Tuesday, June 24, 2014 Add Comment

Since this week I found more about woman.  In my environment, home until my work at campus. Now I write an article about woman. This is not mean for discrimination, but it just admits a woman is a beautiful and  great creature of God.
Many people know that a woman is beautiful creatures of God to be spouse of a man. She is beautiful in physically and her character. A woman was created from the rib of man, it means a woman should be treated by good and polite attitude. A woman is a great and strong creatures, but it doesn't mean to be hurt. A woman has more ability and she is multitasking person, she is able to do more activities in the same time. A woman is able to manage her schedule and how to do work properly. Even in any cases of calculations, generally a woman is powerful than a man. 
We know that a man is powerful in his job or office, but if he goes back home, he needs a woman for trivial things. A man is able to solve his problems and focus in his activity at office, but if he loses his bag when he wants to go to work, directly he asks it to his wife. When a man gets troubles, then he needs a woman to rise and get encourage him. If a man gets success, then a woman reminds him to not overact and over proud about it. 
A woman is created as a multitasking creature, even she is more capable than a man.  She can do more activity, care for a hubby and her children, manage home conditional, cooking and washing in the same time, manage family financial and even a woman is able to work outside in office without leave her duty as a wife.
In a big company, a secretary always be chosen is a woman because they realize that a woman is able to manage and do more activity and the boss needs. When a boss asks for urgently report, directly she well-done, and in the same time she must manage the schedule for her boss with client, even the phone is ringing while she does it, and she must answer it first. For a woman secretary, she is able to do busy activity, although she will get stress and pressure because of full schedule, but she can handle on it properly.
A woman is tough, she can stand in a bad condition and maybe some man will desperate when he gets in trouble in his job, and a woman always beside him and give support him to rise up. When the family's financial crash, a woman will rise to improve it, although it is not much, but it shows that a woman is capable and strong enough to rise from adversity.
A woman is different with a man when they get pressure and stress at office or other things. She is able to make social relationship with other for sharing and discuss to find a solution. But a man will not do it, he will shut himself or forget even escape from that situation. Rarely a man makes social relationship for that reason because of prestige of a man.
The greatness of a woman who had never held a man is the woman is able to provide space for a new person in her body that would be born into the world. Even a pregnant woman is able to do activity in office and homework like usual. How great a woman is. So that women deserve to be appreciated and respected. Remember that when someone came to Prophet SAW and asked who first to be honored. Then, our prophet SAW said that “Mother...Mother...Mother...and your Father”. So high degree of women to be respected. But for woman, it doesn't mean to forget that a man still has a high position as a leader in family. He will guide woman to goodness. And, woman should respectful and obedient him while he was on the Allah SWT way.
We should be grateful was born as a woman, but we are not ordinary woman, we are an amazing woman who has ability to do amazing for goodness in our environment, family and other social life. Take the most potential and talent that we have as long as we have the chance to live in this earth. If today we are a student, never waste a precious opportunity to get knowledge and  insight as well our provision in this earth and hereafter. If today we are an employee, don't waste our opportunities to develop our talents and potential in career. If today we are a child, we should never waste our opportunities to devote to our parents. If today we are a wife and a mother, we should never waste our opportunity to serve and support our family to build became sakinah, mawadah and warahmah. It's a lot of opportunity we are given by Allah SWT to be a great woman with full talent and multitasking.
The most important thing for women to have is "Education". Although people assume women will eventually just be at home as a wife and mother. But it would be incredibly if woman has high education, then she can create amazing family and amazing children. Our children is continuer of us in the future.
Hi ladies, never give up if there is gravel on the way, do not just stop here and feel comfortable with the situation if we are able to do more. And, still istikamah, striving for goodness and positive thinking. Live is too short in this world, so use optimum our potential for goodness. Ameen..



Monday, June 23, 2014 Add Comment

Hari ini banyak hal yang saya temukan mengenai wanita. Mulai dari lingkungan rumah sampai kampus tempat saya bekerja. Bukan bermaksud untuk diskriminasi, namun hanya mengakui bahwa wanita itu adalah makhluk terindah dan makhluk yang hebat diciptakan Tuhan.

Semua orang tahu bahwa wanita adalah makhluk terindah yang diciptakan Tuhan untuk menjadi pasangan hidup bagi pria. Dia indah baik secara fisik maupun karakternya. Wanita diciptakan dari tulang rusuk pria bagian atas, untuk itu wanita harus diperlakukan dengan baik. Wanita adalah makhluk Tuhan yang paling hebat dan kuat, namun bukan berarti untuk disakiti. Wanita memiliki kemampuan yang lebih sehingga sebagian dari wanita mampu melakukan pekerjaan yang dilakukan oleh pria. Wanita itu multitasking, dia mampu melakukan berbagai kegiatan dalam waktu yang bersamaan. Wanita mampu mengatur jadwal dan cara bekerjanya dengan baik. Bahkan dalam hal hitung-hitungan, pada umumnya wanita lebih hebat dibandingkan pria.

Kita tahu pria mampu menjadi super dalam hal pekerjaannya di kantor, namun jika dia pulang ke rumah, hal sepele masih mebutuhkan wanita. Pria mampu memecahkan masalah dan mampu fokus dalam melakukan aktivitasnya, namun jika suatu ketika dia kehilangan tas saat berangkat ke kantor, maka dia langsung menyerahkan pada istrinya. Saat pria mendapat musibah, maka wanitalah sebagai pembangkit semangatnya. Jika pria mendapat kemenangan, maka wanitalah yang mengingatkannya untuk tidak terlampau membanggakan diri akan kemenangan itu.

