Disaat Sinar Mulai Redup

Monday, March 04, 2013 Add Comment

Ini adalah pengalaman aku saat aku, Rissa dan orang tua di rumah sakit.

Sudah hampir empat bulan Rissa bolak-balik pergi berobat ke klinik di kampus UI. Namun penyakitnya tak kunjung sembuh juga. Masih ingat saat itu, bulan November Rissa minta ditemenin ke rumah sakit. Namun, karena pekerjaan di kantor yang cukup padat dan deadline penggajian karyawan, aku tidak bisa menemaninya. Akhirnya Rissa pergi bersama Wiwik teman satu kosan kami. Sebelumnya, saat lebaran 2007, Rissa juga sudah melakukan pengobatan di rumah sakit Bukittinggi, namun dokter juga tidak menemui keganjalan dalam tubuhnya. Bahkan divonis radang tulang rawan.

Masih ingat permintaan terakhirnya di bulan Ramadhan 2007 untuk foto keluarga, dia minta agar secepatnya untuk dilakukan. Karena takut tahun depan dia tidak bisa ikut foto keluarga. Sebelum perkataan ini keluar dari mulutnya, dia juga pernah minta ke aku untuk nonton JGTC (Jazz Goes To Campuss) di UI, karena mungkin hanya ini waktu yang bisa dia miliki. Namun, aku menyesal karena tidak meng-iya-kan ajakannya.

Atas saran dari klinik UI, Rissa dirujuk ke Dokter bedah Rumah Sakit Negeri di Salemba. Dia pergi sendiri naik kereta Api dari Depok UI ke Salemba. Pengobatan berlangsung beberapa kali dan beberapa minggu mulai dari bulan Oktober 2007. Namun penyakitnya tidak kunjung sembuh, bahkan terjadinya pembengkakan di bawah leher bagian depan, yang mengakibatkan susahnya bernafas saat tidur telentang. Sehingga jika Rissa tidur hanya bisa dengan posisi duduk bersandarkan bantal ke dinding.

CT Scan
Pada bulan Desember 2007, Rissa melakukan prosedur CT scan untuk melihat secara detail pembengkakan yang terjadi. Alat CT Scan adalah generator pembangkit sinar X yang bila dioperasikan oleh operator akan mengeluarkan sinar X dalam jumlah dan waktu tertentu. Cara kerjanya menggunakan sinar X yang akan melewati jaringan tubuh yang diperiksa dan ditangkap oleh detektor. Oleh karena adanya perbedaan masa organ tubuh yang dilewati maka gambaran yang ditangkap juga berbeda-beda densitasnya. Inilah yang akan direkonstruksi oleh sistim komputer yang canggih sehingga menghasilkan suatu potongan gambar organ tubuh.

Betapa terkejutnya kami karena prosedur yang serumit itu harus dilaluinya dan begitu banyaknya prosedur untuk mengobati penyakit yang dirasakan dalam tubuhnya. Saat kami masuk ke dalam ruangan CT Scan, semua pakaian kami harus steril sehingga harus ditutupi dengan jas ruangan. Tidak menyangka bahwa saat itu aku melihat langsung bagaimana proses CT scan berjalan, karena selama ini aku hanya melihat alat CT Scan melalui televisi. Saat itu juga aku pun berdoa, agar tidak ada hal yang dikuatirkan dari Rissa.

Beberapa hari kemudian hasilnya pun keluar. Kami pergi ke laboratorium di rumah sakit tersebut. Kami mencoba membuka hasilnya dengan perasaan was-was dan cemas. Kami berusaha memahami hasil tersebut dan tiba di suatu bagian yang menyatakan bahwa Rissa menderita Tumor Ganas Thymoma (kelenjer timus) atau Lymphoma (kelenjer getah bening). Hal ini memperlihatkan belum adanya kepastian akan jenis tumor yang diderita Rissa.

