duration of sleep depend on some factors, there are genders, age, healthy, stamina/immune system and mental activity.

Believe or not, sleep is the most important to do and it is the most important daily need after air and water. Based a research, if we don't do enough sleep or we often don't do sleep can decrease immune system and resulting the risk of death.

Generally, the newborn baby needs to sleep about 16 hours per day, baby at age of 6 months needs to sleep about 13 hours per day. Then, in adolescence needs to sleep about 9 hours per day. Then, in adulthood needs 7-8 hours per day. So increasing age of diminishing of sleeping time. If we count ideal sleeping time of adult about 8 hours per day, it means one-third day or about 33,3% our time in a day for sleeping. And, about one-third of our lifetime for sleeping. It shows that how sleeping is so important for us.

However, we cannot be able to sleep in ideal time. Even we often sleep less than 5 hours and more than 8 hours. It can cause negative effect to us especially for our health and our environment. For example, when we drive a car while feeling sleepy, it gives a chance to get accidents and it harms for ourselves and others.

I often sleep in not ideal time, even sleep less than 6 hours per day and sometime moe 8 hours per day. Its look like revenge less time to sleep.  The effect, I feel bad in my health. I cannot control my emotion and hard to concentrate. My routines are decrease and so easy feel tired. And, even I often drink caffeine beverage like coffee to get more energy and spirit to do activity. Surely it is not good for my health if I often drink it.

There are more advantages to sleep in ideal time:

  • Sleep can refresh our body after doing activity. Enough sleep is the same as like to do exercise properly. During sleeping, our muscle will be more relax and rest from work. Tissue and cell recovery  process occurs very quickly, so that why if we have injury in our body, sleeping is good to recovery it. We feel refresh after awake and have more energy and spirit to do activity.
  • Sleep can improve our memory and concentration to think and do activity. While we are sleeping, our mind has the chance to repair damage neurons or brain cells. Sleep is heating of our brain to prepare do more activity. In addition, as well as our memory, brain will arrange or compile all of data in mind and can find more solution in cases. When we face cases, we feel dizzy and confuse how to find solutions, then sleeping for a bit and our memory will be ready to think and solve it.
  • Sleep help our blood produce hormone. While we are sleeping, our body get more relax and it affects our blood stream flows smoothly. Then, hormone can produce properly in our blood.
  • Sleep makes brighter skin. While we are sleeping, our blood stream flows smoothly in our body, Metabolisme level is quickly and more cell will increase and damage of protein will decrease. So when we have enough sleep especially at night can make brighter and beauty for our skin. And, dark circle in our eyes will not occur.
  • Sleep increase our immune system. During sleeping, improved our body cells and increased our immune system and certainly some protein as well. For example, the cancer immune system, Tumour Necrosis Factor (TNF) is pumped through the blood during sleeping and it can help body to resist of infection. Sleeping less than 7 hours per day is also vulnerable to the flu. 
  • Sleep decrease blood pressure. During sleeping, decrease some activity and our mind will be calm then blood pressure will decrease. During sleeping the normal blood pressure will reduce approximately 20% - 30% and heartbeat will reduce about 10% - 20%, so we will avoid from coronary heart, stroke and diabetes.
  • Sleep decrease our body weight. During sleeping, metabolism function and brain function still do activity. It will be highest metabolism and it burns calory in our body. Besides that if we don't sleep in ideal time will be impact to produce hormone balance and will influences our feeling to eat food.
There are more advantages of sleeping in ideal time for our health.

So use our time as good as possible to sleep and do some activity.

How Islam view about sleeping. 
All activity is managed in Islam just purpose is solely as good for our life. In Al Qur'an, we are told to sleep. In Surah Al FurQaan ayah 47: “And it is He who has made the night for you as clothing and sleep [a means for] rest and has made the day a resurrection.”