Wanita memang diciptakan sebagai makhluk yang multitasking, bahkan lebih dari pria dalam hal multitasking. Hal kecil aja, dikeluarga sang istri yang mampu melakukan berbagai aktivitas seperti menjaga suami dan anaknya, mengatur kondisi rumah, memasak dan mencuci dalam waktu yang bersamaan dan mengatur keuangan keluarga, bahkan wanita pun mampu bekerja di luar rumah tanpa meninggalkan kewajibannya sebagai istri.

Di perusahaan besar yang menjadi sekretaris selalu wanita, karena perusahaan menyadari bahwa wanita mampu mengatur dan mengerjakan berbagai macam pekerjaan yang dibutuhkan oleh atasannya. Saat atasan meminta report yang bersifat urgent, bersamaan dengan itu sekretaris diharuskan untuk mengatur jadwal atasanya dengan klien, bahkan saat membuat report pun telpon tak henti-hentinya berdering dan harus dijawab saat itu juga. Bagi sekretaris wanita mampu melakukan hal yang super sibuk, walaupun nantinya akan mengalami yang namanya tekanan. Namun wanita masih mampu untuk bertahan.

Wanita itu tangguh, dia mampu bertahan dalam kondisi yang seburuk mungkin terjadi padanya. Mungkin sebagian pria akan putus asa jika terjadi musibah dalam pekerjaannya, namun wanitalah yang akan memberi dukungan. Saat ekonomi keluarga mengalami keterpurukan, wanitalah yang bangkit untuk memperbaiki perekonomian keluarganya, walaupun mungkin tidak seberapa, namun hal ini menunjukkan bahwa wanita mampu dan kuat untuk bangkit dari keterpurukan.

Wanita berbeda dengan pria saat wanita mengalami tekanan dalam hal pekerjaan ataupun hal lainnya. Wanita dalam kondisi tersebut mampu membentuk hubungan sosial yang luas dengan lainnya, paling tidak untuk sharing dan berdiskusi guna menemukan solusi dari setiap masalahnya. Sedangkan pria akan mengurung diri atau melupakan bahkan lari dari keadaan tersebut. Jarang pria yang mampu bersosial dengan lainnya saat mengalami keterpurukan karena hal ini menyangkut gengsi bagi pria tersebut.

Satu kehebatan wanita yang tidak pernah dimiliki pria adalah, wanita mampu menyediakan ruang dalam tubuhnya untuk seseorang yang akan dia lahirkan ke dunia. Bahkan wanita dalam keadaan mengandung masih mampu melakukan aktivitas di kantor dan di rumah sebagaimana mestinya. Betapa hebatnya seorang wanita. Untuk itu wanita pantas dihargai dan dihormati. Ingatkah kita, bahwa saat seorang datang kepada Rasulullah SAW dan menanyakan siapakah yang pertama kali untuk dihormati. Rasulullah SAW menjawab ibumu..ibumu..ibumu dan kemudian ayahmu. Begitu tingginya derajat wanita untuk dihormati. Namun bagi kita wanita, bukan berarti kita lupa bahwa laki-laki tetap memiliki kedudukan yang tinggi dalam keluarga sebagai pemimpin dan penunjuk jalan kita kepada kebaikan. Dan kita harus hormat dan patuh padanya selagi masih dijalan yang diridhai Allah SWT.

Bersyukur kita dilahirkan sebagai wanita, namun kita bukan wanita biasa yang hanya berlaku biasa, namun kita adalah wanita yang luar biasa yang mampu melakukan hal-hal luar biasa demi kebaikan baik di lingkungan keluarga  maupun pekerjaan dan sosial lainnya. Manfaatkan semaksimal mungkin potensi dan talenta yang kita punyai selagi kita masih diberi kesempatan hidup di dunia. Jika saat ini kita bersekolah, jangan pernah sia-siakan kesempatan mulia untuk menambah ilmu dan wawasan kita sebagai bekal hidup kelak baik dunia dan akhirat. Jika kita saat ini bekerja, jangan sia-siakan kesempatan kita untuk mengembangkan potensi dan talenta kita dalam berkarir, ketika kita saat ini menjadi seorang anak jangan pernah sia-siakan kesempatan kita untuk berbakti kepada kedua orangtua kita. Ketika saat ini kita menjadi seorang istri dan ibu jangan pernah sia-siakan kesempatan kita untuk melayani dan mendukung keluarga agar tercipta keluarga yang sakinah, mawadah dan warrahmah. Sungguh banyak kesempatan kita yang diberikan Allah SWT untuk menjadi wanita mulia yang penuh talenta.

Satu hal yang paling penting bagi wanita untuk dimiliki adalah “Pendidikan”. Walaupun orang beranggapan wanita pada akhirnya akan hanya berada di rumah sebagai seorang istri dan ibu. Namun alangkah hebatnya wanita yang berpendidikan mampu membentuk keluarga dan anak-anak yang luar biasa.
Wanita, jangan pernah menyerah jika ada kerikil yang menghalangi, jangan hanya berhenti disini dan merasa nyaman dengan keadaan jika masih mampu untuk berbuat lebih. Dan tetap istikamah, berjuang dan berpikir positif untuk kebaikan.



Thursday, June 19, 2014 Add Comment

Saat saya berada diruangan kelas sambil sharing dan bertukar pikiran dengan mahasiswa, saya bertanya apa tujuan mereka mengikuti perkuliahan. Apakah hanya ikut-ikutan karena orang lain kuliah, apakah hanya untuk mendapatkan gelar, atau untuk memperoleh banyak teman atau hal lain. Berbagai alasan yang mereka lontarkan. Namun yang selalu penting diingat adalah mengubah mindset atau pola pikir yang hanya biasa-biasa saja menjadi luar biasa. Dengan mengikuti perkuliahan berarti status siswa berubah menjadi status mahasiswa, dimana level mahasiswa adalah paling tinggi dari pelajar lainnya. Dalam artian ilmu, cara belajar dan pola pikir pun memiliki tingkatan yang tinggi dibandingkan siswa.