Ya Tuhan, saat itu juga kaki gemetar dan terduduk, air mata pun turun. Saat itu aku bilang itu tidak mungkin, hasilnya pasti tertukar, pasti bukan punya Rissa, semua alas an keluar dari mulutku, yang bisa membuatku tenang saat itu dengan menyangkal bahwa semuanya itu tidak benar. Namun Rissa tetap tenang, memang bawaannya yang sabar dan tenang.Dia meminta untuk kembali ke dokter memastikan hasil yang diperoleh. Namun sayang sekali, pemeriksaan Dokter sudah tutup. Kami bingung dan sedih, karena yang terpikir saat itu adalah penanganan dan pengobatan yang cepat untuk Rissa. Kami berusaha menenangkan diri dan mencari tempat duduk. Rissa pun menidurkan kepalanya di kakiku. Terasa air yang keluar dari matanya membasahi celanaku. Aku juga tidak kuasa menahan air mata ini keluar. Tetap kami mencari jalan keluar, saat itu yang terbayang adalah Rissa harus di rawat di rumah sakit.

Kami pun pergi ke ruang rawat inap di rumah sakit tersebut dan meminta agar Rissa di rawat hari ini juga. Namun kami ditolak, karena tidak ada surat rujukan dari Dokter. Kami putus asa, dan akhirnya kembali ke kosan. Dimana saat itu kami masih memutuskan untuk tidak membicarakan hal ini ke orang tua di Bukittinggi.

Pada malam harinya, aku berusaha menghibur rissa dengan main congklak yaitu permainan tradisional anak Indonesia. Dia hanya berkata, “Uni Ica ingin pulang ni ke bukittinggi, Ica nggak mau sakit di sini sambil menangis.” Aku berusaha menghiburnya dengan membuat lelucon yang lucu, namun aku tak kuasa menahan air mata dan langsung buru-buru ke toilet. Karena tidak ingin membuat adikku itu sedih.

Rissa, My Sister
Saat itu aku hanya berdoa, kenapa bukan aku yang menderita tumor, kenapa harus Rissa. Ini salahku karena sudah mengabaikan dan tidak memperhatikan adikku. Aku hanya sibuk dengan pekerjaan dan jarang meluangkan waktu untuk dia, kecuali Sabtu dan Minggu. Aku bekerja jauh di luar kota dan kos di sana. Sehingga selama kerja hari senin sampai dengan hari jumat, kami tinggal terpisah. Kadang karena kesibukan kerja kami bertemu hanya sekali dalam dua minggu.

Pagi hari, aku terbangun dan melihat Rissa tidur sambil duduk. Aku tidak kuasa menahan tangis, cemas dan takut. Akhirnya aku putuskan untuk menelpon orang tua. Sore harinya kedua orang tua kami langsung datang dari Bukittinggi. Sedangkan Rizki adik bungsuku tinggal di Bukittinggi untuk persiapan ujian.

Malam hari, aku melihat papa menangis di kamar, walau dia menutupinya. Dan mama yang berusaha tegar dan menghibur rissa. Ya Allah, ini cobaan berat sekali, tidak ingin melihat kedua orang tua kami sedih, karena kami belum pernah memberikan kebahagiaan untuk mereka.

Desember akhir adalah hari cuti besar, sehingga dokter di rumah sakit pun cuti. Kami tidak bisa diam dengan keadaan ini. Kami mengajak Rissa mencari obat tradisional di Sukabumi  Puncak. Perjalanan yang sangat jauh dan kami pun belum mengenal daerah tersebut. Kondisi Rissa yang semakin memburuk, namun tetap semangat untuk sembuh.

Akhirnya pada tanggal 26 Desember 2007, Rissa di rawat di rumah sakit di Salemba Jakarta. Sebelumnya pernah di tolak di rumah sakit swasta dengan alas an Rissa butuh penanganan yang cepat, sedangkan dokter di rumah sakit tersebut sedang mengambil cuti akhir tahun.
Saat di rumah sakit, Rissa tetap tegar, orang tua kami pun tetap sabar. Aku bolak-balik Purwakarta ke Jakarta Pusat karena pekerjaan. Masih ingat malam itu, tanggal 31 Desember 2007 jam 12 malam, dia memberikan ucapan selamat ulang tahun kepada ku lewat sms. Dia masih ingat ulang tahunku tanggal 1 Januari padahal kondisinya yang sudah menurun. Ucapan selamat ulang tahun terakhir dari adikku tersayang.

Banyak hal yang dibutuhkan selama di rawat, dan tidak mungkin membiarkan orang tua kami melakukannya sendiri, pemeriksaan darah, rontgen, dan banyak hal lain yang harus dilakukan. Sehingga aku memutuskan untuk tidak masuk kerja beberapa hari. Walaupun resikonya adalah aku dikeluarkan dari perusahaan.