Sleep is encouraged in Islam, because it giving good advantages to our health. Even sleep can be worship and if we sleep in accordance with sunnah of our prophet Muhammad SAW.  He didn't like sleep after shubuh prayer and before Isya prayer. The time after fajr is beginning of the day, more sustenance will come to us. In a hadith narrated by Abu Barzah RA that the Prophet hated sleeping before Isha and talking afterwards. (Bukhari and Muslim 568 647). Because of  the fear of missing the time of Isha prayer if we sleep. However, some ulama (scholars) think sleeping before Isha allow special only in Ramadhan.


Friday, February 07, 2014 Add Comment

Tidur …Semua makhluk hidup yang bertulang belakang membutuhkan tidur. Saat lelah setelah beraktivitas, istirahat yang paling baik adalah tidur. Saat tidur kondisi kita dalam keadaan kurang atau tidak ada kesadaran dan aktivitas tubuh. Saraf dan otot dalam keadaan tidak bekerja penuh atau istirahat. Tidur merupakan keadaan alami yang selalu berulang dilakukan oleh makhluk hidup. Banyaknya waktu tidur makhluk hidup terutama manusia tergantung pada beberapa faktor, diantaranya jenis kelamin, usia, kesehatan, daya tahan tubuh dan aktivitas mental.

Percaya atau tidak, tidur merupakan hal terpenting yang harus kita lakukan secara berulang-ulang. Merupakan kebutuhan terpenting setelah udara dan air. Menurut penelitian, kurang tidur atau bahkan sering tidak tidur dapat mempercepat kematian karena efeknya bagi kesehatan dan sistem imun/kekebalan tubuh yang menurun.

Pada umumnya bayi yang baru lahir membutuhkan waktu tidur sekitar 16 jam/hari, pada usia 6 bulan bayi membutuhkan waktu tidur selama 13 jam/hari, pada usia remaja memerlukan waktu tidur sekitar 9 jam/hari dan pada usia dewasa memerlukan waktu tidur sekitar 7-8 jam sehari. Jadi semakin bertambah usianya semakin berkurang waktu tidurnya. Jika kita hitung waktu ideal tidur orang dewasa selama 8 jam, berarti 1/3 hari atau 33,3% waktu dalam sehari kita gunakan untuk tidur dan 1/3 hidup kita gunakan untuk tidur. Hal ini menunjukkan betapa pentingnya tidur bagi kita.

Namun tidak setiap hari kita mampu tidur pada waktu ideal tersebut di atas. Kadang kita tidur melebihi 8 jam dan kadang kurang dari 5 jam. Jika kita sering tidur dalam waktu yang tidak ideal baik terlalu lama atau pun terlalu sedikit akan memberikan efek negatif bagi tubuh kita dan juga lingkungan. Misalnya saja saat kita mengendarai kendaraan dalam kondisi mengantuk akibat kurang tidur maka akan rentan terjadi kecelakaan yang dapat merugikan diri sendiri dan orang lain.

Saya sendiri sering tidur tidak sesuai dengan waktu idealnya. Bahkan sering kurang dari 5 jam dan ada yang melebihi 8 jam. Memang hal ini memberikan efek negatif bagi kesehatan saya. Terutama susah saat mengontrol konsentrasi dan emosi. Aktivitas sehari-hari pun akan menurun karena cepat lelah. Dan tidak jarang saya selalu mengkonsumsi minuman berkafein yang dapat membangkitkan energi untuk beraktivitas. Tentu hal ini tidaklah baik bagi kesehatan karena mengkonsumsi minuman berkafein setiap hari.