Pada umumnya di Indonesia, siswa terbiasa dengan hal yang manja, selalu menerima dan menunggu apa yang disampaikan pengajar. Apa yang diajarkan pengajar selalu benar dimata siswa. Jarang ada siswa yang berani mengungkapkan ide mereka untuk sharing mengenai materi pelajaran yang mereka ikuti. Lain halnya mahasiswa, seharusnya mahasiswa adalah orang yang mampu untuk lebih mandiri, tidak hanya menerima apa yang diajarkan oleh pengajarnya, namun dia juga mencari tahu kebenaran apa yang diajarkan oleh pengajarnya. Tidak sepantasnya mahasiswa bertindak seperti siswa sekolah yang hanya menerima mentah tanpa menganalisa atau pun mencari kebenaran lainnya mengenai materi yang diajarkan oleh pengajarnya. Dan tidak tertutup kemungkinan mahasiswa lebih unggul daripada pengajarnya. Dilain hal, pengajar di perguruan tinggi pun sangat berbeda dengan pengajar di sekolah. Pengajar di perguruan tinggi bertindak sebagai pengajar, motivator dan fasilitator yang mendorong dan memberikan semangat serta mengarahkan mahasiswanya untuk menyelesaikan kuliah dengan tepat waktu dan benar.

Dalam hal perkuliahan tidak tertutup kemungkinan mahasiwa lebih hebat daripada pengajarnya, dan bagi pengajar hal tersebut bukan hal yang memalukan bagi dirinya sendiri namun merupakan hal yang luar biasa dan membanggakan karena dapat bergabung dan sharing dengan mahasiswa yang cerdas dan mandiri. Mandiri bukan berarti harus pintar, dan pintar belum tentu cerdas. Mahasiswa yang cerdas dan mandiri bukan berarti mahasiswa yang selalu memperoleh nilai IPK 4.00, namun dia adalah mahasiswa yang cerdas dalam memanfaatkan waktu dan situasi untuk memaksimalkan kemampuannya dalam belajar. IPK 4.00 hanyalah hadiah dari kecerdasan dan kemandirian mereka dalam mengikuti perkuliahan.

Sebelum memulai perkuliahan, hendaknya membaca sekilas materi yang pernah diajarkan dan mencari informasi lain melalui internet atau pun buku-buku penunjang lainnya yang berkaitan dengan materi yang dipelajari. Pengajar pasti menyarankan untuk menggunakan sebuah buku pedoman dalam mengikuti pelajaran yang diajarkannya, namun tidak ada salahnya memiliki buku lainnya, jurnal, atau pun artikel yang berkaitan dengan materi yang dipelajari. Satu buku memberikan sejuta ide, apalagi lebih dari satu buku tentunya banyak ide yang dapat diperoleh, dan bahkan ide-ide tersebut lebih unggul daripada pengajar. Apakah tidak ada keinginan berargumen dan berdebat hal baru mengenai materi yang dipelajari dengan pengajar. Tentu suasana kelas akan lebih hangat dan lebih menarik dalam pembahasan dan pemahaman materi tersebut. 

Bagi saya pengajar dan mahasiwa adalah satu kesatuan yang memiliki aktivitas selalu belajar dan mengajar. Tidak hanya mahasiswa yang belajar namun pengajar pun juga belajar baik dalam hal materi yang akan disampaikan, belajar bagaimana memberikan dukungan dan motivasi mahasiswa serta belajar bagaimana menciptakan dan mengajak mahasiswa menjadi mahasiswa yang mandiri dan cerdas. Tidak hanya pengajar yang mengajar namun mahasiswa pun juga mengajarkan bagaimana pengajar mampu menjadi motivator dan fasilitator bagi mereka. Bahkan mahasiswa mampu memberikan ilmu yang mungkin pengajarnya belum mengetahui ilmu tersebut sebelumnya.

Suatu saat cara belajar tersebut mungkin sudah tidak pantas lagi untuk digunakan, apalagi teknologi dan informasi yang setiap detik selalu berubah dan memiliki banyak terobosan dalam menyediakan informasi. Mungkin perkuliahan hanya lewat online dan bertatap muka dengan pengajar menggunakan Skype atau Video Call yang sudah tentu memaksa Anda untuk siap menjadi mahasiswa yang cerdas dan mandiri agar mampu mengikuti keadaan yang semakin canggih ini.

Tidak ada diskriminasi untuk mahasiswa mandiri dan cerdas dalam hal perguruan tinggi, dimanapun Anda kuliah, seperti apapun perguruan tinggi Anda, jika ada kemauan dan keinginan serta tindakan yang nyata untuk menjadi mahasiswa mandiri dan cerdas maka hal tersebut pasti dengan mudah terlaksana. Jangan pernah merasa minder atau tidak percaya diri jika Anda berasal dari perguruan tinggi swasta, daerah atau pun dalam hal jurusan yang Anda ambil. Karena apapun itu perguruan tinggi Anda tempat belajar, apapun jurusan Anda, baik laki-laki atau pun perempuan, jika Anda ada keinginan dan komitmen yang sangat kuat dengan diikuti doa dan tindakan, maka Anda pun mampu menjadi mahasiswa yang cerdas dan mandiri, bahkan mampu memiliki mindset yang sangat luar biasa. Jangan pernah sia-siakan kesempatan Anda yang sudah diberikan Tuhan untuk belajar, begitu banyak orang yang tidak mampu membeli pendidikan. Namun Anda sudah memperolehnya. Jadi semua tergantung pada komitmen, tanggung jawab serta keinginan untuk menjadi apa Anda saat ini dan akan datang.

