Saturday, May 03, 2014

This article is continuing last article about “ The Book”. Every May, 2nd, we celebrate The National Days for Education in Indonesia. As we know that education is so important to be an intelligent's person because it gives capability to do everything and to pursuit our goal. With good education in the country can raise degree and dignity of the nation in front of the world. In education, book is so important and it cannot be separated in human life whose love book, and they suggest that book is look like second spouse after wife or husband.

General Library
One of place that available free several of reading books for public is library. The library is a place and an organized collection of sources of information and knowledge, made accessible to a defined community for reference or borrowing. Its collection can include books, magazines, newspapers, and even ebook or movie. For me, the library is a place that provides the freedom and convenience for visitors to read the collection of books and visitors must obey the rules there.

As we know that we prefer watching television rather than reading a book. More people come to the cinema rather than library because less interest in reading a book. Maybe you agree with me that library is very boring and haunted place for those people who don't like books. It condition is quite, monotonous and identical with seriousness. There are surrounded by books and its located usually is in a corner side, and away from crowds. Yea, that is the fact, generally library that we have encountered in here to get quite and full concentration for reading collection books.

Library Cafe Room
Generally, library in Indonesia are easy to find at school and also more publics library that is provided by our government. And, surely you will imagine how boring inside there. The building has high and big room and full with books collection even dusty everywhere because rare people touch its. But never ignore and underestimate it because it is full knowledge and full good information. If there are no library, we will difficult to find book that is not in market area. If there doesn't have library maybe we will not understand how important the books and reading culture.

Times have changed and every human being to develop more creative ideas to make things easy, attractiveness and fun. They will give little creative and brilliant ideas. Also, they are able to give special attraction from something that people always away from. They try to create new innovation things with creative and smart ideas, so it gives valuable and useful result for us. One of the creative ideas about this topic is library with cafe concept. It combines between library concepts and cafe in same place. It provides books and cafe and It can be used as a place to hang out, discussion and if we alone can fill our time with reading books, and we can borrow it after we pay some money to be a member.

Library Cafe
The condition of library cafe is full artistic design room and so attractive, even it can change our mood be calm and enjoy like a cafe room. This condition makes us more comfortable and stay for a long time hang out here with friends while discussing good topic and reading books. We are free to use facility there such as wifi and we can browsing internet based the rules. With this concept hope can change perspective about library as seriousness and boring place become interesting place. It can be alternative to create interest in reading. Besides that, cafe concept can be used as profit oriented business that sells food and beverages and also books.

Last time my favorite library cafe was Zoe Library Cafe at Margonda Street in Depok. Its place was strategy between my last campus, University of Indonesia and  other campus, University of Gunadharma. Its place is also near from Margonda Apartment and also students center, so this cafe gives more benefit for public and their business. In other side, I always visited library cafe near from Zoe, its collection was the owner of private book collection such as children's book, adult books, vcd/dvd, domestic books and also foreign books. The owner is a book's lover and has many book collections since kid.

Zoe Library Cafe
Zoe Library Cafe
Perhaps we can open library cafe at our place with artistic design room that can attract visitors to visit library cafe. Besides we provide complete books collection we have to give excellent service to them. We also provide free wifi connection and allow visitor to borrow book after they become a member and pay specific money. Specially if we live near from campus, this business will get high benefit and give goodness for public. And, we can add more creative and smart idea for this library cafe.

Let's we always try to make creative idea that can give goodness and benefit for us and other.

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