Berikut beberapa manfaat dari tidur, diantaranya:

  1. Tidur dapat menyegarkan badan setelah beraktivitas. Tidur yang cukup sama halnya dengan berolah raga. Saat tidur otot akan menjadi rileks dan beristirahat dari tugasnya. Proses pemulihan jaringan pun berlangsung lebih cepat, sehingga sangat baik jika kondisi tubuh cedera untuk tidur. Setelah bangun dari tidur, tubuh akan terasa segar dan memiliki energi serta semangat yang tinggi untuk beraktivitas kembali.
  2. Tidur dapat meningkatkan daya ingat dan konsentrasi saat beraktivitas dan berpikir. Saat tidur otak memiliki kesempatan untuk memperbaiki neuron-neuron atau sel-sel otak yang rusak. Tidur juga merupakan bentuk pemanasan bagi otak kita untuk bersiap-siap melakukan aktivitas kembali. Begitu juga dengan memori atau daya ingat kita, otak menyusun kembali semua data-data dalam memori untuk dapat  menemukan solusi terhadap masalah yang kita hadapi. Disaat kita menghadapi masalah, kita merasa pusing dan bingung, maka tidurlah sejenak dan memori kita akan siap untuk berpikir dan memecahkan solusi dari masalah yang kita hadapi.
  3. Tidur dapat membantu produksi hormon dalam tubuh. Saat tidur kondisi tubuh sangat relaks, sehingga memperlancar aliran darah. Produksi hormon dalam darah pun dapat dihasilkan secara seimbang.
  4. Tidur membuat kulit menjadi cerah. Saat tidur yang cukup melancarkan aliran darah keseluruh tubuh. Dan tingkat metabolisme kulit dipercepat dan banyak sel-sel tubuh menunjukkan peningkatan dan mengurangi kerusakan protein. Sehingga tidur yang cukup pada malam hari dapat mempercantik kulit. Dan dengan tidur yang cukup lingkar gelap pada mata yang mengurangi kecantikan tidak akan terlihat.
  5. Tidur dapat  meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh kita. Sel tubuh mengalami perbaikan dan terjadinya peningkatan sistem kekebalan tubuh (imun) serta protein tertentu selama tidur. Seperti sistem kekebalan tubuh yang dapat membunuh kanker yaitu Tumour Necrosis Factor (TNF) yang dipompa melalui darah saat tidur, sehingga dapat membantu melawan terjadinya infeksi pada tubuh kita. Tidur yang kurang dari 7 jam juga sangat rentan terkena flu.
  6. Tidur menurunkan tekanan darah. Saat tidur aktivitas berkurang dan pikiran terasa lebih tenang sehingga tekanan darah menurun. Saat tidur tekanan darah normal akan berkurang yaitu tekanan darah berkurang kira-kira 20%-30% dan denyut jantung berkurang kira-kira 10% - 20%. Sehingga terhindar dari penyakit jantung koroner, stroke dan diabetes.
  7. Tidur juga dapat menurunkan berat badan karena saat tidur fungsi metabolisme dan otak terus bekerja. Metabolisme paling tinggi terjadi disaat kita tidur. Aktivitas metabolisme tubuh akan membakar kalori pada tubuh kita. Selain itu jika kita tidur tidak dalam waktu ideal akan mempengaruhi tidak seimbangnya produksi hormon tertentu dalam tubuh yang dapat mempengaruhi selera makan.
Masih banyak manfaat tidur bagi kesehatan.
Nah... untuk itu gunakanlah waktu tidur dengan sebaik-baiknya.

Bagaimana pandangan Islam terhadap tidur. Di dalam Islam tidak ada satu aktivitas pun yang tidak diatur yang tujuannya semata-mata untuk kebaikan kita. Dalam Al Quran kita dianjurkan untuk tidur. Dalam Al Qur’an surat Al Furqaan ayat 47 bahwa “Dialah yang menjadikan malam (sebagai) pakaian, dan tidur untuk istirahat dan Dia menjadikan siang untuk bangun berusaha.” Tidur sangat dianjurkan dalam Islam karena memberikan dampak yang bagi bagi kesehatan kita. Bahkan tidurpun bisa menjadi Ibadah jika kita mengikuti sunnah nabi dalam adab-adab tidur. 