“Ilmu itu mahal namun lebih mahal hidup yang tidak berilmu.



Monday, June 16, 2014 Add Comment
Please watch this video first. This is so amazing and give us motivation about never give up about struggling of life. Please click here for watch a movie.

Maybe we don't know about him. His name is James Zubicic who doesn't have arms and legs since he was born. This condition is out of his ability, if he can choice he will not be here, but it cannot be changed because it has been since he was born. When he was kid he thought that he wanted to have arms and legs. He just focused and worry on his disabled condition, he thought that he cannot do anything. All people laughed him and see him like a monster. He wanted playing football like other boy. He felt depression and sometime want to end his life. He thought that he never marry with a girl and he never gets job because of his condition. Finally, he realised that he shouldn't think like that, he should move on and get up. And, he can prove it. Now he has job as motivator. He lives with his beautiful wife and his cute son. His principles for this all always have feeling grateful to his God.

He never gives up to learn how to stand up again if he falls to the ground because he didn't know how to stand up without arm and leg. He tries..and try.. again and again without give up. He got 100 fails to stand after fall to the ground, then he tried again until he can do it. It is the same with our life, when we are in good condition and we are in comfort zone, we never think that we will fall to bad condition. Sometime we don't get ready to that. Then, when we fall to bad condition we don't know how to stand up again, we do not know how to stand up from adversity. But he shows that he can stand after fail for 100 times. It means if we can do like him that we can stand up from adversity after we try to not give up and make it be good.

When he wants to move to get something he should walk with his small leg, but it needs a long time because of short step moving. Then, he thought how to get long step moving. And, he did jump with right action. Although James Zubicic are disabled person, but his mind and his heart are not disabled. He knows his ability. He always feel happy and think that his life is like journey and beautiful. The most important is always say thank to God.

We can take positive about his life. Now see ourselves. We should always say thanks to God, that we have perfect limbs. We can playing football, we can write, we can take  things and we can run. We have good physic. We should can do more than him. When we fall down and we feel depression and we should know how to stand up and not give up, we shouldn’t think to regret about our life, but we should grateful to God for every condition we are. We know that Allah SWT promises, if we always grateful to Him, we will get more fortune than now. Yea, that is true. Every we say thank to God, we feel satisfied, we feel better and sometime we feel easy to face our life. When we want to solve our problem or pursuit our dream, we will focus on it and try the way to get it without give up. And, we realize that we have potential and we have ability to do it. We should focus on our ability and not care about underestimate of other about us. We can do more than them and even make them shock about what we can do. Sometime we think it is impossible, when we believe that will happen, it will be possible.

Life is not always good and happy, we will face sadness, depress, so what should we do? Does we focus and cry on it? Or will we try to escape from it with good solution. That our choice because we run it. If we want to get good in life so we will try to think how to escape from bad condition, we shouldn't quite and cry about it without doing anything. We must move on and think positively to get  good then. We are great person that God create and we should thank for that. And, we realize as a great person will think great about our life now and future.

So, the most important in our life is grateful about what we have and what we get. This can change our mind to think better, do better and get better things.



Saturday, June 14, 2014 Add Comment

We live in this earth in the short time, we don't know how many times we can do more in life. God gives us everything that we need and God knows what is the best for us. We have more colourful life such as happiness, sadness, success, goodness, badness, etc. 
Nobody lives without having problems and get risk in their life. When we start to do something, so we should finish it, although we will get more problems and risk. It is our power and our great soul we have. All people around us are the nature teachers are teach us about life. They do bad or good we can learn from them to take positive for life. And, think that our life is a great struggle and we will get great result.

If we look back, we know that Derek Redmond was a British athlete who recorded for 400 metres sprint and won gold medals in the 4x400 metres at the World Championships, European Championship and Commonwealth Games. He was so great athlete for sprint, but one thing that we can learn from him is his spirit when he got accident.

In 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona, he followed the 400 metres sprint. This Olympic was his challenge to win after he won gold medals before. In the semifinal Derek Redmond started well, but in the back straight about 250 metres from the finish, he got an accident that he tore his hamstring, he felt really pain and fell the ground. Most people in the olympic thought that he would stop it. He realises his olympic dream was over. He cried out and say “There's no way, I am getting on that stretcher. I am going to finish my stretcher.” With the pain he began to hobble along the track. People at the race tried to stop him, but he didn't care, he still continued it. Suddenly, a man comes from the top and fight back security that stopped him to enter the race. And, a man said “That's my son out there”. He was Jim Redmond.

He said to Derek Redmond, “I am here son, you don't have to do this.” Then Derek Redmond cried and said to his dad “Yes I do”. Without thinking anymore, his dad said “Well then, we will finish this together”. Jim and Derek completed the lap of the track together with Derek leaning on his dad's shoulder for support. Although he didn't get medal in this olympic, but he finished his race with his father beside him and 65.000 spectators rose to give Derek a standing ovation.

This is great motivation that we can catch from him. He didn't give up for his dream to finish his race competition in olympic. Although he got an accident and will get more risk if he continued it, he has decided to start it and do his commitment to finish it. This teach us that if we start to do something and we should finish it. Although we get more risk and challenge to finish it. Maybe more people will try to stop us, or environment doesn't support us or ourselves doesn't support to do our dream, but we still have passion, spirit and ambition that never die and never give up with bless of God.

We have strong feeling and believe that we can do our passion and our dream with bless of God. When we get problems we should think positively to not give up, we should think that is a good information and good teacher for us to do next level on the way to pursuit our dream, even God give us someone or environment that will support us to get it.