Selama di rawat, Rissa melakukan beberapa prosedur pemeriksaan serius seperti rontgen, MRI , Biopsi untuk mengambil sampel tumor tersebut. MRI dilakukan untuk melihat secara detail dan sensitif terhadap jaringan lunak yang ada dalam tubuhnya.

MRI( Magnetic Resonance Imaging ) merupakan suatu alat diagnostik untuk memeriksa dan mendeteksi tubuh dengan menggunakan medan magnet yang besar dan gelombang frekuensi radio, tanpa operasi, penggunaan sinar X, ataupun bahan radioaktif. Selama pemeriksan MRI akan memungkinkan molekul-molekul dalam tubuh bergerak dan bergabung untuk membentuk sinyal-sinyal. Sinyal ini akan ditangkap oleh antena dan dikirimkan ke komputer untuk diproses dan ditampilkan di layar monitor menjadi sebuah gambaran yang jelas dari struktur rongga tubuh bagian dalam.

Dan selanjutnya dokter menyarankan untuk melakukan operasi karena tumornya sudah mencapai stadium 3. Maka, pada tanggal 15 Januari 2008, operasi pun dilakukan. Operasi berlangsung cukup lama. Kami menunggu dengan penuh kecemasan dan ketakutan, kami selalu berdoa agar operasi berjalan lancar dan rissa pun bisa sembuh, Aku dan Rissa bisa bermain, bergurau dan berdebat seperi semula, dan kami pun bisa mewujudkan impian kami.
Setelah operasi berjalan, Rissa di bawa ke ruang ICCU, di tubuhnya dipasang alat-alat dan kabel yang aku tidak tahu untuk apa. Karena melihat kondisinya yang merasa tidak nyaman dan kesakitan dengan alat-alat tersebut dan aku ingin melepaskan alat tersebut.

Kami diperbolehkan masuk ke ruangan ICCU, tak kuasa menahan air mata, dosen dan teman-teman rissa yang selalu mendampingi dan memberikan dukungan untuk sembuh datang melihat keadaan rissa. Saat di ruangan, pertama aku lihat adalah tumor tersebut sudah tidak ada ditubuhnya. Aku cukup lega, walaupun belum tahu hasilnya.

Tak lama kemudian, dokter yang mengoperasikan Rissa pun memanggil kami, mereka menceritakan proses dan hasil operasi. Aku, dan kedua orang tua pun merasa cemas. Tak berapa lama, terlihat kesedihan dan kekecewaan yang terpancar di wajah mereka saat dokter tersebut mengatakan bahwa operasi gagal dilakukan. Mereka tidak bisa mengangkat tumor tersebut karena sudah kuat dan tumbuh sampai ke jantung dan paru-paru, jika diangkat akan fatal akibatnya.

Setelah Operasi
Saat itu juga kakiku gemetar dan air mata pun keluar. Dokter hanya bisa melakukan pemberian pembuluh buatan yang dipasang dari panggkal paha sampai leher, agar darah bisa mengalir lancar ke otak dan seluruh tubuhnya. Karena memang saat itu pembuluh darahnya sudah tersumbat oleh tumor tersebut. Dan dokter menyarankan untuk melakukan serangkaian pengobatan yaitu penyinaran dan kemoterapi, walaupun kemungkinan sembuh itu sangat kecil tidak sampai 40 %. Kami hanya pasrah dan berdoa, dan belum memberikan informasi tersebut kepada Rissa. Karena yang terpenting adalah Rissa membutuhkan semangat dan percaya diri untuk sembuh.

Beberapa hari kemudian, Rissa sudah bisa dipindahkan dari ruang ICCU ke ruangan rawat inap biasa. Kondisinya mulai membaik, dia juga senang karena tidak ada lagi pembengkakan di tubuhnya. Namun dia merasakan kesakitan,karena pembuluh buatan yang masih belum cocok di tubuhnya. Memang dibutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama untuk menyesuaikan pembuluh buatan tersebut di tubuhnya.

Rissa orang yang kritis dan cerdas, dia berani namun sabar. Saat dokter datang memeriksanya, dia langsung bertanya ke dokter tentang operasi yang sudah dilakukan apakah berhasil atau tidak dan tentang perkembangan penyakitnya, apakah sudah sembuh dan hilang. Namun dokter hanya menyarankan tetap semangat dan berdoa. Dan harus melakukan serangkaian pengobatan lainnya.

