Sunday, March 17, 2013 1 Comment

Didalam kehidupan kita ada rasa cinta dan benci. Cinta dan benci adalah dua hal yang bertolak belakang. Rasa cinta dan benci ibarat perasaan yang disukai dan tidak disukai, perasaan yang diinginkan dan yang tidak dinginkan. Cinta akan datang disaat apa yang diharapkan terjadi dan mereka siap dengan resiko apapun yang terjadi. Sedangkan rasa benci datang disaat apa yang diharapkan tidak terjadi dan kita akan berusaha untuk membalas dan meluapkan rasa benci ini.

Rasa cinta dan benci tidak selalu beriringan, kadang berawal dari adanya rasa cinta dan berakhir dengan rasa benci, atau kadang berawal dari adanya rasa benci dan akan berakhir dengan rasa cinta. Diantara cinta dan benci, pasti kita semua mengharapkan adanya rasa cinta. Namun ada yang bilang bahwa karena benci lah rasa cinta muncul.

Rasa cinta dan benci bukan hanya ditujukan kepada sesama manusia, namun dapat ditujukan pada berbagai hal, misalnya kepada makhluk hidup lainnya, kepada pekerjaan, jabatan atau pun hal lain. Karena cinta kita rela melakukan apa saja untuk mendapatkannya. Karena cinta kita mampu bertahan disampingnya. Lain halnya dengan benci. Benci membuat orang mampu melakukan hal-hal yang tidak wajar demi meluapkan rasa kebenciannya.

Untuk siapakah rasa cinta dan benci kita berikan agar tidak salah dalam penerapannya? Cinta dan benci dapat kita terapkan untuk semua hal karena Tuhan. Kita dapat mencintai sesuatu hal karena Tuhan dan membencinya karena Tuhan tidak menyukainya. Jika kita mencintai seseorang karena Tuhan, hal ini lebih baik dan menunjukkan keimanan kita kepada Tuhan. Mungkin saya, Anda atau siapa saja pernah mencintai seseorang, tapi coba telaah lagi, coba yakini lagi apakah itu benar-benar cinta karena Allah ataukah hanya sebuah nafsu yang suatu saat akan hilang. Alangkah indahnya jika mencintai sesuatu hal karena Tuhan. Saya, Anda dan yang lainnya pasti pernah berbuat dosa dan salah dalam menyatakan cinta kepada sesuatu hal yang tanpa kita ketahui hal itu hanyalah suatu nafsu dan emosi sesaat untuk mendapatkan kesenangan sesaat.

Cinta ada beberapa bagian, diantaranya cinta yang bersifat ibadah yang merupakan landasan iman dan tauhid kita. Cinta yang syirik yaitu mencintai selain Tuhan atau melebihi kecintaannya kepada Allah. Cinta yang maksiat yaitu cinta yang melanggar larangan-larangan Tuhan dan meninggalkan segala perintahNya. Cinta yang merupakan tabiat yaitu cinta yang setiap orang tidak lepas darinya seperti cinta kepada makanan, minuman, pernikahan, pakaian, keluarga, istri, suami, anak dan sebagainya.

Ya itulah rasa cinta, disamping hal ada rasa benci yang sangat bertolak belakang dengan rasa cinta. Namun kita harus mengerti dan memahami apa rasa benci dan cinta itu, mulai sekarang kita mulailah dengan rasa cinta walaupun berakhir dengan rasa benci, namun kita selalu berharap rasa benci tidak ada dalam hati kita. Kecuali benci karena Tuhan benci akan hal tersebut. Kita mulai dengan rasa cinta kepada Tuhan dan melupakan rasa cinta karena nafsu dan emosi untuk kesenangan sesaat.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013 Add Comment

Human was created by God to live together and coexist. They will not be able to life alone. They need friends to share for the better life. Me, you, our brother, our sister, and all of people are need friends to share. We were created by God has excess and lack in our life, by sharing excess can cover lack in our life. Sharing can be done in term of matter, mind and feelings.

Have you ever thought about sharing with others using the social media via internet? I am sure you have followed the social media, that connects you with your friends who you know or not. Currently, there are many kinds of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Friendster, WeChat, Skout, Skype, Meet 24, and many other social media. Users do not only come from the same country but can connect with users from another country that they are unknown each other.