"Our beliefs become our thoughts
Our thoughts become our words
Our words become our actions
When we think that something is impossible, shift our thoughts.
So Impossible mean I’m possible."

This is a video of Derec Redmond. You should watch it!!!
please klick here.



Thursday, June 05, 2014 Add Comment

Yesterday, I uploaded more song video from youtube in my facebook. I downloaded it because I awesome about them, they sing the songs of the artist with their ability. Maybe some people will say that they imitated or they are not creative, but we take positive from it. They have a talent and they can express it, and they are famous from it. They have more friends over the world, and they are famous as an artist or musicians. And, it is not possible if they get an offer to be famous singer. This is their talent that they can express it for other.

A few years ago, I always read articles from blog or magazines, in my mind I thought that how they can do it? How they think to write that article. And, they share good information and good knowledge for everybody. And, if we need information, it can be taken directly by type the topic in mister google and we get it in a minute. How great they are. They can express their mind, they can share information and knowledge by their ability.  

In some countries have the programme of television about talent. The participant shows their ability in more field, singing, dancing, playing music, paying magic, or other activity they have it and they can show how amazing they are.

When I see myself and I asked myself what is my talent? How can I know it? How can I develop it? How can I express it?  How can I share good for other? Maybe somebody will think like me as well. When we don't know what is our ability.

Nowadays,  the hot issue is about selfie. Everyone takes their own picture, then they upload it in social media. They get more comment. Some selfies are extreme close-ups, others show of an arm held straight outward and a few the great one feature is standing in front of bathroom mirror so they get full body. More selfie style people show for other. More reason why they take selfies. Maybe to  get attention from many people possible, to show off their own great achievement, to get self-esteem boost, etc. The positive from this they have confidence to express their ability in front of camera. And, maybe they know their talent after positive response from other people. The chance to be a photographer or a model.

How about us if we don't know our talent. Does everybody have it?

Talent is God gift for us, and we have it. Talent is not only able to singing, writing, playing piano, playing football. But being creative people and give bright idea, able to teaching, able to motivating other, this is kind of other talent that we can focus and develop it. Talent is high potential, it is the skill inherent in the individual. And, everybody has it. Just the problem is how to know it, maybe from other people who can see our talent or from ourselves afterthought in a long time, or it appears alone after we can do something and do focus it.

Somebody is able to know other talent, if they want, they will develop other talent and give attention to grow it. This usually do in human resource in company, when they know the talent of their employee, and it will be useful for company, they will focus and grow their employee's talent and they point to company goal.
For me, it is difficult to know my talent, I can writing, teaching or playing music instrument, cooking and creative with handicraft. But I don't know which one is my talent. And, I just do what can I do and always improve and develop it, hope it will be useful for other.And how about you?



Tuesday, June 03, 2014 Add Comment

Di Indonesia, saat pertama kita mengenal dunia pendidikan kita diajarkan untuk bernyanyi, mengenal huruf dan angka, serta menggambar. Sekolah menyediakan berbagai alat-alat mewarnai, menulis hingga perlatan musik. Semuanya penuh dengan warna-warna yang cerah yang sangat menarik perhatian memandangnya. Dan ada satu hal yang mungkin kita tidak sadari semasa kecil, saat guru menyuruh kita untuk membuat sebuah gambar, mungkin semua kita yang pernah mengenyam pendidikan di Indonesia semasa kecil memiliki gambar yang sama. Sebut saja jika disuruh menggambar pemandangan alam, ada dua gunung, matahari di tengah, ada bintang padahal hari di siang hari, ada sawah dan jalan yang membentang di tengah serta tak pernah lupa yaitu pohon kelapa. Mungkin anda akan tersenyum jika mengingat hal ini kembali. Saya pun juga begitu, setiap menggambar pasti membuat dua gunung kembar beserta pelengkapnya. Kadang ditambah dengan burung dan awan di atas gunung.

Kalau kita disuruh menggambar seekor itik, ada sesuatu yang unik di sini yang mungkin kita tidak menyadarinya. Jika orang luar melihat gambar itik anak-anak Indonesia, mereka akan kaget kenapa itik Indonesia selalu menghadap ke arah kiri? Kenapa tidak menghadap ke arah kanan. Mungkin sampai sekarang masih melakukan hal yang sama di beberapa sekolah. Atau kenapa itiknya tidak sedang minum air.

Apa yang keliru dalam hal ini?
Apakah sistem pendidikan kita yang dari dulu lebih banyak mengajarkan dan mendikte anak-anak sekolah untuk melakukan A atau melakukan B atau pun Z. Sebut saja menggambar gunung kembar, di SD kita diajarkan oleh guru membuat gambar gunung kembar beserta pelengkapnya, dan itu pun harus persis sama untuk memperoleh nilai delapan. Begitu juga gambar itik, kita diajarkan membuat gambar itik dimulai dari angka dua, sehingga gambar itik selalu menghadap ke kiri. Kita hanya diajarkan dan didikte untuk meniru apa yang diajarkan guru dan selalu berpikiran bahwa semua aturan guru adalah benar dan harus ditiru. Jika tidak maka poin atau nilai pun akan dikurangi. Hal ini menjadikan suasana yang tidak kreatif, hanya mengikuti dan berharap untuk mendapatkan poin atau nilai dibandingkan mendapatkan ilmu.