Beberapa hari setelah operasi, Rissa pun tahu bahwa operasinya tidak berhasil dan ditubuhnya terdapat benda asing yang menyakitkan. Namun dia tetap sabar dan semangat untuk sembuh demi meraih cita-citanya dan mimpi kami. Sempat saat di rumah sakit, aku berontak karena tubuhnya harus dilobangi dan diberi selang kecil untuk mengeluarkan cairan operasi yang masih tertinggal di tubuhnya.

Sebelum Rissa dioperasi, saat dia dirawat di ruangan rawat inap yang pertama, kami melihat pasien yang tubuhnya juga dipenuhi lobang yang tidak bisa menutup, bahkan makin membesar. Dan aku tidak ingin hal tersebut terjadi terhadap Rissa.

Hari berikutnya, banyak teman-teman dan dosen Rissa datang ke rumah sakit memberikan dukungan dan semangat pada Rissa. Dosen Rissa yang juga Dosen ku di Matematika pun juga sering memberikan semangat. Orang tua teman-teman Risa pun juga selalu datang memberikan semangat. Sungguh banyak hutang budi kami terhadap mereka.

Beberapa hari kemudian, Rissa pun sudah diperbolehkan pulang dan kami pun kembali ke kosan di Depok sambil menunggu perkembangan dan persiapan pengobatan selanjutnya.

When I Fall In Love

Sunday, March 03, 2013 Add Comment

I got this poetry when I got study in Bachelor degree...
Let's enjoy this Islamic Love Poetry..

When I Fall in Love

Oo Allah, if I fall in love,
keep my love for him
not exceed my love for You

Oo Allah, if I fall in love,
let me touch his heart
whose heart is linked to You
so I do not fall into forbidden love

Oo Allah, if I fall in love
keep my heart for him
and do not turn away from Your heart

Oo Allah, if I missed him
Keep my longing into him
so I will not be remiss to get Your heaven

Oo Allah, if I enjoy the love of Your sweetheart
Do not exceed the pleasure to bow down and pray to You
In the last third of the night

Oo Allah, if I enjoy the love of Your sweetheart
Do not let me fall in long journey to calls human beings to You

Oo Allah, if You let me miss Your sweetheart
Do not let me go exceed the limits
So that make me forget You
True love and eternal longing only to You

Oo Allah, You know that the heart have come together in love with You
That the heart have meet obedient into You
That the heart have united into You
That the heart have been combined in defending into You

Oo Allah, strengthen my relationship with him
Make this love strong for him
Guide him into Your way
Fill his heart with your light that never fade
Relieve our heart with faith and beautiful surrender into Your way

In Bahasa

Ketika Saya Jatuh Cinta

Ya Allah, jika aku jatuh cinta
Jagalah cintaku padanya agar tidak
melebihi cintaku pada-Mu

Ya Allah, jika aku jatuh hati,
Izinkanlah aku menyentuh hati seseorang
yang hatinya tertaut pada-Mu
Agar tidak terjatuh aku ke dalam jurang cinta terlarang

Ya Rabbana, jika aku jatuh hati
Jagalah hatiku padanya agar tidak
berpaling dari hati-Mu

Ya Rabbul Izzati, jika aku rindu
Rindukanlah aku pada seseorang yang
merindui syahid di jalan-Mu

Ya Allah jika aku rindu,
Jagalah rinduku padanya agar tidak lalai aku
merindukan syurga-Mu

Ya Allah, jika aku menikmati cinta kekasih-Mu
Janganlah kenikmatan itu melebihi kenikmatan
Indahnya bermunajat disepertiga malam terakhirmu

Ya Allah jika aku jatih hati pada kekasih-Mu
Jangan biarkan aku tertatih dan terjatuh dalam 
perjalanan panjang menyeru manusia kepada-Mu

Ya Allah, jika Kau halalkan aku merindui kekasih-Mu
Jangan biarkan aku melampaui batas sehingga melupakan aku
pada cinta hakiki dan rindu abadi hanya kepada-Mu

Ya Allah Engkau mengetahui bahwa hati-hati ini
Telah berhimpun cinta pada-Mu
Telah berjumpa taat pada-Mu
Telah bersatu dalam dakwah-Mu
Telah berpadu dalam membela syariat-Mu

Kukuhkanlah Ya Allah ikatannya
Kekalkanlah cintanya
Tunjukilah jalan-jalannya
Penuhilah hati-hatinya
Dengan Nur-Mu yang tidak pernah pudar
Lapangkanlah dada-dada kami dengan limpahan keimanan kepada-Mu
Dan keindahan bertawakkal dijalan-Mu

The Natural Place for Tour in West Sumatera

Friday, March 01, 2013 4 Comments
Now, I invite you to my hometown in West Sumatera, Indonesia.