Social Media is an online media, with its users can easily participate, share, and create content includes blogs, social networks, wikis, forums and virtual worlds. Blogs, social networks and wikis is a form of social media most commonly used by people all over the world. Starting from the communication, sharing and friendship, for example, communicate via chat and sharing of data, images and all of the facilities provided by the social media.

I also users of social media. Maybe it could be regarded as a social media addict. For example, facebook, blogs and twitter. I can connect with friends via social media. Many of the experiences gained from this social media among friends, love, dating and marriage. It's crazy, I was the victim of social media, through social media, first time I knew my husband until we were married. I Got new friends from local or abroad through social media. I share my stories and experiences as well as via social media. A lot of positive things we can get from social media. Starting from sharing knowledge, life and love, get friendship and find our loved via social media.

In my experience, I use social media primarily chatting and blogging, I can get many friends, many knowledge,and many experiences in life and love. Beside that, we also have to be careful in using it, because it deals with people we do not know yet. Many victims of abuse of social media, especially sexual abuse and pornography (cyberbullying). Users of Social Media can send photos, videos and their voices. Each user would have to present itself as the best in social media, from photos and writings to attract other users.

However many mistakes in using social media, such as to make pleasure and satisfaction shortly. So there are a lot of cases of pornography and sexual harassment visually. According to the research, more women are using social networking sites, because they want more attention, especially by men. They give the impression of a very interesting and appearances from the photographs on display, video and other appearances that unwittingly attract and invite other users, especially men. So that more women become victims of social media use in the case of pornography and sexual harassment (cyberbullying).

On the other hand, we didn't realize that we spend more time while using social media, sometime we rare give attention to families, be aloner, and accidental spread of the secret datas, then lack of communication with others in the community. So, we are as social media users should follow the norms and rules and use it for something positive, such as just for storing data, photos and videos, share important information, create discussion groups and other positive things.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013 Add Comment

Manusia adalah makhluk Tuhan yang diciptakan untuk hidup bersama dan berdampingan. Mereka tidak akan sanggup hidup sendirian. Mereka membutuhkan teman untuk berbagi dalam segala hal untuk dapat hidup menjadi lebih baik. Saya, Anda, adik, kakak dan mereka semua membutuhkan teman untuk berbagi. Mereka diciptakan memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan, dengan berbagi kelebihan dapat menutupi kekurangan yang ada. Berbagi bisa dalam bentuk materi, fikiran dan perasaan. 

Pernahkah anda berbagi mengenai pikiran dengan orang lain menggunakan media sosial internet. Saya yakin Anda semua pasti mengikuti media sosial yang menghubungkan anda dengan teman-teman yang anda kenal atau pun tidak. Saat ini sangat banyak media sosial yang digunakan misalnya Facebook, Twitter, Friendster, WeChat, Skout, Skype, Meet 24, dan masih banyak media sosial lainnya. Pengguna tidak hanya berasal dari negara yang sama namun bisa berhubungan dengan pengguna dari negara lain yang sama sekali tidak dikenal.

Media sosial adalah sebuah media online, dengan para penggunanya bisa dengan mudah berpartisipasi, berbagi, dan menciptakan isi meliputi blog, jejaring sosial, wiki, forum dan dunia virtual. Blog, jejaring sosial dan wiki merupakan bentuk media sosial yang paling umum digunakan oleh masyarakat di seluruh dunia. Mulai dari komunikasi, berbagi atau sharing, contohnya berkomunikasi melalui chatting dan sharing data, foto dan semuanya disediakan oleh fasilitas dari media sosial tersebut.