Saat saya membuka tempat les kecil di rumah, saya pun kaget saat mereka hafal sebuah bacaan berikut koma dan titiknya. Dan saat ditanya dengan pertanyaan yang sedikit berbeda dibandingkan buku, mereka tidak mampu menjawab pertanyaan tersebut. Karena mereka mengikuti dan menghafal, bukan memikirkan dan menganalisis apa yang mereka baca dan pelajari. Tulisan ini bukan berarti menyalahkan atau menyesalkan guru, namun memperlihatkan ada yang salah dalam sistem pendidikan yang lebih cenderung mengajarkan anak-anak sekolah untuk mengikuti bukan untuk berpikir kreatif dan inovatif. Sehingga mereka bisa berkreasi menciptakan sesuatu yang baru. Mungkin saat ini tidak semua sekolah yang masih melakukan hal yang sama, terutama sekolah swasta yang memiliki visi dan misi yang berbeda dengan sekolah negeri.

Selanjutnya, kenapa kita diajarkan semua materi di sekolah baik ilmu alam, ilmu pasti maupun ilmu sosial. Dalam masa belajar yang sama, semenjak usia 6 tahun, kita tidak diberikan kesempatan untuk fokus pada satu bidang saja. Tapi kita diharuskan untuk menguasai semua bidang ilmu, sehingga memaksa kita untuk mempelajarinya dan bahkan membuat kita bingung dan muak dengan apa yang kita pelajari. Baru pada usia 15 tahun lebih kita diberi kesempatan untuk fokus kepada satu bidang ilmu. Mungkin alasan awalnya bagus, bahwa kita akan mampu menguasai semua ilmu pengetahuan dan menjadi bekal kita kelak. Namun hal ini membuat kita jenuh dan bosan dalam belajar, sehingga banyak siswa yang bolos dan bohong dalam belajar.

Jika kita bandingkan dengan pendidikan diluar negeri, mereka diberikan kebebasan untuk fokus pada bidang minat mereka, sehingga itulah banyak lahir manusia-manusia yang cerdas dan di usia muda sudah menjadi profesor dan menciptakan suatu hal yang baru. Mereka diberi kebebasan untuk mengembangkan ilmu mereka semaksimal mungkin. Di usia yang kurang dari 20 tahun, Mark Zuckerberg mampu menciptakan sebuah inovasi media sosial baru yang hingga saat ini digunakan oleh seluruh umat manusia di dunia yaitu Facebook. Richard Branson yang diberi kebebasan untuk memilih pendidikan atau bisnis. Di usia nya 16 tahun saat masih bersekolah, Richard sudah mampu menghasilkan majalah, yang berjudul Student. Hingga saat ini dia terkenal dengan berbagai bidang usaha bisnis yang dia geluti dengan label The Virgin. Ini semua karena mereka diberi kebebasan untuk memfokuskan diri mereka mempelajari apa yang mereka sukai, dan bahkan mereka tidak didoktrin atau tidak didikte dalam hal pendidikan. Mereka mampu memberikan ide-ide yang kreatif dan inovatif hingga mereka mampu menghasilkan  sesuatu yang luar biasa dan sangat berguna bagi orang lain.

Bagaimana dengan kita yang sudah terlanjur mengenyam pendidikan yang selalu mendikte dan menyuruh kita untuk meniru bukan untuk merobah atau mencipta sesuatu yang lebih baik. Saat saya mengajar mahasiswa di kampus pun mereka lebih cenderung untuk mengikuti pola apa yang saya ajarkan, mereka menganggap semua yang saya ajarkan adalah benar. Mereka tidak meyakini kebenaran jika disuruh untuk mencari informasi dan ilmu terkait pada media lainnya. Mereka hanya percaya dengan apa yang saya sampaikan. Sekali lagi mungkin ini masih banyak terjadi di daerah-daerah selain kampus-kampus di kota-kota besar. Karena dari semasa sekolah dasar, ilmu selalu diberikan layaknya anak bayi yang makan disuapi. Jika tidak ada suapan nasi ke mulut bayi mungil maka dia tidak akan makan dan menangis jika lapar atau diam jika kenyang. Bayi tidak mampu menyuap nasi sendiri walaupun dalam keadaan sangat lapar.

Semua yang keliru dalam hal ini memang sulit untuk dirubah, hal yang sudah terbiasa bahkan sejak ratusan tahun lalu. Jadi kita sebagai pengajar atau kita sebagai pelajar wajib untuk saling mengingatkan dan memperbaiki atau merobah hal-hal yang sudah tidak tepat lagi digunakan untuk diganti dengan sesuatu yang baru yang lebih inovatif dan cerdas agar terlahir manusia-manusia yang luar biasa dengan semua kreatifitas ciptaannya yang bermanfaat bagi khalayak ramai.

Kebiasaan ini akan berlanjut di berbagai bidang lainnya, sebut saja dalam pemilihan jenis pekerjaan. Sebagian daerah lebih cenderung untuk bekerja sebagai pegawai pemerintah, sebagian lagi keluar negeri sebagai pembantu, jarang yang ada untuk menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan sendiri dengan berbagai alasan yang menyanggahnya. Karena di mindset kita yang tidak pernah tertanam untuk memiliki daya cipta dan percaya diri dalam melakukan sebuah inovasi yang luar biasa. Kita tidak diajarkan untuk bagaimana menghadapi resiko, namun kita diajarkan untuk menghindari resiko, sehingga kita tidak berani untuk memulainya. Banyak orang Indonesia sebagai pengikut, sebagai pegawai, sebagai pembantu dan bahkan budak dari majikannya yang selalu mencari perhatian layaknya penjilat mengharapkan kesenangan dari majikannya.
Akan kah kita terus bertahan dalam keadaan seperti ini?



Saturday, May 31, 2014 3 Comments

When I cleaned my room, I found my dvd movie collections there. I found my favorite movie, The Pursuit of Happyness. I have watched this movie more than 10 times and never feel boring. I can tell this movie is an extraordinary movie and more lesson that I can get from it. This movie is true story about stockbroker in America, Chris Gardner. This movie was first released in 2006. It tells the story about Chris Gardner life from people who don't have anything and become the richest as Gardner Rich LLC CEO. The movie tells how the struggles, ups and downs of his life to become the richest man in America.