In 30th September 2009, Padang affected by earthquake about 7.6 SR. West Sumatera located between the Eurasian plate and the Indo-Australia and the fracture Semangko. All three are active seismic area. According to the seismologists, West Sumatera has a cycle of 200 years the great earthquake at the beginning of the 21st century. And now, it has been under repeated cycles.

West Sumatra is known as the Minang tribe. Friendly people and guided by the "Adat basandi syarak dan syarak basandi kitabullah”. It mean that Minang people is living based on the principle of rules and traditions. And tradition are based on the religion of Islam and Al Quran. All people of Minang tride are the moslem, otherwise they are not Minang tride.

“Alam takambang jadi Guru”, it mean that the universe is a teacher for our life. Many things can be a lessons and science from natural life. West Sumatra is very beautiful places and has tour place that are visited by tourists. West Sumatra is in Indonesia's westernmost region and directly related to the Indian Ocean. So it has many beaches, especially in the area of ​​Padang and Pariaman.

Besides West Sumatra is also surrounded by mountains that they are still active, it is not surprising that this area either tectonic earthquakes or volcanic. There are so many formed the lake and valley. West Sumatra has four beautiful lakes, namely Danau Maninjau,Danau Singkarak,Danau di Atas dan di Bawah, and Danau Talang.

1. Singkarak Lake 
Singkarak Lake
 Singkarak lake is the biggest lake in West Sumatra and two biggest on the island of Sumatra after Toba Lake. The lake is located in two districts namely Solok and Tanah Datar. The extent of 129.6 square kilometers with a depth of 268 meters. This lake is upstream of Batang Ombilin river. Most of the water flows through a tunnel Bukit Barisan to Batang Anai. This lake have hydropower of Singkarak. 

Ikan Bilih
Singkarak has a distance 48 km from the town of Bukittinggi. And 75 km from the city of Padang and 100 km from the city of Padang Panjang. Singkarak is very famous with ikan Bilih. Ikan bilih are the species of fish that only life in Singkarak lake. They cannot survive if they move from Singkarak lake.

2. Danau Maninjau
Maninjau Lake
It is the second largest lake in West Sumatra. Located in the district of Tanjung Raya, Agam regency. Located approximately 140 km in north of the city of Padang, 36 km from the town of Bukittinggi. Maninjau is formed by volcanic eruption of Sitinjau Mountain with a height of 461.50 m above sea level and an area of ​​about 99.5 square miles. 

Puncak Lawang
One part of the lake there are Maninjau hydropower.The highest peak of Danau Maninjau is known as Puncak Lawang. The source of water Maninjau is named Batang Sri Antokan.

Kelok 44
To reach the lake from the direction of Bukittinggi, Maninjau if it will pass through a winding road known as Kelok 44 along approximately 10 km from the Ambun Pagi. Kelok 44 mean there have 44 of winding road.

3. Di Ateh dan Di Bawah Lake 
Di Ates Lake
The lake is known for its twin lakes because there are two lakes are located very close to about 300 meters. The location of this tectonic lake in Solok. But its unique lake, the higher than sea level is called Di Bawah Lake, it mean that the lake position is below. And the closer to the surface of the sea called Di Atas Lake, it mean that the location is under than Di Atas Lake. 

Di Bawah Lake

Diateh Lake area of ​​approximately 17.20 square meters with a height of 1.6 km above sea level while Dibawah Lake area of approximately 16.90 square meters with an area of ​​866 meters are above sea level.

4. Talang Lake
Talang Lake
The lake is located near Talang Mountain in Solok. The lake is not very well known because of its location close to the Talang Mountain and it is still active. So the lake is a prohibited area for tourists. The lake is located 4.5 miles from Twin Lakes. Because the lake is close to Talang Mountain, so that any volcanic dust blanketed much of the area.

That some of the natural places for tour in West Sumatera...
You can visit there...and enjoy it beautifull natural scene of lake...