Saya juga pengguna media sosial. Mungkin bisa dibilang sebagai pecandu media sosial. Misalnya Facebook, blog dan twitter. Saya bisa terhubung dengan teman-teman melalui media sosial. Banyak pengalaman yang diperoleh dari media sosial ini diantaranya pengetahuan, teman, cinta, jodoh dan pernikahan. Memang gila, saya korban
media sosial, melalui media sosial inilah  saya pertama kali mengenal suami hingga akhirnya kami menikah. Memperoleh teman-teman baru baik dari dalam negeri atau pun di luar negeri seperti Libya, Pakistan, England, USA, Malaysia, Singapura dan wilayah lainnya melalui media sosial. Saya berbagi cerita dan pengalaman juga melalui media sosial. Banyak hal positif yang dapat kita ambil dari media sosial. Mulai dari berkenalan hingga menemukan orang yang kita cintai melalui media sosial.

Dari pengalaman saya menggunakan media sosial terutama chatting, banyak hal yang diperoleh yaitu teman, pengalaman hidup dan cinta. Namun kita juga harus berhati-hati dalam menggunakannya karena berhubungan dengan orang-orang yang belum kita kenal. Banyak yang menjadi korban penyalahgunaan media sosial, terutama pelecehan seksual dan pornografi (cyberbullying).  Penggunaannmedia sosial ini dapat mengirim foto, video dan suara. Setiap pengguna pasti akan menampilkan yang terbaik dalam media social, mulai dari foto dan tulisan-tulisan dari pengguna untuk menarik pengguna lainnya.

Namun banyak terjadi kesalahan dalam menggunakan media social yaitu untuk menginginkan kepuasan dan kesenangan sesaat. Sehingga terjadinya kasus pornografi dan pelecehan seksual secara visual. Menurut penelitian, wanita lebih banyak menggunakan jejaring sosial, karena mereka ingin lebih banyak diperhatikan terutama oleh pria. Mereka memberikan kesan dan penampilan yang sangat menarik mulai dari foto-foto yang dipajang, video dan penampilan lainnya yang tanpa disadari mengundang banyak pengguna lainnya terutama pria. Sehingga wanita lebih banyak menjadi korban penggunaan media sosial dalam kasus pornografi dan pelecehan seksual (cyberbullying).

Dilain hal akibat kecanduan menggunakan media sosial, yaitu lupa waktu, berkurangnya perhatian terhadap keluarga, kurang bersosialisasi dan tersebarnya data penting yang tidak semestinya disampaikan kepada orang lain. Jadi kita sebagai pengguna media sosial sebaiknya mengikuti norma dan ketentuan yang ada serta memanfaatkannya untuk hal positif seperti selain memperbanyak teman, dapat digunakan untuk menyimpan data, foto dan video, berbagi informasi penting seperti ilmu pengetahuan dan agama serta membuat grup diskusi.

KOPI - 1

Saturday, March 09, 2013 Add Comment

Kopi...mendengar namanya aja, aromanya sudah kecium, rasanya yang bikin menggoda. Yah kopi, saya pecinta kopi, sangat menyukai kopi. Walaupun kadang membuat badan menggigi karena zat kafein yang terkandung di dalamnya.

Kopi adalah sejenis minuman yang berasal dari proses pengolahan biji kopi. Kopi pertama kali ditemukan di benua Afrika oleh bangsa Etiopia sekitar 3000 tahun yang lalu atau 1000 SM. Saat ini kopi merupakan minuman terpopuler di dunia yang dapat dikonsumsi oleh semua kalangan masyarakat. Penghasil kopi terbesar di dunia saat ini adalah Brazil.

Sejarah mencatat bahwa 1000 SM seorang saudagar Arab membawa masuk biji kopi ke Timur Tengah pertama kalinya. Selanjutnya menyebar ke berbagai belahan dunia termasuk Indonesia. Tahun 1690, bangsa Belanda mendistribusikan dan membudidayakan kopi di Indonesia yaitu di Jawa.

Biji kopi memiliki dua varietas yaitu kopi Arabika dan kopi Robusta. Kopi arabika merupakan kopi tradisional dengan cita rasa terbaik. Kopi ini berasal dari Etiopia berukuran kecil dan berwarna hijau hingga warna merah gelap. Sedangkan biji kopi lainnya adalah robusta yang merupakan kopi kelas dua karena rasanya yang lebih pahit, sedikit asam dan mengandung kafein yang lebih tinggi. Namun ada jenis kopi ketiga yang merupakan subvarietas atau turunan dari kopi robusta dan arabika, yaitu kopi luwak.