Dilain hal, Rasulullah SAW membenci tidur di dua waktu. Pertama, setelah shalat shubuh, waktu ini adalah awalnya hari dan waktu turunnya rezeki. Kedua, diantara waktu setelah shalat magrib dan shalat Isya. Dalam hadits yang diriwayatkan oleh Abu Barzah RA bahwa Rasulullah SAW membenci tidur sebelum isya dan bercerita selepasnya. (HR Bukhari 568 dan Muslim 647). Salah satu alasannya karena takut akan terlewat waktu shalat Isya akibat dari tidur. Namun beberapa pendapat ulama membolehkan tidur sebelum Isya khusus dibulan Ramadhan saja.

Ayoo...gunakan waktu tidur yang cukup, jangan terlalu sedikit dan jangan terlalu lama dari waktu ideal. Waktu tidur yang baik adalah dimalam hari, bukan disianghari akibat begadang dimalam hari. Bagi yang suka bergadang seperti saya, mulailah untuk mengubah kebiasaan yang tidak baik demi menjaga kesehatan agar aktivitas maksimal.


Saturday, February 01, 2014 Add Comment

Continuing of my last article about "Writing is Sharing with Other". Today, I share about reading.

Definition of reading in “Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia” (Indonesian Language Dictionary) is “Seeing and comprehending contents of what it is written (with oral or in heart). Since kid, we have been taught to read, first we know the alphabets like "A, B, C, D, E,…" then we were string up letters become a word, like “THIS, THAT, ME, BUDI..” then we read the entire book. In Islam we were taught to know Arabic letters, then we were able to read Al Qur'an.

The last time for me, reading was so boring, even I always ignored to reading as well as writing. If I followed activity at school, my favorite subject is exact sciences like math, physics and chemistry. This subject's didn't need to read more contents in a book. Another case social sciences like economic, history, geography, etc., and also other sciences like language that need to read more contents in a book. 

The first time, I read the entire book until finish is comic. Comic is a book has full picture and almost has funny story and animation that content tends to entertainment, then I started to read novel that was given by my sister. She asked me how important reading. With more read books give advantages to us beside add our knowledge, information, and also entertain in our spare time. From this moment I like reading, until I like to read fiction book: novel and comic, and also non fiction book: self-improvement book, motivation book, inspiration book and biography of the famous people, it's topic is a religion and general topic.

Sometime, we assume reading just see and spell the letters without comprehend the meaning of what we read. Indeed, first we read a book feel boring, but if we can choose the right to reading, both in terms time, kind of book, and advantage after we read, so it can reduce boring as long as reading. Feeling curious about something and when someone special give a book to us can encourage us to read the books.

Surely, when we read a book, we just read, see and spell the script and we don't understand what its contents. This is also influenced by memory capacity of our brain and durability of our eyes are only capable to read a book within a few hours. And, the other case, it depends on our habit for reading. The more accustomed we read, the more time reading that we need, even we can understand and comprehend it.

In Al Qur'an, the first revelation to our prophet's Muhammad SAW (peace upon by him) is Al ‘Alaq in ayah 1 and 3, there are “Iqra” mean “read”. This is clear that in Islam order to reading, how important reading. May more definition for reading, it can read a book or script or it can read our environment and nature. In our religion is encouraged to reading, surely we can get more advantage for our life, our environment and even for our healthy.

Reading can strengthen our brains in working memory. When we read script make our logic, our feeling curiosity and our imagination push ahead our brain to concentrate and thinking. Based on study of Medical Center University, “Reading can make extend the power of thinking. Even reading can prevent Al Zheimer disease.”

Our memory is different with PC's memory. Although we think that PC is more sophisticated than human. If we always use more memory of PC make lower of PC's working. This is opposite of human's memory. If we always use it like reading and thinking make it will be stronger in working.
Reading is good activity in  spare time, rather than we hang out with friend while disturbing others. Reading for a favourites book or entertains book can relieve stress. We will focus and concentrate as long as reading because of this we can forget what the things can make us stress.

