Hmm…almost more than a month I didn't write a new article
in my blog. Now I am trying to write again, hope it will be useful for us.
What will you do when you feel weak
and unable to stand when you face problems in your life? What will you do when
your company dismissed some employee include you because of bankrupt? What will
you do when your campus give you punished drop out?What will you do when you accept the proposal
of marry from a man that you desire? What will you do when God give you a cute
baby? What will you do when you get scholarship to continue study abroad? Of
course, may you will not be able to control your emotion, may you will hit
yourself, break a mirror, somersaults, scream or do some extreme activity after you quite while saying thank God, Alhamdulillah. But some people will not be able to
control it and specially woman, she will cry as good as feel sad or feel happy.
Crying is the thing that often be done by woman.
I have read some science book and article, woman has
smaller eye bags than man, so when she cannot hold her emotion, tear will come
out easily. Besides that woman has 60% prolactin hormone is more than man, this hormone support to produce tear. So that why woman is
easy to cry when she is unable to hold her emotion. How about this, if we
are unable to hold our tear when we are working at office. Is it right place to
When we are working, we cannot
finish all of our jobs, we have more problems because of them, even problems
come not only from office, but also from our privacy. May we meet our mates
that they always make us feel uncomfortable, they always disturb us, they
always want to know our job or our problems that they should not know. Or may
our boss ask to do some projects and give us overload of job. Sometime, we
cannot separate between work and privacy, when we are at office, our mind
doesn't focus to do job, we still think about our privacy problem. For example,
we think about our kid that we leave to our neighbour, or husband always do
overtime at his office, arrears of home rent money that didn't pay for
three months. Of course this will break down our concentration and our
professional work.
We are unable to manage and work well, may we will do
mistakes and other department will complain about it. We will stress and
depression, unable to concentrate and break our health at working. At this
condition, we need friend to share our feeling and we need people who can give
encourage to us. And, especially for some woman, spontaneous she will cry. Crying make feel good, woman think that
crying can solve their problems (although actually it will not), crying
make other people feel pity and they will give attention, cheer and encourage.
Some people said that crying at
office is taboo, because people will see
us as weak, unable control emotion and unable to do job professionally, not emphatic and even unable to face pressure at
work. But nowadays, crying is usual to do. This is caused by
changing of communication ways at work. No limit time between working and
rest at home with family. Even when we
are at home with family, we still get short message from office about work like
email, sms, BBM,
etc. Its change the way of professional life with that shouldn't do at
that time. It make unable to control
emotional, anger, sadness and emotion to cry at wrong moment.
For me, we must do all of job professionally according to
the right time and right place. Before we go to office, we should forget
everything that can break our concentration to work, we have ready to work
with focuss on our job. We have decided to choose work before and even before
we joined with company, we make agreement to do work professionally. We
should do and follow it as a commitment.
If we cannot hold emotion and
feeling to cry, we should choose the hidden room to cry, toilet room or other
place that far from work. Or we can express with our friend at the break time
and we can share to friend that we trust. Don't make our boss know that we are
crying. We worry that he will think we are not professional employee. Not all bosses will
know and understand about us. And, when you cry at toilet, don't cry for
long, if you finish, sprinkle your face with powder and clean your dress and
appearance as look like you are not cry.
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