Kopi luwak merupakan kopi dengan harga tertinggi di dunia. Kopi luwak diperoleh dari hasil fermentasi biji kopi dalam perut luwak ( sejenis musang). Pada dasarnya kopi ini merupakan jenis kopi arabika yang dimakan oleh luwak, namun tidak semua biji kopi dicerna dalam perut luwak. Setelah bertahan lama dalam perut luwak, biji kopi yang telah mengalami fermentasi oleh bakteri alami dalam perutnya akan keluar bersama kotorannya. Nah karena inilah kopi luwak memberikan cita rasa tambahan yang unik.

Ada berbagai jenis minuman kopi, yang paling sering didengar diantaranya : 
- Cappucino, merupakan kopi dengan campuran susu, krim dan serpihan coklat. 
- Espresso, merupakan kopi yang dibuat dengan mengeksresi biji kopi menggunakan uap panas pada tekanan tinggi.
- Kopi instan, berasal dari biji kopi yang dikeringkan dan digranulasi.
- Kopi tubruk berasal dari Indonesia yang dibuat dengan memasak biji kopi bersama gula.
- Kopi mocca, sama seperti moccacino dan capucino hanya saja mocca ditambah sirup coklat.
- Dry cappucino, merupakan cappucino dengan sedikit krim dan tanpa susu.

Masih banyak jenis kopi lainnya. Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa tempat minum kopi yang paling sering dikunjungi adalah Starbuck. Jadi kepengen minum kopi..


Friday, March 08, 2013 Add Comment

Have you watched cartoons? Do you like cartoons? Or are you a cartoon lover? At least, you had watched a cartoon when you was kid. Many childreen like cartoon, because it has animation color and funny sound that make it interesting.

I am a cartoon lover. May be my friend think that I am like a kid. Because cartoon is identic with kids. For me watching cartoon have a pleasure. It can reduce my stress because of funny story with funny sound. And cartoon can give me a positive imagination. Beside that, there are cartoon which is not fit for childreen. Because it's story teach a negative thing for them. So please keep it for them.

Spongebobs Squarepants, Doraemon, Detective Conan, Tom & Jerry, Barbie, Upin & Ipin, Toy Story, UP and many more. I am sure that you had watched it. Actually whatever the movie or film, they have a positive things that we can get lesson from them. Although some story have the negative side, but we can touch the positive side from them (think out of box).

I like Spongebob and every morning I always watched it on TV. He is a funny, plain and simple boy, and sometime look like a stupid boy. Because of his attitude, he always became scapegoat and be exploited by his friend. While, so many positive attitude that we can learn from him. He is a loyal friend to Patrick. Patrick is his best friend. Spongebob care depply with Patrick, even they made a  promise to be Best Friend Forever (BFF).

Moreover he is a workhorce, loyal and dicipline in working. He always go work on time. He was cook at restaurant of Krusti Krab. If he was late, he felt guilty. He always enjoy and have a pleasure with his job. Never mind how much salary that he was received. Even the holyday, Spongebob always went to work. Because working was his life. So it is different than us. Sometimes when we work in office, we come late to work, and sometime we still use time of work for another activity such as browsing, chatting and gossipss...

He also loyal and respect to his boss. Although his boss being hard to him, he never against and always respect to his boss. The other positive attitude of Spongebob, he always be happy and try to be happy with other. Although he gots troubles. Spongebobs have never give up attitude that we can try to do. He always fail when he got test driving car. But he never  gives up to get a driver's license.

So his attitude such as loyal, workhorce, dicipline, friendship, happy, respect and never give up. We can learn and do in our lives.


Friday, March 08, 2013 2 Comments

Apakah Anda pernah menonton film kartun? Apakah Anda suka menonton kartun? Apakah Anda pecinta kartun? Paling tidak Anda pernah menonton film kartun. Film kartun sangat banyak disukai oleh anak-anak karena animasi dengan warna dan suara pemainnya yang lucu dan menarik.