Reading can add vocabulary in language even if we find some strange words, it can encourage us to find it meaning. Reading can add our knowledge and positive information. Maybe you have heard this script “Reading can dominate the world”. All information teach us about life, reality, circumstances and other. We will learn it and we will know about it. For example, when we read about geography of a country,  we will be able to tell people about the countries favorite tourist attractions as well as tell the situation, condition and environment to others, even though we have never been visited that country. Because of reading, we become know as much as we ever visited the country.

Reading can encourage and motivate ourselves, especially if we read books that can provide inspiration and encouragement in life. Reading can also establish relationships with others, especially if we and they have in common books read. So often discuss or share information with each other positive.

The more advantages of reading instead. If we were all happy with reading and be familiar with reading, then our country able to compete with other more developed countries. Our country will have the creativity and intelligence that can compete with other countries.

For that let us fill our time by reading, probably first read only 1-5 ​​pages, further to 6-15 pages and so on until the day we may be able to read the two books even more. In this case, reading a book is positive activity. Read good book and do not read a book that is prohibited by our religion and we also know currently reading is only not use book, but many media such as digital through either a PC or a mobile phone provide for reading. Surely we would not want to miss from the other, is not? ...

"Let's make enjoy with reading good things..."


Friday, January 31, 2014 Add Comment
Melanjutkan artikel saya yang terdahulu mengenai menulis. Saat ini kita share mengenai membaca. 

Membaca menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia adalah “melihat  serta  memahami  isi dari apa yg tertulis (dengan melisankan atau hanya dalam hati).  Dari kecil kita sudah diajari untuk membaca, mulai dari membaca abjad  “A, B, C, D, E, …”, merangkai huruf menjadi sebuah kata, seperti “INI, ITU, SAYA, BUDI, …”. Hingga kita mampu membaca buku.  Dalam Islam pun kita diajarkan membaca huruf Arab, hingga kita mampu membaca kita suci Al Qur’an.

Dahulu membaca bagi saya adalah kegiatan yang sangat membosankan bahkan selalu dihindari, seperti halnya menulis. Jika mengikuti kegiatan belajar di sekolah, mata pelajaran yang paling disenangi adalah eksakta seperti matematika, kimia, fisika. Karena mata pelajaran ini tidak terlalu banyak materi untuk membaca. Lain halnya bahasa, sejarah, geografi atau pun mata pelajaran sosial lainnya yang mengharuskan kita untuk banyak membaca.

Pertama kali saya membaca buku hingga selesai adalah komik, yaitu buku yang berisi cerita dan gambar animasi yang isinya juga lebih cenderung kepada hiburan. Selanjutnya saya mulai membaca novel yang diberikan oleh adik saya. Dia yang selalu mengingatkan saya untuk membaca, karena dengan membaca banyak manfaat yang kita peroleh selain menambah informasi, ilmu dan juga dapat memberi hiburan diwaktu luang. Dari sinilah saya mulai menyukai membaca, hingga saat ini saya menyukai membaca buku-buku fiksi seperti novel, komik hingga non fiksi seperti pengembangan diri, motivasi, inspirasi dan biografi orang ternama baik yang bertemakan agama atau pun umum.

Membaca tidak hanya melihat dan mengeja apa yang kita baca. Membaca juga mengharuskan kita untuk memahami apa yang kita baca. Memang pertama kali kita membaca buku akan merasakan kejenuhan, namun jika kita mampu memilih dengan tepat untuk membaca baik dari segi waktu, buku yang dibaca dan manfaat apa yang kita rasakan dari membaca, maka kejenuhan pun tidak akan terjadi. Rasa keingintahuan akan sesuatu hal juga dapat mendorong kita untuk membaca. Selain itu buku yang dihadiahkan seseorang yang kita sayangi juga akan mendorong kita untuk membaca.

Namun, kita ketahui kadang membaca hanya melihat dan mengeja tulisan yang kita baca, dan tidak memahami makna yang terkandung di dalamnya. Hal ini juga dipengaruhi oleh kapasitas dan daya tahan mata kita yang hanya mampu membaca buku dalam beberapa jam saja. Selain itu juga tergantung dari kebiasaan kita membaca. Semakin terbiasa kita membaca, semakin lama waktu baca yang kita gunakan dan mampu memahami semua apa yang kita baca.