Heart with Love

Wednesday, February 27, 2013 Add Comment
"God create us with the heart", that I got quote from my friend. We have a mind and heart, that excess are given by God for us. Mind to think and heart to organize our thought. The life can be affected by peace of heart and mind greatly. People who have a heart will be able to appreciate, honor, cherish and share with others.

Heart can deliver a feeling of love and admiration for something. Heart can cause a sense of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Heart can give love and hate feelings, sad and happy. The mood can change according to what happening. If we feel satisfaction to something so our hearts feel good. But otherwise if we feel not satisfied to something then our heart will feel sad or even hate toward it. 

The heart can lead to feelings of love. Love is a thin line between passion and sincerity. Usually love because of the admiration, love starts from the physical and outward appearance. So many people are deceived by love. Love can be felt by everyone who has a heart. They have hearts so that they will not hurt each other. They will care about the surroundings.

Love can be given to anyone and anything. Love to parents, love to husband, love to family and the love to friends. But the very essence of love is the love of God. As we know that love for human beings is appearance of love. That love can exist and can be lost. If the people who we love are apostate, so we feel the pain of heart and a feeling of love will be lost. Sometimes love to humans is lust. But it will be a good love if our love is base on love for God.

Feelings of love creates a feeling of longing to them, feeling happy, cheerful, and always want to be with them everytimes. Feelings of love can give passion in life. Because people who loved are loved by them too. But because of love can make hatred, hurt and no passion in life. This happens because of the betrayal in love.Humans have feelings of love, then anyone would be able to love and be loved. There is no prohibition in love, because love is a gift to all human. 

People who are in love is very difficult to express his feelings. Because there is a fear to not accepted, fear to hate, or fear that she will leave him. Feelings of love can be given to anyone. Do not let bury love for someone, even if it is impossible. Love does not have to have each other. Sincere love for her is enough. Love should be expressed directly even though it was painful because the way did not allow.

As we know that feeling of love is only to our partner. But the feeling of love can be given to anyone and anything. With the love we will always try to keep it. With the love we will always try to provide the best for her. Although we can not have her. And never cover up feelings of love.

For me, the feeling of love is the gift from God's that is priceless. There is a sense of love cause of peace and harmony in the life. Then how lucky they are, who made the heart has a love. Because we live in the presence of love, at least love to God, love to parents who always give us the best for everyething. And never bury of Love, although it is impossible and be hurt. But believe in God for everythings can happen.

And Thank for All that who had give love for me...


Monday, February 25, 2013 Add Comment

Friend ...

I have many friends in my life and my heart. Friend is one who knows us completely. Understand our situation and understand our shortcomings. Friend is a person who always support us when we are sad or happy, pain or difficulty, shortage or excess. Friend is a person who always loves us as we are. Friend are always besides us when we need or not.

Friends are always giving us the support and motivation. Friend is one who knows our situation completely. Friend are always beside us when we go forward, healthy and happy. And also will never abandon us when falling, pain or difficulty. He will always accompany us and always give us support to rise from adversity.

Friend is a person to make a share about life, love, and everything so we can life better than before. Friend is a person who always reminded us always to do good. Friend is a person who always reminded us not to do worst. He always forgive our mistakes if we err. Friend always understood our condition and accept us as we are.

Friend is a person who would never hurt us. Friend will never force something that does not wanted by us. But friend provides guidance and support. Friends are always guarded her chastity, always keeping friendship sincerity.

To me a friend is someone who is always there for me any time. He always kept friendly relations. Not easily offended if his friend made a mistake and an oversight. We always maintain harmonious relationships. We will not take advantage of each others for a self-interest. Friends are always doing everything with sincerity. I'm as a friend always promised to be sincere do everything to support my friend.

Friends are everything in my life to me. Friends are always close even though physically far away but close to hearts.
To all my friends, do not ever leave or terminate our friendship. While your friend is making a mistake. To me forgiveness is more better than the left.

To my friends who may have hurt by me. Forgive me as your friend's. Since there is no intention for it.
Keep always our relationship and always be together to share the good every where, every time and every day.

Thank you to all my friends. Because of you I find it is more meaningful to life.

I love you sincerely

The Power of Brain

Sunday, February 24, 2013 Add Comment

 Do you know that God created human as a perfect creature among other creatures such as animals, plants, jinn, angels, etc. When Adam was created, God had all to bow down to him, only one did not do, it is devil. Because devil has a negative and arrogant character.