Saya pecinta kartun. Mungkin ada yang bilang saya masih anak-anak karena kartun identik dengan anak-anak. Bagi saya menonton kartun punya kenikmatan tersendiri. Bagi saya kartun menghibur dan mengobati stress. Ceritanya yang kocak dengan suara dan animasi yang lucu dan menambah daya imajinasi yang positif. Namun ada juga film kartun yang tidak pantas ditonton oleh anak-anak karena cerita yang mengajarkan pada hal negatif. So..jangan ditonton ya...

Banyak film kartun yang positif ditonton, sebut saja Spongebob Squarepants, Doraemon, Detective Conan, Tom & Jerry, Barbie, Upin & Ipin, Toy Story, UP dan masih banyak lagi. Saya yakin Anda pasti pernah menonton salah satunya. Sebenarnya apapun yang kita tonton, banyak hal positif yang dapat kita pelajari. Namun dalam cerita yang paling menonjol adalah hal negatif tapi kita bisa pandang dari sisi lainnya yaitu sisi positifnya (think out of the box).

Sebut saja Spongbob Squarepants yang lugu, polos dan kadang terlihat bodoh. Karena sikapnya ini, dia menjadi kambing hitam atau dimanfaatkan oleh teman-temannya. Walaupun begitu, banyak sikap positif Spongebob yang pantas kita tiru. Sikap dia yang setia kawan dengan sahabatnya Patrick. Spongebob sangat peduli dengan sahabatnya Patrick, bahkan mereka berjanji untuk menjadi Best Friend Forever.

Selain itu Spongebob adalah pekerja keras yang setia dan disiplin. Dia bekerja sebagai koki di restoran miliknya Krusti Krab. Setiap berangkat kerja dia selalu berusaha datang tepat waktu. Dan jika telat beberapa detik saja membuat dia merasa bersalah. Dia pekerja keras yang sangat menikmati dan menyenangi pekerjaannya. Tidak peduli berapapun gaji yang dia terima. Bahkan hari libur pun dia masih tetap ingin bekerja. Baginya pekerjaan adalah bagian dari hidupnya. Jika dia tidak bekerja, berarti potensi yang dimilikinya tidak berguna bagi orang lain. Beda ya dengan kita, yang sudah ada pekerjaan tapi masih memanfaatkan waktu kerja untuk hal yang tidak berguna seperti chatting, buka website dan bergosip di jam kerja.

Dia selalu setia dan hormat terhadap majikannya. Walaupun majikannya bersikap keras dan kasar terhadapnya, namun dia tidak melawan dan bahkan tetap menghormati majikannya serta selalu menuruti majikannya.

Sikap positif lainnya adalah sikap dia yang selalu ceria dan berusaha agar selalu ceria terhadap semua temannya walaupun hal buruk menimpanya. Sikap pantang menyerahnya pun pantas kita tiru. Spongebob walaupun berkali-kali gagal dalam tes mengemudi, namun dia tetap berusaha agar bisa lulus dan memperoleh SIM mengemudi.
Jadi sikap setia kawan, pekerja keras, disiplin, bersahabat, ceria, hormat dan pantang menyerahnya patut kita tiru...


Friday, March 08, 2013 1 Comment

Have you heard song by Lenka that title is Trouble is a Friend. I like this song so much, because of relax rhytm with soft her voice and simple lyric. This song is amazing for me. It tell us that troubles is a friend although they are a foe for us. But we can change our mind set so trouble is not a foe that will hurt us but they teach us for godness.

All of creatures can't be separate from troubles. They have troubles in their life and their environment. Sometimes when we got troubles, we can't control and always be distracted by them.

Trouble is in our heart, trouble is in the dark and they always be exist in our life if we can't solve them and we run away from them. They always seem to grow and always grow. Don't let they win.

We should be able to make a trouble is a friend. Friend that will change our mind and our attitude for the godness. Without troubles, our life no feel beautiful and no feel  challenges. Trouble teach us become grow up in action and be responsible. Trouble teach us to strong in our life.

Me and my friend always understand and teach each other for better life. If we consider troubles is a friend that always help and show the way to be better for us, so we never avoid them into our life and we should understand and not burden in our life.

For me I had had many troubles in my life. But we always pray for God that we don't get troubles. If we got them, think of them as a teacher that can teach us to maximize our good potential to be better.