Dalam Al Quran, surat pertama yang diwahyukan kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW adalah surat Al’Alaq pada ayat 1 dan 3 yaitu “IQRA” yang artinya bacalah. Dari sini jelas bahwa dalam Islam juga diperintahkan untuk membaca. Betapa pentingnya membaca, mungkin banyak definisi membaca, yaitu membaca tulisan atau pun membaca alam dan lingkungan kita. Dalam agama saja sudah dianjurkan untuk membaca. Tentulah banyak manfaat bagi membaca baik untuk kehidupan, lingkungan bahkan kesehatan kita.

Membaca dapat memperkuat daya ingat atau daya memori kita. Saat membaca logika, keingintahuan dan imajinasi memacu otak kita untuk berpikir dan berkonsentrasi. Menurut studi dari Rush University Medical Center bahwa dengan membaca dapat memperpanjang umur pikiran kita. Dan bahkan dapat mencegah terjadinya penyakit Al Zheimer

Daya memori otak kita bertolak belakang dengan daya memori PC. Walaupun kita menganggap PC lebih canggih daripada manusia, semakin sering dan banyak memori PC digunakan semakin lambat daya kerja PC tersebut, lain halnya dengan otak yang semakin sering digunakan semakin kuat daya memorinya.

Membaca juga sebagai pengisi waktu luang yang positif. Daripada mengisi waktu luang kumpul atau nongkrong dengan teman-teman lainnya sambil mengganggu orang lain lebih membaca buku dan berdiskusi. Membaca buku yang kita senangi atau buku yang menghibur juga dapat menghilangkan stress. Kita akan fokus dan konsentrasi selama membaca apalagi jika buku yang dibaca adalah buku yang kita sukai, karena kosentrasi saat membaca secara tidak langsung kita akan melupakan hal-hal yang menyebabkan stress.

Membaca akan menambah kosakata kita dalam berbahasa apalagi jika kita menemukan beberapa kosakata asing yang mendorong kita untuk mencari tahu makna dari kata tesebut. Membaca juga menambah ilmu dan informasi-informasi penting atau pun wawasan dalam kehidupan. Anda pernah dengar bahwa “Membaca dapat menguasai Dunia”. Semua informasi yang mengajarkan kita tentang kehidupan, kenyataan, daya imajinasi, situasi dan kondisi atau hal lainnya. Kita akan mempelajari hal tersebut hingga kita menjadi tahu apa-apa yang belum kita ketahui. Seperti jika Anda membaca masalah geografi dan daerah pariwisata suatu negara. Anda akan dapat menceritakan kepada orang mengenai tempat wisata favorite negara tersebut serta menceritakan suasana dan lingkungannya kepada orang lain, padahal Anda belum pernah pergi ke negara tersebut. Karena dengan membaca ini Anda menjadi tahu seperti halnya Anda pernah mengunjungi negara tersebut.

Membaca juga dapat memberi semangat dan motivasi bagi diri kita terutama jika kita membaca buku-buku yang dapat memberikan inspirasi dan dorongan dalam kehidupan. Membaca juga dapat menjalin hubungan dengan yang lainnya, apalagi jika kita dan mereka memiliki kesamaan buku yang dibaca. Sehingga sering berdiskusi atau pun saling berbagi informasi yang positif satu sama lainnya.

Sangat banyak manfaat dari membaca bukan. Jika kita semua senang dengan membaca dan terbiasa dengan membaca, maka negara kitap pun akan tidak kalah bersaing dengan negara lainnya yang lebih maju. Negara kita pun akan memiliki kreatifitas dan kecerdasan yang dapat bersaing dengan negara lainnya.