Start with a man who works as salesman who sells portable bone-density scanners which he demonstrates to doctors and pitches as a handy quantum leap over standard X-rays. He doesn't have fixed salary. He lives with his wife and his son, then one day they have financial problems. His wife leaves him because she can't leave in poor condition. Gardner Rich has passion and believe that he can give happiness to his son. He is willing to queue for long hours in social apartment to get adequate housing for his son, even he is willing to sleep in toilet for his lovely son.

One day he meets a man who drives a red farrari car, he searches place for parking his car. Gardner asked two questions while offering the parking place, “What do you do and How do you do?”. And, a man answer that he is a stockbroker and his salary is $80.000 in a month. This statement makes Gardner change his mind and his motivation. He shocks and curious, then he decides to apply to be stockbroker participant. Unfortunately, he failed because that man was fired, and even Gardner has left his old job as salesman.

Gardner never gives up, he tries to apply for other company to Dean Witter Reynolds. He still needs more effort and with low salary, but he always has high motivation. Finally, he gets certificate and join with Bear, Stearns&Company.  After he is being a high stockbroker level, he is getting resign and build a company, Gardner Rich&Company, Inc. The low condition, poor condition can change his life, he is able to rise and get great life.
This movie is so touching heart and more inspiration that can give encourage to our soul. It is ashame if we pass it. There is a unique thing from this movie, the wrong spelling of the tittle “Happyness”, it should be written as “Happiness”. We don't know the reason that why they make it wrong spell. Happiness mean life with happy and wealth, and to reach it will face more risk and obstacles, and it is not easy to reach and it is not easy as expected. But we have to do efforts, prayer and believe that what we have done will be as expected.

In one of scenes from this movie, Gardner tells to his son that “You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you that you can't do it. You want something? Go get it. Period".

This movie learns to struggle in life and prayer to pursuit our dream, then rare we will face smooth way to get it. The patient, belief, and positive thinking is so important. The shortages and poverty is not an obstacle even something evoke the spirit and change our mindset about life. A strong desire force us to get out from uncomfortable zone to comfortable zone. The great man can be inspired us to afford to live. Assuming that he is a human and we are human as well, they can through their hard life and be great human, then we can through hard life and be great human as well in our specific field.

The education is a key to through this life, education is not only in school or formal education, also informal education that we can get from our experience or other experience and from what we have seen in this world. “Become Life-Long Learner”.

The struggle in life has more risks and we have to be brave to face and bear the risks about what we choose, do everything to be honest and thorough and patient in life. We always try to positive think and confidence what we will do and enjoy life with open heart and sincere. Passion, spirit and motivation can make we believe that we are capable through life in pursuit our dream. The success is in our mind, action and heart. If we are able to make it balance, then success will be close to us.



Friday, May 30, 2014 2 Comments

When I watched The Indonesian Muslim Women's Festival.  That's program was great, they showed their opinion about environment and life as good muslim women. They are not only good looking, also they have good knowledge in Islam and science. More question came for them, and almost they gave great answers. And, now I write this article about moslem women, this not show racist or discriminant. Just it is as good information and see positive from this.

As being muslim women, we must use hijab to cover our body, it is so important to not show our private body to other that are not our mohreem and it only shows to our mohreem especially for our parents and our good moslem husband. Nowadays some of moslem women don't wear hijab due to outside influence, but their attitude should act like moslem women. Women in Islam are not like retarded or be looked underestimate by other.  We are guided by our good husband and we should life base on Al Quran.

Some people will think that why moslem women using hijab? More reason to answer this question. The most important reason, it has been written in Al Qur'an, Surah Al Ahzab ayah 59 : “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And, ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.” 

It is clear that moslem women should use hijab to be known and not be abused by other. It can protect themselves from abusing and crimes. The fact that the high crime comes from women, you can see and feel when women don’t wear hijab, they show their body even their private body, maybe you want to flirt them and want to do something bad to them. So when using hijab with good, this will be far from crime and abuse. Women should protect themselves although the fact that our God always protect us.

When you see moslem people with hijab, you will see beautiful and elegance come from them. And suddenly, you will respect and polite when you meet them, how to look them, talking with them and think about them. In Islam, the beauty and cleanness are so important. Surely, it cannot be denied, some woman want to have good looking, beautiful, grace, and elegance. More women go to salon and beauty center to make their performance physically looking beautiful. Rethink again that, is there only physical so important to looking good? Are looking beautiful to imitate an artist on TV?  Rethink again, does there anythings must be looking beautiful?

And the question ia "What is the beauty?"

The beauty in eyes is everything that makes someone like and love it. The beauty is not only in human, but also everything in this earth, animal, plants and everything that makes we like and love it. And, how about Islam see the beauty? Islam ask to always be beauty and cleanness in our life, beauty in our characteristic, attitude, and act, then physic will follow it.

Most women think that getting beauty must have good body and looking sexy, then man will follow them. They just focus how to attract men and other world cases. They will go to the gym, salon and beauty center and also change their beauty body with surgery that is seen not thankful to God that creates our body. They will attract men with their physical performance. And, I don't think how do they feel if more man will come to them without know what men's purpose to close them. The phisical is not permanent, it can change by the time, if people see and love women because of their physical, it means that men will not permanent have their feeling about them.

The most important in beauty of women is their attitude, act and characteristic. What people say about sexy is not in physically, it comes to their mind, but it is not good to say word sexy. Women have good thinking is smart and be amazing women, this is more than sexy. And, base on hadits that Allah SWT only see human based on their heart and their worship not from their physical.