"Trouble Is A Friend"

Trouble will find you No matter where you go Oh, oh
No matter if you're fast No matter if you're slow Oh, oh
The eye of the storm wanna cry in the morn Oh, oh
You're fine for a while But you start To lose control

He's there in the dark
He's there in my heart
He waits in the wings he's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend Yeah
Trouble Is a friend of mine Ahh

Trouble is a friend But trouble is a foe Oh, oh
And no matter What I feed him He always seems to grow Oh, oh
He sees what I see And he knows What I know Oh, oh
So don't forget As you ease On down my road

He's there in the dark He's there in my heart
He waits in the wings He's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend Yeah Trouble Is a friend of mine
So don't be alarmed If he takes you
By the arm I won't let him win
But I'm a sucker for his charm
For his charm
Trouble is a friend Yeah Trouble Is a friend of mine Ahh

How I hate the way He makes me feel
And how I try To make him leave I try Oh, oh, I try

But he's there in the dark
He's there in my heart
He waits in the wings
He's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend Yeah
Trouble Is a friend of mine
So don't be alarmed If he takes you
By the arm I won't let him win
but I'm a sucker for his charm
For his charm
Trouble is a friend Yeah
Trouble Is a friend of mine Ahh

Ooh Ahh Ooh

Trouble is a Friend

Friday, March 08, 2013 Add Comment

Pernah dengar lagu Lenka yang judulnya Trouble is a friend gak? Saya suka banget ma lagu ini. Alunan lagu yang nyantai dengan suara Lenka yang lembut ditambah lirik yang sederhana. Pokoknya lagu ini keren banget dehh...

Liriknya sangat sederhana bahwa masalah adalah teman walaupun masalah adalah musuh. Namun kita dapat mengubah cara pandang kita agar masalah bukan musuh yang menyeramkan, kita anggap masalah sebagai teman yang mengajarkan untuk kebaikan.

Semua makhluk Tuhan tidak ada yang lepas dari masalah. Mereka semua punya masalah baik kecil bahkan masalah besar sekalipun. Mereka memiliki masalah baik terhadap diri sendiri atau pun terhadap lingkungannya. Kadang saat kita mendapatkan masalah, kita tidak sanggup menahan dan mengendalikan diri hingga menangis sehingga kita berlarut dalam masalah.
Kita mendapat madalah seperti berada dalam kegelapan. Masalah itu ada dalam hati dan akan tetap ada jika kita tidak menyelesaikannya dan akan tetap ada jika kita lari dari masalah. Masalah akan selalu tumbuh dan berkembang. Jadi jangan biarkan masalah menang.

Kita harus mampu menjadikan masalah sebagai teman yang akan mengubah cara pandang kita dan sikap kita agar menjadi lebih baik. Tanpa adanya masalah hidup tidak terasa indah karena tidak ada tantangan. Masalah mengajarjan kita agar menjadi lebih dewasa dalam bertindak dan menanggapi setiap tantangan dan mengajarkan kita agar lebih kuat dalam mengarungi kehidupan.

Dalam kehidupan antara kita dan teman adalah dua kehidupan yang saling mengerti. Selalu saling membantu dan mengarahkan agar menjadi lebih baik. Jika kita dapat menganggap masalah sebagai teman berarti kita dapat menyelesaikan dan bukan menghindarinya. Semakin kita dekati dan semakin kita dekat maka masalah bukan menjadi beban. Namun menjadi bagian dari hidup agar menjadi lebih baik.

Namun bagaimanapun juga kita tetap harus berdoa pada Tuhan untuk tidak bermasalah. Dan jika kita mendapat masalah kita dapat menjadikannya sebagai guru yang mengajarkan kita untuk memaksimalkan potensi yang kita miliki.