Untuk itu ayo kita membiasakan diri untuk membaca, mungkin pertama kali membaca hanya 1-5 halaman, lanjut menjadi 6 – 15 halaman dan seterusnya hingga mungkin dalam sehari kita mampu membaca dua buku bahkan lebih. Dalam hal ini, tentu membaca buku yang bernilai positif bukan buku yang memberikan hal negatif pada kita dan lingkungan atau pun buku yang dilarang oleh ajaran agama kita. Dan kita ketahui juga saat ini membaca tidak harus menggunakan buku, namun banyak media seperti melalui digital baik PC atau pun mobile phone. Tentunya kita tidak akan mau ketinggalan dari yang lainnya bukan…

"Let's make enjoy with reading good things..."


Friday, January 31, 2014 2 Comments
I got inspiration to write this article after discussing with my brother.

In phisyc or mathematic, we are familiar with word of vector. It is a scale that has a value and also direction. If we look back to ourselves, it is the same with us, we have a value for ourselves, other and our God. We have direction mean vision, goal and passion for life. Our value is to ourselves to be the best and do the best as ability and we always be blessed by Allah SWT. Our value is to others to share positive things and do great sincere for them. Our value is to Allah SWT to obey His orders and to leave His prohibitions.

Beside we have a value, we have a direction. Our direction means our vision, our goal, our dream, our passion or our destination to live in this world and hereafter, to live in dunya and akhirah. Where we will carry our life today, whether to be like usual or be greater than usual or otherwise. It depends on us and depend on how we view our life. With blessed by Allah SWT and support by others around us.

Living with vision, goal and destination make us live with spirit and we will keep it up to do and reach its. We will do maximum to reach as our ability through effort, dua, believe and trust it can be realize. May others will not agree with us, may others will inhibit or interfere us. But we should focus for what we plan before.

The lifetime is the past, the present and the future time. The past is all events have occurred. That event has occurred before the present. There is mention the past is memories and cannot forget it. Whatever various effort to forget it, the bad or good events, it cannot be forgotten. If we are busy to think about the past, may we will view more terrible in our life. We will not focus to live in the present and to live in the future.

We live for the present and the future, it does not mean we are busy to focus for our sadness in the past then make stultify our life in the present and in the future. It does not mean we are busy to focus for our happiness without doing anything in the present. We can get as lesson for event that occurred in the past, and we expect the bad event will not occurs anymore. We should do everything as good as the past and bad event will not occurs anymore.

If we get a chance to back into the past, what we would do at that time. We would do good things or we would do nothing so we would not get risk. 

The present is what we feel and we face today. The present will occur after the past. Today is future for the past. It is not good if we are busy to think about past event, we should think about the present and the future as well, how to life, what we want to carry our visions, our goals, our dreams or our destinations to live in the future. But it doesn't mean we just focus how to life in the duniya like find more money, power, position, etc. Also we should focus to think how to live in akhirah as well. We should choose to success life in duniya and akhirah. We will not forget to obey Allah SWT and leave His prohibitions, then we will be blessed by Him and so far we will be given the ease to do our visions and our dreams.

Living for the future mean we are trying to prepare as well as we will save our life for duniya and akhirah, then we will get good and great live there. Living for the future will run consistent with our visions and destination if we have good planning and good spirit to reach it.

Having dreams, goal and passion is positive things to encourage life. For the past, every's people have different way to respond event in the past. For me, I want to forget bad event, but I ll take positive it and I hope will never occur anymore. It will become a lesson for today and future.

We will not change to be good if we will not change it by ourselves.  We will not go forward or go ahead if we still think and focus about past. We cannot succeed to run our life if we cannot learn and take positive about the past. It depends on us and our view about the past, the present and the future. We should control ourselves and our mind to choose positive or negative things. Life is a choice, we choose to be good or we choose to be bad. It is in our heart, our mind and our action.

I have a dream and passion for the future and of course, I will get more obstacles to reach it. It is enough, me and Allah SWT know it. Do effort, dua and trust and keep spirit in life although we will face more people will not agree with us. Just be who we are and do great in our life.