In Islam they must do prayer five times in a day, this gives more advantage for moslem women. It makes moslem women will look beauty. When they take wudhu (wash their face, hand and leg before the prayer), this can keep their face be fresh and moist. It cleans dirt on face and skin. And, how amazing clean when they do prayer five times in a day. The beauty comes from water of wudhu. It can make them feel calm as well.

The beauty comes from eyes, some of moslem women use special and halal mascara that can keep health of eyes. The beauty is natural, without using hard and expensive make up, we can give smile, have good heart, humble, no lies, polite and simplicity life can make our face look like pink and it comes from our calm heart. Prayer five times in a day is looking like doing gym five times in a day, and it has been proof by researchers. The beauty comes from hijab, they are looking gorgeous and amazing with hijab, they cover their body and maybe sometime make curious, and this is key of beauty. And, also hijab can save hair from the sunlight and other bad environment, so hair will always healthy and beautiful.

The moslem people do that with good, they will look gorgeous in heart, also in their physical. Everybody will polite and respect them. And, I am as moslem people still try to learn how to be good moslem woman. Sometime, I forget and don't realize about it and still need more knowledge to know about it by correction myself. And the most important for me is always keep my hijab.

Thanks. Enjoy other article from my blog.



Sunday, May 25, 2014 Add Comment

Now I invite you to know about my province's culture, it is about traditional dance from Minangkabau ethnic. May you know about this dance, we call “Tari Piring” (The Plate dance).
Tari Piring is one of traditional dance of Minangkabau. From its name we know that means we will see performance of beauty dancers who dance with plates. Usually, the dancers an odd number such as three, five or seven dancers. The dancers will bring plates in their palm while swaying of its to every direction, even turning down with their palm turned down and clicking ring on their finger to the plate, it will give sound like “ting...ting...ting...”. The dance movements are very agile, neat, fast and simultaneous from each dancers, amazingly, whatever energetic moves the dancers make, the plate continue to stick as if glued to their palms. For those who first saw this dance, you will feel so proud and amazed and you will feel worry if plates will fall to the floor.

The plate dance come from Solok city, one of city from West Sumatera province. The first is purposing of this dance is ritual of gratitude Minang society over abundant harvest. This dance took place the first time before Islam entered to Minangkabau, at that time they worship Gods, so this expression as symbolized the gratefulness of the people to the Almighty Goda which was performed as ritual the harvest time. And, more beautiful girls brought food were placed in a dish. After Islam entered to Minangkabau, this expression as offering to the kings or royalty and only as entertainment for the community.

The dance is as one of important asset for West Sumatera government and it often holds some dance festival in local and international such as America, Germany, Singapore, Malaysia, Dutch, Pakistan, etc. And, sometime ago this dance was shown in four cities in Pakistan, one of them is Karachi.

The plate dance is so unique, it movements imitate farmer grow and express gratitude when the harvest. The dance swaying two or three plates and sometime put candle lit on it. And, that's so amazing that candles will not be extinguished until the dance is finished.  The other amazing from this dance is two rings on fingers and clicking it on plates. In the end of dance, as dramatic climax, you will see the dancers will smash the plates onto the floor, delibaretly breaking them into sharp of pieces. The dancer will then continue dancing on the pointed shards, remaining completely uninjured. That's why this dance makes everyone amazed. Don't know exactly what the meaning of this, maybe it expresses how happy and excited  they are about harvest.

Beside that, the dancers must have high concentration and must be clean about heart, not arrogant and not in periodic time for girl dancers. Before thread and dance on shards of glasses, dancers must take wudhu and a diviner must do prayer. The plate dance is combined with quickly music from Talempong, Gandang and Saluang. The dress of dancer are light colour such as red and yellow just for easy to know and attract the attention of audience.

As we know that this dance movements imitate farmer, such as hoeing, pull the seeds, planting, fencing, mowing of rice, threshing (drying) of rice, take rice, aerate of race, pounding rice with a pestle, taking out the trash, unwind, deliver food. And, the last is called Pasambahan, it is as gratitude to Allah SWT and an apology to the audience who watched the dance, then “Singanjua Lalai” movement is symbolizes as Minang girls who are walking beautiful in the morning, other movements look like cooperation (“gotong royong”) and combination with treading shards of glasses.

The steps of plate dance begins from preparing such as do exercise and preparing good and no cracked plates. Then, when the dancer get ready to show their performance to audiences usually starts with amazed musical traditional instruments using “rebana” (like tambourine were the initial musical instruments) and gong or “talempong” and “Saluang” (like flute). The first movements from dancers is “Pasambahan” to offering and respect for audience, then grow rice movements until harvest movements. Then, continue with amazing performances, dance and jump on shards of glasses. While dancing, the dancers swing and give sound “ting..ting...ting...” from ring and plates. Then, they end the dance with “Pasambahan” again  as expression of gratitude to Allah SWT and say thanks to audiences.
The essence of the plate dance gives positive messages such as happiness, unity, mutual assistance, welfare and prosperity. That's so amazing and so beautiful if we watch it directly. We feel amazed specially when dancers dance and jump on shards of glasses. This is more important assets from Minangkabau culture, West Sumatera province. 

I write this article about the plate dance because I feel so amazed and proud about my province culture, and when I attended my friend wedding party, we are entertained with this dance. Then, I search more information about history of the plate dance. This group dancer in this video name is Gastarana, they have held performance for more country, the last is in four big city in Pakistan as cooperation between Indonesia and Pakistan.

You can watch this dance on this URL. Please click it directly you will watch amazing the plate dance. klick here to see the video. 

I am proud with my culture.

by MEYF ^_^