"Trouble Is A Friend"

Trouble will find you No matter where you go Oh, oh
No matter if you're fast No matter if you're slow Oh, oh
The eye of the storm wanna cry in the morn Oh, oh
You're fine for a while But you start To lose control

He's there in the dark
He's there in my heart
He waits in the wings
he's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend Yeah
Trouble Is a friend of mine Ahh

Trouble is a friend But trouble is a foe Oh, oh
And no matter What I feed him He always seems to grow Oh, oh
He sees what I see And he knows What I know Oh, oh
So don't forget As you ease On down my road

He's there in the dark
He's there in my heart
He waits in the wings
He's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend Yeah
Trouble Is a friend of mine
So don't be alarmed If he takes you
By the arm I won't let him win
But I'm a sucker for his charm
For his charm Trouble is a friend Yeah Trouble Is a friend of mine Ahh

How I hate the way He makes me feel And how I try To make him leave I try Oh, oh, I try

But he's there in the dark
He's there in my heart
He waits in the wings
He's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend Yeah
Trouble Is a friend of mine
So don't be alarmed If he takes you
By the arm I won't let him win
But I'm a sucker for his charm
For his charm Trouble is a friend Yeah Trouble Is a friend of mine Ahh

Ooh Ahh Ooh


Thursday, March 07, 2013 Add Comment

Now I wanna share about Math ... Please enjoy this post. I like math since I studied at elementary school. I do not know why, I think because of my teacher and my parents. They always taught me math every day.

Mathematics related to logic and emotion to solve the problems. Usually mathematics related with numbers and math symbols. Since we were kid, we had been taught math. Such as we were going to say "one, two, three." When we buy something, we pay in certain amount of money. It is the result of mathematical calculations.Mathematics is always around us and it is impossible to hate mathematics.

Many people believe that mathematics is the science that we make so boring. This is because of we can not change our mind set that math is horrific into math is fun. Even if math is a hobby for us in solving problems. Think math is a game, like a detective solve the problems using many tricks and intrigue. In one issue can use variety of methods and different ways of solution, but give the same solution.

Mathematics is the king of science that became the basic of the science. In the opinion of experts that mathematics as a servant of the other sciences. Mathematics is the basic of science. Mathematics has been known for thousands years before century. Mathematical sciences give idea to create somethings. We will not know the computer, phone, robot, mobile phones, etc if we don’t use a math science.

In physics science, using mathematics to calculate the magnitude of a force, to calculate distance of planet to sun, to calculate the electric current strength. In economics and finance we are also using math to calculate profit, loss and the percentage of bank interest. All science uses mathematics as a basic of the other science. No reason that we hated mathematics.

I love math and love very much to math. For me mathematics is an art and beauty. Art plays with numbers and logic. Mathematics is not only to count the number using a calculator, but math is playing game of logic, imagination and emotion. Thank for God, I got study without university entrance test in one of the best universities in Indonesia.

Many things that I have when I learned mathematics. Positive science, and creative thinking, never give up and curiosity to solve problems. For me, I never stop to solve math problem until I get solution using my mind. Because of that I am stubborn girl. Math can make me critical to think but be patient to solve a problem. I will never stop to solve it until I get solution. So it character become my habit in my life.

Sometime some people say, why we must learn mathematic in school, make we are boring with formula. And in our job, we never use that formula. 
But for me, just take a positive thinking for it. Although in our work never use that formula, but we have a critical, creative and good logic to solve a problem because of math.

Mathematical sciences is the most basic science, because
1. When we were three years old must have taught mathematics. For example, when say "one, two, three."
2. We're never can be separated from mathematics. So people say math is basic science.
3. Mathematics is an exact science and no doubt for it.
4. Advanced technology is built of mathematics, such as a computer language that uses figures compiled into a programming language.
5. In a economic, we sell and buy something are using the mathematical sciences.
6. In the competition game had to use math to calculate the point who the winners and who the losers.
7. Mathematics is every thing in our life. No body not use math in their life.

I have a few ways that I use to favor math, may be you can try, such as :
1. I always enjoys with mathematics.
2. Eliminating the assumption that math is horrific.
3. Mathematics is an exact science, so there is no doubt for it.
4. Always enjoy and solve the problem of math and enjoy play math game.
5. Never give up and always try to be able to answer the math problems
7. Discuss to solve math problems with other.
8. Think that numbers is a beautiful painting.
9. Write mathematical formula. For me, I wrote the formula on the sheet and displayed on my bedroom wall.
10. Mathematics is not a boring lesson, but the lesson that makes us curious and be able to solve the problems.
11. Math force us to be dicipline on doing all activity.
12. Math make us to be patient and stubborn.
13. Always think that “I CAN DO IT”.
14. Often make imagination with mathematics.