Always keep it up in life and reach our dream, passion and goal for happiness and wealth life in duniya and akhirah. And don't forget to think who we are, always close to Allah SWT as our God, then everything will be easier to do and all our dreams will be blessed by Him.


Wednesday, January 29, 2014 Add Comment

I just want to share a little experience about writing. During I was in a school, language was very bored subject for me. Every holiday, I always had homework to write my experience about holiday. I  was really hate made essay. I was really hate writing. For me writing was boring and so difficult than I learn mathematic.

Maybe, I was not able to stringing words because I thought that writing must follow more rules and must stringing nice words, then I couldn't express my ideas become an essay, a paper or an article. If I had homework about writing at school, my grade always was worst grade than my friends grade at class. So writing was the most hates subject and I always ignored it. 

But now, writing is my hobby. I cannot leave it, I cannot ignore it. At least I can make one essay or one article in a day or in two days. How was the mood, I still write and express my idea, my experience, my feeling at there, and I hope my article/essay will useful for others.

First time, my sister asked me to read a book, it was novel, religious book and general self-motivation book and also self-improvement book. From reading I got ideas and opinion about what I had red, then it had become my habit after I read a book, we discussed and argue to express our opinion. “The writings start from what we know, knowledge start from what we read”.

But it did not take a long time, when I cannot argue with my sister, I couldn't express my idea and my opinion, it held in the heart and sometime just imagine. I realized need something that can express it all. I took my pen and wrote on a paper. I tried to inscribe ink on the paper. I tried to express my idea and my opinion at there. But it was not easy like argue and talking directly about opinion. With writing and bad vocabulary, I forced myself to write and I tried to repair it into good essay, and until now, writing is really important and be my habit, and I really like writing. May when you read my first article in my blog, its look stiff and uninteresting, because I couldn't choose a good vocabulary to write it.

We should force to write until be habit, although we don't have an idea, we should force to write and never give up to write. First, we feel it so difficult and so boring, but gradually it will be easy and be usual. Writing mean express and share information, knowledge and idea to others and we hope useful for them. We must train and repair it until give a good writing. Although we have a strong will for writing, if we don't do it and  try to write, it is the same with we want something, but we don't do effort to get it.

For me, first time in writing is an expression my idea and opinion into an essay or an article. Second, read it and ask opinion from other. We can share in social media to ask their opinion. If it needs improvement, I can repair it until give good writing.

More advantages from writing. Writing force us to add our knowledge and our information with reading and searching more information. Read this proverb,  “The good  writer, because he is a good reader”. By writing, we can express our idea and our opinion about something. By writing, we can share our knowledge and information to others. By writing, we can add our vocabulary, information and knowledge and also our friends.

I quote from a paper, it explains about Alqur'an Surah Al'Alaq ayah 1-5. It
tells that Islam support knowledge and education. How really important to us to write and to read, further determine the universe, then explain about humans believe in Allah SWT. In this surah explains that the most important of reading (Iqra') and writing (Allama bi Al-Qalam) as the important of human doing than other creator. The 4th ayah has a word Qalam, it means is a pen. A pen is a tool for writing. This mean that Allah SWT teach us through intermediaries Qalam (a pen), it means ask us to write and read.

Writing is better than memory or power of mind. Our brain has limit capacity. So by writing we can save what in our mind and share with others. 

Here are some opinion of experts, 

Imam Syafi'i, “Science is like a harvest / hunting in the sack, writing is bond".

Ali bin Abi Thalib, “Tie science with writing”.

Nelson Mandela, “Education is a great and amazing weapon that can be used to change the world.”

Napoleon Bonaparte, “ I am scare with a pen of writer than 1000 weapons of soldier”.

This shows how really important and useful of writing.

Let's … writing…Express your idea and share with others. Start now with write what you have known, write your experiences and your feeling. “Writing can change the world”. By writing, we can create a book even thousands books. A book is a dumb of teacher that teach us and always loyal to share it's knowledge. ^_^