Humans have created a very perfect body. They have eyes to see, ears to hear, nose to smell, tongue to taste, skin to feel and heart to feel. God gives the human mind and passion. Mind’s function to remember, to think, to understand, and to control the passions.

Now we do not talk about it. We're talking about the brain. Humans and some animals created by God to have a brain. The brain is protected by the skull and head. The brain consists of many nerves and is the central nervous system. The human brain has a volume of about 1350 cc and consisting of 100 million nerve cells. The human brain is responsible for setting the whole body and the human mind.

Did you know that the human brain is more powerful than the greatest computer today? According to the study, we have about 200 billion brain cells and we could save about 100 billion bits of information. Why we are not better understand a thing when our brain has over 100 trillion possible connections. Why we can not be more creative when we averaged 4000 thinking every 24 hours. Did you know that the human brain has a memory capacity of 30-70 trillion Gigabyte than greatest computer in the world.

On a computer, CPU (Central Processing Unit) is a mind. Computer as a human creation has a certain age to use. If They often use, the ability to work and save will be decrease, but the human brain are increasingly while it often being used. The human brain is only working about 10% and was able to produce their greatest work. While the remaining 90% are unemployed. Imagine if 100% of all our brain works, how great it is, we can do everything.

Do you believe in the power of the brain? What we think and feel through the heart, will be transferred directly to the brain, the brain will record and process. The more frequent and more powerful thoughts and feelings will grow stronger brain works, so that he will transfer to the rest of the body to do what we think is.
Would you believe that all we make sure happen, it will be happen? But it can not be separated with any confidence, effort and prayer.

That everything we do always be positive and good, we must always think positive so that whatever we do is positive.

I strongly believe in the power of brain, to think that I want it make happen.and accompanied by faith and prayer. It will make to happen.

Well how about you?

Friendship and Love

Saturday, February 23, 2013 Add Comment

Humans always lived side by side. They need friends to share and fill his life. With the friends, they make a friendship. Friendship is mutual trust, mutual need, mutual respect, mutual feeling, and sharing. We share in what is perceived by friend, if they are sad, we will be sad too and also understand what makes them sad. And we'll try to make them happy. We will also smile when friends happy.

Friendship is not only a close friend just physically but friendship can be close friend in far distance. We share each other about life, love, work, or everthing. With friendship, we can get more experience about life. With the friendship, we can learn a lot about life. Friendship is beautiful, there is love, grief, sorrow, pleasure and love.

I think love and admiration are so close. You said love to your friend, may be it's only admire for your friend.

There is no life without love and friends. Because of friend we get a love and because of love we get a friend.

For that all, I'll always keep the friendship. And never break for any reason.

for my best friend .... 

thanks for your kindness...

thanks for everything ...

I love you guys ....

Beautiful Girl by Sean Kingston

Friday, February 22, 2013 Add Comment
Beautiful Girl by Sean Kingston
"Beautiful Girls"

JR! Sean Kingston!

You're way too beautiful girl
That's why it'll never work
You'll have me suicidal, suicidal
When you say it's over
Damn all these beautiful girls
They only wanna do you dirt
They'll have you suicidal, suicidal
When they say it's over

[Verse 1:]
See it started at the park
Used to chill after dark
Oh when you took my heart
That's when we fell apart
Cause we both thought
That love lasts forever (lasts forever)
They say we're too young
To get ourselves sprung
Oh we didn't care
We made it very clear
And they also said
That we couldn't last together (last together)

See it's very define girl,
one of a kind
But you mash up my mind
You have to get declined
Oh Lord...
My baby is driving me crazy

[Repeat Chorus]

[Verse 2:]
It was back in '99
Watchin' movies all the time
Oh when I went away
For doin' my first crime
And I never thought
That we was gonna see each other (see each other)
And then I came out
Mami moved me down South
Oh I'm with my girl
Who I thought was my world
It came out to be
That she wasn't the girl for me (girl for me)

[Repeat Refrain and Chorus]

[Verse 3:]
Now we're fussin'
And now we're fightin'
Please tell me why
I'm feelin' slighted
And I don't know
How to make it better (make it better)
You're datin' other guys
You're tellin' me lies
Oh I can't believe
What I'm seein' with my eyes
I'm losin' my mind
And I don't think it's clever (think it's clever)

You're way too beautiful girl
That's why it'll never work
You'll have me suicidal, suicidal, suicidal...