Math is the beautifull. Mathematical is knowledge that comes from God. Math is an exact science that there is no doubt of it. Do not be afraid in solving problems. Don’t be afraid to make mistake. Because of the mistakes we may know the truth, or force us to do things better.

Sometimes we do not know the truth and we do not get right information to do the right thing. If we do and make mistake, we can see the reaction of the environment, and we can learn what they want. Never stop adding our knowledge, it  doesn’t  get from school, but we can get when we read books. Because book is a silent and faithful teacher.

Take a look:
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 
We assume:
1  2  3  4  5  6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.

So if we add the:
8 +1 +18 +4 +23 + 15 +18 +11 = 98%

11 +14 +15 +23 + 12 +5 +4 +7 + 5 = 96%

1 +20 +20 +9 +20 + 21 +4 +5 = 100%

12 +15 +22 +5 +15 + 6 +7 +15 +4 = 101%

Love of God is more important in our life.

Lets enjoy with mathematics.

Breakthrough Thinking

Wednesday, March 06, 2013 Add Comment
I had written this post in bahasa in 2010. Now I write again in English.

I had Ever read a book that titled "Breakhtrough Thinking" written by four teams (Eko S, Joy K, Anthony WS and Ronni S) from Indonesia. This book is really good. Discussing about the people who think analytically and creatively. In this book also explained that “Being innovative is a choice”. Nothing is wrong between analytically and creatively. Analytical thinking or creative thinking is needed in daily life, especially we have both.

In everyday life, we know that we must be able to recognize our potential and our character, so that we can maximize what we have. Although it is difficult for those who do not recognize themselves. Sometimes I often think that “Who am I, what potential that I have, and what potential that I can develop”. But on the other hand I can recognize my own potential so that I can focus to develop it for further.

In our life, we always have many problem, we never be separated from the problem. Problems can come from our minds that make the problem becomes complicated. Furthermore, the problem based on how we think, determine and respond to that problem. How do we react it, whether we will be dissolved on that problem, or whether we make that problem as a force to be better in the future.

This book describes some of the characteristics being creative thinking, such as
1. Imaginative
2. Curiosity
3. Critical
4. Dare to take risks
5. Sensitive to environmental situations
6. Accept critism from other
7. Able to articulate ideas
8. Generally, unable to work in scheduled

Some characteristics of analytical thinking are:
1. Systematic thinking
2. Discipline
3. Think in a logical
4. Organized
5. Thorough and focus on the details of the problem
6. Awkward
7. Take a long time to decide

In this book show two people name are Cerdi and Cerda. Cerdi has the creative thinking and Cerda has analytic thinking. Cerdi has ideas that appear suddenly while Cerda always analyze the ideas of what is likely to happen, so he looks slower. But neither of them is wrong, if controlled properly. When they did cooperate in preparation of the event, Cerda always required that Cerdi must gave idea on schedule. But Cerdi didn’t do it, because his idea can not appear suddenly.

There is a third person whose innovative thinking, he has an innovation and has vision (visionary). He requires creative ideas and vision to run the analytical. So, He took Cerda and Cerdi to gave their idea. This innovative people can control both, he knows the conditions and circumstances in which the Cerda needed and where the Cerdi needed. He was able to combine the two ideas.

This book tell us that ”Innovative is a Choice.” People who think innovative are more mature than people who think creatively or analytically. According to Mitchell Ditkoff, there are some characteristics of the innovative thinking, such as

1. Curiousity
2. Self Accepting
3. Self motivated
4. Peripatetic
5. Visionar
6. Humorous
7. Takes risk
8. Reflectives
9. Resilient
10. Persevering

I think from what I had read, innovative thinking is a combination of creative thinking and analytical thinking. Combined analytical and creative nature is needed to solve the problem more effective. This book also explains how to find creative ideas and use the tools of problem solving such as SWOT analysis, effectiveness and efficiency analysis, financial impact analysis, and many more.